V5.20.14 early access build

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Dear John,

Minor bug: Overlays/Clarity CTRL+ALT+y will switch horizontal axis to full frequency range.
Although they are not audible, it will cause switching phases between left and right speakers and measurements will show random peaks or dips at 50Hz which is annoying.
And besides, the program to create a passive crossover behaves inadequately. So I've been wanting to come up with something for a long time. You and John made me practice with the EQ and I did it. Here is the original, dirty measurement and the new, clean one. Thanks again.


Hi @John Mulcahy,
Two questions from my side:

Is it possible to allow for longer measurement names? Often during an import these will be trimmed to 26 or so characters. I know it's not a trivial task since this might affect backwards compatibility of mdat files and cause some nasty graphical issues with legend in All SPL graph, etc.
A minor graphical thing - on MacOS (with the latest 5.20.14 version) the left sidebar sometimes goes underneath the graph and the icons are inaccessible. Clicking "collapse" twice doesn't change a thing.


  • Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 15.25.39.png
    Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 15.25.39.png
    66.6 KB · Views: 43
And besides, the program to create a passive crossover behaves inadequately. So I've been wanting to come up with something for a long time. You and John made me practice with the EQ and I did it. Here is the original, dirty measurement and the new, clean one. Thanks again.
I use the new "dB + phase average" feature to average left and right speakers, it gets rid of the phase ground loop related dips in the vector average.
A minor graphical thing - on MacOS (with the latest 5.20.14 version) the left sidebar sometimes goes underneath the graph and the icons are inaccessible. Clicking "collapse" twice doesn't change a thing.
What Mac hardware and OS version are you running when you see this problem? What's the screen resolution setting? Have you changed any of the font settings in REW's View preferences? I don't see this issue on various different Macs running Catalina to the latest Sonoma developer beta.
mdat is not attached, must be over file size limit.

I can't see anything wrong in the info windows. 4M measurements might be causing some memory issues (wild guess). You'll need to wait for John .
When I tried 2M measurements, 1/A worked, so I think you are on to something.

Love the results BTW, and love the work John has put into REW. Thank you both!


I made a new measurement with filters applied. Can I apply the same filters to other measurements if I didn't save the filters separately and close REW?
Managed to get an "Out of bounds java exception" when aggressively pressing "cross corr align" to align 2 measurement EP versions (they kept moving, too)

REW V5.20.14 running Azul Systems, Inc. JRE 1.8.0_372 64-bit on Windows 10 Locale: language en, keyboard GB, windows-1252 at 96 DPI

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 18064
Stack Trace:
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)


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Builds updated today (ea70) with these changes:
  • Added: JRULTR subwoofer equaliser option
  • Changed: The positions of the Measurement actions, Trace arithmetic and Alignment tool dialogs are remembered for the next startup
  • Changed: Relax measurement SNR signal-to-noise warning threshold from 30 dB to 20 dB
  • Changed: Another attempt to improve UMIK-1 detection on Linux
  • Changed: Add "Fit Y to data" support for Clarity and RT60 graphs
  • Changed: When alignment tool gains are adjusted the traces of the corresponding measurement are shifted
  • Changed: Removed the measurement A delay control from the Alignment tool
  • Changed: Provided coarse and fine delay sliders for the Alignment tool measurement B delay with a total range of +/- 1000 ms
  • Changed: Provided coarse and fine offset sliders for the Offset t=0 adjustment on the SPL & Phase and Group Delay graphs and increased range to +/- 100 ms
  • Fixed: Individual input voltage calibrations were not saved to measurements, the calibration for input 0 was used for all inputs
  • Fixed: Array index out of bounds could occur when performing operations on multiple smoothed measurements
Builds updated today (ea71) with these changes:
  • Fixed: Switching from Java driver to ASIO driver for a multi-input device could sometimes cause a concurrent modification exception
  • Fixed: Button to show graph scroll bars was missing
I've had the attached exception occur a couple of times now. I run REW with one UMIK-1|2 mic, exit REW, unplug the mic, plug in a different UMIK-1|2 mic, start REW, and the exception occurs. Starting up REW again, no exception.


The Alignment tool seems to cause REW to hang on my Macbook Pro. It's using a lot of CPU power, and when I try to use the top menu REW becomes Not Responding in the Activity Monitor. I'm using the ea70 build. The macOS is Ventura 13.5. Any idea what could be wrong?
I've had the attached exception occur a couple of times now
That's a bit of self-contradiction in JavaSound. It includes the headphone port in the list of available audio devices but when it is asked to provide a name for the device it is saying actually the device isn't available after all, probably because it doesn't have anything plugged into it. I'll suppress the error.
The Alignment tool seems to cause REW to hang on my Macbook Pro.
Can you attach an mdat file with the two measurements you are trying to align and attach a screenshot of the alignment tool setup before the hang occurs, please? What is the alignment frequency?

In the help menu there is an option to generate a diagnostic file, please also attach the file that produces.
Can you attach an mdat file with the two measurements you are trying to align and attach a screenshot of the alignment tool setup before the hang occurs, please? What is the alignment frequency?

In the help menu there is an option to generate a diagnostic file, please also attach the file that produces.
OK, here is an mdat with two measurements, and a screenshot at the point where REW is starting to hang. Unfortunately, the Help menu is also unresponsive, so no diagnostic files can be generated at this point. The selected frequency is 100 Hz, if it matters.


Builds updated today (ea72) with this change:
  • Fixed: Alignment tool would hang if a measurement being aligned had unwrapped phase
Hi John,

I use the latest 5-20-14

I am a little confused about the operation done in this mdat:
the first graph is a meassurement
the second one a target
the third is a smoothed exported version of graph 1, reimported
the 4th is graph 2 divided by graph 3
the 5th is the result of graph 1 versus graph 4

question: since graph 4 has no IR, shouldn't it be minimum phase in a arithmetic operation? the phase of graph 5 makes no sense to me.
also when I create a MP version of that filter in order to force an IR, the sum of the measurement with that doesn't have an IR. It does have a phase though. when I click on "generate MP" in GD suddenly the IR appears but the phase is changed (near linear phase) likewise the example above.
also when I create a MP version of that filter in order to force an IR, the sum of the measurement with that doesn't have an IR
They are at different sample rates. The measurement is 44.1 kHz, A over B is 48 kHz. If the sample rates are not related by an integer the arithmetic will use magnitude and phase values.
@John Mulcahy not sure if it is a bug or a feature and if it is a bug, if it has been reported.

When I set "Target Type" to "None" in "EQ Preferences" and then want to EQ with a generic EQ, it sets the target to Subwoofer. Needs to be changed every time. It does not seem to be picking up the Target Type preference.

Details in the attached files.
REW v5.20.14
2020 16" MacBook Pro 64 GB on Ventura 13.0.1

Screenshot EQ Prefs.png Generic EQ Screenshot.png REW Version Info.png Platform Info.png
When I set "Target Type" to "None" in "EQ Preferences" and then want to EQ with a generic EQ, it sets the target to Subwoofer.
Works as intended for me. The default target type in the Equaliser preferences is used for new measurements. Changing the default will not affect the target type for any existing measurements.
Got this exception doing from-file measurements with latest build:

REW V5.20.14 running Azul Systems, Inc. JRE 1.8.0_382 64-bit on Windows 10 Locale: language en, keyboard US, windows-1252 at 96 DPI

java.lang.RuntimeException: called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value
Stack Trace:
called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value
com.cleansine.sound.provider.SimpleMixer.nGetAvailBytes(Native Method)
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