REW Beta Release V5.30 beta release

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when i use Offset t=0 in Impulse tab, error
And REW is insanly slow. Can't this be optimized? I didn't open a few files. I think it's just 5.30 version all of a sudden.
I'll attach the file I'm playing with.

REW V5.30 Beta 3 running Azul Systems, Inc. JRE 1.8.0_392 64-bit on Windows 10 Locale: language ko, keyboard KR, x-windows-949 at 96 DPI

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Stack Trace:
Java heap space

REW V5.30 Beta 3 running Azul Systems, Inc. JRE 1.8.0_392 64-bit on Windows 10 Locale: language ko, keyboard KR, x-windows-949 at 96 DPI

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Stack Trace:
Java heap space

when i use Offset t=0 in Impulse tab, error
Per the message, REW ran out of memory. That's not very surprising considering the mdat file is 320 MB and each of the 10 impulse responses in the file is 8 Msamples, lasting 174.76 seconds. The impulse responses reach the noise floor after 28 ms, so they are approximately 6,240 times longer than they need to be.

And REW is insanly slow. Can't this be optimized?
Yes, by you. Don't ask REW to work with such ridiculously long impulse responses. You have probably set the Analysis preference for Impulse response calculation to "Keep full IR". Don't do that. The default is "Truncate IR after 1.7 s" which is more than long enough for measurements in domestic spaces.

If you are using trace arithmetic operations that produce long impulse responses, such as inversion or division, you can use the All SPL "Trim IR to windows" action to discard excess content.
Build links in the first post have been updated to beta 4 with these changes:
  • Added: RTA Forever averaging can be configured to stop the RTA when a chosen averaging count is reached
  • Changed: Output channel mapping allows up to 17 channels to support 16 ATMOS channels plus a reference channel
  • Fixed: Starting the RTA after opening the Stepped Sine dialog caused an exception
  • Fixed: IR window presets were not saved on exit if the presets window was visible
  • Fixed: Deleting IR window presets did not work properly
Quick test on a Macbook Air with Sonoma 14.1. Make sure that you have an input device selected:


Thank you for the replies. The measurement icon was never greyed out like that, and measurements were possible by clicking on it, however, It might have been device related, even though I had only been using the assigned I/O I disconnected an unused interface and it's been working fine since.
Per the message, REW ran out of memory. That's not very surprising considering the mdat file is 320 MB and each of the 10 impulse responses in the file is 8 Msamples, lasting 174.76 seconds. The impulse responses reach the noise floor after 28 ms, so they are approximately 6,240 times longer than they need to be.

Yes, by you. Don't ask REW to work with such ridiculously long impulse responses. You have probably set the Analysis preference for Impulse response calculation to "Keep full IR". Don't do that. The default is "Truncate IR after 1.7 s" which is more than long enough for measurements in domestic spaces.

If you are using trace arithmetic operations that produce long impulse responses, such as inversion or division, you can use the All SPL "Trim IR to windows" action to discard excess content.
Sorry and thanks.
I don't knew why that file big. (Becasue I thought I did trim. That's what happens all the time. But when I heard you, I was surprised, so I checked.. LOL I don't know why it's like that.)
How does atmos work on beta 4? I still cannot select more than the bed layer speakers.
I have install the latest version but I still can't get Output channel up to 17 channels to support 16 ATMOS channels . Am I doing something wrong here. Kindly advise. Tq
REW can only access the channels the interface offers. If you have an ATMOS replay system (rather than a studio ATMOS authoring system) the additional channels are not directly accessible, they are generated by the ATMOS decoder. For such systems file-based playback using files from this thread are a way to access the extra channels.
Ive used REW in the past for studio measurements . I want to measure the frequency of an outdoor noise source. Do you use sweep setting to do this?
"Output channel mapping allows up to 17 channels to support 16 ATMOS channels plus a reference channel"

Does this mean I can output Dolby Atmos with exclusive drivers? Do I need to activate Atmos on my laptop? Right now I use Dolby Atmos sweeps from my laptop that just play in Dolby Atmos. What is the quality of the sweeps when in Dolby Atmos? Is it 24-bit/48?
Beta 4, Export measurement as txt, ticking "Do not include headers and comments in the export" is not working.
Suggestion: A mouse right click option to move the measurement to the top. It would be much faster than manually moving a measurement upwards when cross correlation operations are needed and there are many measurements.
Hi @John Mulcahy ,
I have just switched from ASIO4All to the Java Driver in the latest beta.( Win11)
On my System the mapping of the Surround and Surround Back channels seems to be mixed up - so when I chose SBL as output my SL is addressed and choosing SL addresses the SBL.
Is there a way to rename the channels for the output ?
@John Mulcahy, the Measure With These Filters function works great! :jump: But I'm confused with respect to what used to be the calibration with Pink Noise. When I went to Measure there was only a Check Levels, and as I had not yet done a measurement with this beta release I expected it to go for a Calibration. It did not. So I went to Generator and selected Pink Noise. I saw the Calibrate button, but when I selected that it flipped to Sine Wave. Are we using Sine Wave now for Calibrations meant for sweep measurements? I tried it, but when I hit the play button for the Sine Wave I heard nothing through my speakers (yes, the Pink Noise and the Measurement sweep does play fine through my system).
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Calibrating the generator establishes the relationship between dBFS and output voltage for the generator. It is relevant for those making voltage-related measurements of equipment. The calibration you were expecting is for SPL, but I expect you had already done it for the interface you were using.
But with the beta, how? In versions up through 5.19, if I launched it and hadn't set an SPL calibration, on first Measurement it would tell me so and prompt me to do a calibration. That doesn't seem to be there anymore with the beta.
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