The Official JTR Speakers Loudspeaker Discussion Thread!

Congrats! Hope you (and your wife) enjoy them. Pass on my apologies to her. But come to think of it, maybe I can buy some more speakers and blame you.

I'm interested to hear how you think they compare to the Revels. Do you plan to keep the JTRs & Revels afterwards, or only keeping the winner.?
Congrats! Hope you (and your wife) enjoy them. Pass on my apologies to her. But come to think of it, maybe I can buy some more speakers and blame you.

I'm interested to hear how you think they compare to the Revels. Do you plan to keep the JTRs & Revels afterwards, or only keeping the winner.?
I‘ll definitely follow up with my feedback once I’ve finished my testing. I’ll be keeping the winner and selling the other.
@jdubs75 What did you use to make your JTRs shine? Mine are rather dull compared to your photo.
Revel praise is plentiful and well deserved these days. But I believe the smooth clarity of those JTR's will surprise you! We'd love to hear which ones you favor.;)
@jdubs75 What did you use to make your JTRs shine? Mine are rather dull compared to your photo.
Nothing really. Wiped them down with a microfiber. It’s probably just the way the recessed lighting is hitting them.
Happy Friday All! So after many hours of testing/ comparing the Revels vs the JTRs I'm sticking with the Revels. I had very high expectations for the JTRs. I really thought I was going to be blown away and not even question which speaker I was going to keep however I wasn't. There's just way more detail/ separation from the Revels within my room.

That said, the JTRs are available so if anyone is insterested let me know :)
Glad to hear you were easily able to determine which you preferred. If nothing else, you've scratched an itch. Sorry I encouraged that itch.

If you're still within the 30 day return period (or even a little over), it might be cheaper to simply return them to JTR and just be out the shipping charges instead of selling them. Just a thought.
Thinking about giving the RTJ 410 speakers a spin in my room and see how they stack up to the ML 15A stats. If you remember our speaker evaluation, the 15A and 210RT pretty much smoked the Revel PerformaBe F328Be speakers in my room. The 210RT speakers were the closest I've had in my room to what the 15A does in terms of huge and wide soundstage, precise imaging, and excellent depth acuity. We all thought that maybe the 215RT would be closer to the 15A with its larger waveguide... and the 410 is even larger. Very tempting. It would be so cool to have a complete JTR system, but the main course will have to step up with two-channel to get the full complement in the room.
Thinking about giving the RTJ 410 speakers a spin in my room and see how they stack up to the ML 15A stats. If you remember our speaker evaluation, the 15A and 210RT pretty much smoked the Revel PerformaBe F328Be speakers in my room. The 210RT speakers were the closest I've had in my room to what the 15A does in terms of huge and wide soundstage, precise imaging, and excellent depth acuity. We all thought that maybe the 215RT would be closer to the 15A with its larger waveguide... and the 410 is even larger. Very tempting. It would be so cool to have a complete JTR system, but the main course will have to step up with two-channel to get the full complement in the room.

You will be getting the subs with them, right?
I hope that your home is well constructed, the neighbors are far, pets already deaf, and the Mrs. extremely tolerant of the insanity. ;) Have fun and don’t hurt yourself moving ‘em around!

With six Captivator 2400 subs on order, I'm not sure I'll need the subs. I'll probably just get the stands.

The red rectangle is my room... and the arrow points to my closest neighbor. Keep in mind I had 10,000 watts powering eight 18" subs at one time in the past.


That pool is now an outdoor grilling patio.. this is a couple years old.
Not yet, but I did get the RS1 for my testing room today.

I hope the others are not far behind.
After ongoing consultation with my lovely wife, I placed an order today for more JTRs to add to what we already have.
A 210RM will replace a 110HT for center duty.
Another 110HT will go with the existing one for side surrounds.
2 110HT-SL will be for Atmos. I’ll still need 2 more of those, but the budget is what it is.

When they arrive the setup will be
210RT right/left
210RM Center
110HT Side Surround
8HT Surround Back
110HT-SL Top Front

All that leaves is another set of 110HT-SL for Top Rear

Lead time is 4-5 months which I gather is from a lot of orders coming in before the Jan 1 price increase and which won’t likely make a difference to me as there’s a good chance we’ll have a home under construction at that time. So these likely won’t get to be used until the fall.

Really looking forward having the LCRs the same, or to be precise, the same enough that slight differences won’t matter.

More thrilling sound awaits 😊
That's going to be one serious center.

I've been chatting with Jeff about customizing me a center channel that will fit my opening. He said he had some ideas, so I'm patiently waiting.
@JStewart congrats on the purchase! Hats off to Mrs. JStewart for the awesome Christmas present.

I was hoping to purchase 4 110SL for Atmos this year (and beat the increase) to replace what I have, but that hasn't worked out.
I saw this the other day. Looks like Jeff is planning to bring high performing products into the living room!

It's always nice to have a wife who obliges us with what we love and, in some cases, loves it too.

Yeah... that center speaker is what prompted me to see if Jeff could customize a center speaker for me. The prototype he introduced doesn't fit my opening and leaves some large gaps.