The Quiet Bang

Marines or anyone shooting their rifles without hearing protection is not good for the ears.
I remember shooting Heckler & Koch G3 and the Uzi during my army service (hard to believe: 4 decades ago!). It was quite noisy with the rest of the platoon firing simultaneously, but I hardly had more than 100 rounds during my whole service, so I don't think it did more harm to my ears than my musical preferences in those days! :dizzy:
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@billrobbo This would be true for any weapon that pushes past the speed of sound (1126 ft/sec) at range... Which means most modern rifles and their standard cartridges out to 300 yards or more... Carlos Hathcock and Chris Kyle much... .300 Win Mag and .338 Lapua Mag + McMillan much... Reach out and touch someone...
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Turned in my H&K P2000 today and qualified with the new Glock 19 Gen 5.

I was pretty fond of my Heckler & Koch P7 for quite a while... Easy carry weapon... Just never really never liked 9mm that much...
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I was pretty fond of my Heckler & Koch P7 for quite a while... Easy carry weapon... Just never really never liked 9mm that much...

9mm has come a long way. I believe 40 was designed specifically after a shootout with fbi in which they, fbi, felt out gunned. Since then 9mm hollow points have come a long way and most law enforcement in the U.S. have moved back to 9mm. In fact I don’t believe the military ever moved away from the 9mm to the 40.
My favourite weapon and ammo ...


Surely can't compete with your toys regarding initial speed: takes a real pro player to achieve around 400 km/h, or 350 km/h for the ladies.

On the other hand we don't use silencers: most of us favour that crisp sound when hitting.
Nice... now you need a threaded barrel for that Stealth you'll have a tax stamp for in a few months.

Where's the Banshee?
Nice... now you need a threaded barrel for that Stealth you'll have a tax stamp for in a few months.

Where's the Banshee?
Threaded barrel is in transit. Banshee was just delivered, time to head to gun shop for background, then my cool off wait. Stealth tax stamp filed and now the long wait. Also ordered a PWS .223 Wylde MK116 PRO.

When I worked for HP I had a call to fix a HDD at a large police station. I arrived and was escorted to the PC and the officer asked if I could transfer the data to the new disc. I said there would normally be a charge and in future they would be billed. While swapping out the faulty drive we chatted and I said I was a member of the local pistol club.
After installing the new disc and ghosting the data across we fired it up. There were a couple of warnings but the files were not essential and everything seemed fine.
The officer said we had better test it then! He walked over and threw a couple of switches which lit up the indoor range. He then pulled out two Glocks and two boxes of ammo and we punched holes in the targets.
The area between my thumb and index finger was sore for two days.
A little late to the thread but some good looking freedom seed launchers here. I'm a member of the Iowa Firearms Coalition who is doing great work here in our state to keep or 2A rights alive, also shoot IDPA on occasion. I won't post pictures of my toys online. Call me paranoid but the anti gunners have their eyes everywhere these days.
Not to hijack the thread but I do have a very lightly used, i.e. like new, Nightforce NSX 5.5-22X56 that I could be talked out of for a very reasonable price.
My guess would be the TX22... competition model if you can find one.
You didn't know I was a spy?

Not sure what the normal dB is, but I do plan to measure the response and SPL with REW at some point in time. The GSL Stealth claims a dB reduction of 34dB. It's pretty quiet, but still loud, although you don't need ear muffs.
Hey .. you can do impulse response with that thing :)
My weekly trips to the range have slowed down to about once a month.. can't find ammo anywhere at a reasonable price. Even my reloading supplies are running low.
@phillihp23, Wonder what you think of the Ruger Mark IV 22/45s... Taurus TX22 over the ATI GSG... And a Mark IV over both of those...

@pratul, Yep, ammo harder to find around here too...
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Vista bought out Remington. We've already been delivered Remington 9mm (last month). They've been up and running for several weeks now.

Like all the ammo manufacturers, they can't produce enough right now... and running a year or more on backorders. It's crazy.
@phillihp23, Wonder what you think of the Ruger Mark IV 22/45s... Taurus TX22 over the ATI GSG... And a Mark IV over both of those...

I was just looking for a fun 22LR pistol to use with a silencer. My first instinct was the new Glock 44 but I have seen many negative reviews. Including one that the slide cracked when firing (full polymer slide). The Ati GSG 1911 gets good reviews but is quoted as being less than 3” grouping. It is 80% compatible with 1911 parts and equal in weight to a true 45ACP. The Taurus TX22 seems to get pretty good reviews for functioning, and accuracy. As for the Mark IV it’s just not my kind of pistol, design etc. and it would be strange putting a silencer on it.
My local box store just jacked up the price of Winchester 556 55grn. Disappointing. Winchester 223 has gotten really hard to find. One of the reasons why I like having a variety of caliber firearms. 22LR is hard to find as people are using it more due to lower prices. I was lucky to score a box today at 10 cent a rnd 40grn. Some sellers are really guaging selling it for 35 cents a rnd. Gone are the days of 5 cent rnds. I had a good day and scored this today.
As for accurate .22LR pistols... in addition to the TX22, we have always heard good things about the Browing Buckmarks and the S&W Victory models. We have sold quite a few GSG Fireflys (formerly the Sig Mosquito), but I haven't heard much about how accurate they are.

FYI... a fantastic silencer for the .22 is the GSL Woodland... crazy how quite that thing is.