REW Beta Release V5.30 beta release

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If the input has already been calibrated (in any version) it won't ask again. If you want to force an SPL calibration then just go through the process by clicking the button on the SPL meter.
Build links in the first post have been updated to beta 5 with these changes:
  • Added: The configurable equaliser has a "Symmetric Q" option similar to Classic Q except cut filters are symmetric complements to boost filters for a given Q figure
  • Fixed: ASIO Int32LSB24 input format was not handled correctly
  • Fixed: The option to not include headers and comments when exporting measurements as text was not working properly
  • Fixed: 8c names could be displayed incorrectly in scan results in some circumstances
When measuring dual channel "use loopback as cal and timing reference", I find actual measured SPL is very inconsistent if start freq is not 0Hz. I had increased start freq for measuring some tweeters, but SPL was not consistent measurement to measurement, sometimes way off. Changing start freq down to 0Hz resolved the issue. Here's a comparison, where 60 degree measurement is not right amplitude with 300Hz cutoff.

0Hz start, measurements are okay and repeatable

r2604 0hz start.png

Start freq 300Hz, amplitude is inconsistent, data should be exact same as above, but isn't.
r2604 300hz start.png

As an aside, is there an "expert mode" setting somewhere that turns off all the warning prompts when measuring? SPL isn't calibrated, level is too low, reference output should be a different output channel, I'd like to turn all that off so the software just measures when I press the measure button.


Hello John

is it possible that when an Emotiva RMC-1 is selected as EQ that the value for Q is not calculated to be greater than 10. If currently REW calculates a value for Q > 10, this is automatically reset to 10.00 when importing the filters into the Emotiva without a hint. This can lead to filters that are much too strong if it is not noticed. This behavior is identical for XMC-2 and RMC-1L.

Kind regards
is it possible that when an Emotiva RMC-1 is selected as EQ that the value for Q is not calculated to be greater than 10.
The Q range Emotiva advised for those processors is 0.6 to 50, which is what REW uses and exports to .emo files. If there is a limit on import that must be something new on the Emotiva side.
The Q range Emotiva advised for those processors is 0.6 to 50, which is what REW uses and exports to .emo files. If there is a limit on import that must be something new on the Emotiva side.

Yes, it worked with the XMC-1, but unfortunately this is no longer the case with the XMC-2 and RMC-1.
I have already opened a support ticket with Emotiva about this. This is the answer: "At this time, the max the Q can be adjusted to would be 10."
When measuring dual channel "use loopback as cal and timing reference", I find actual measured SPL is very inconsistent if start freq is not 0Hz
Thanks, it is caused by noise outside the measurement range exceeding the 20 dB threshold of the 1 kHz reference level, I have fixed it for the next build to ignore data outside the measurement span. Note that If you are not measuring full range the IR may have artefacts if merging the loopback response into the IR since the merge will not have valid data outside the sweep range, though they should not affect the measured response within the sweep range. Probably better to use the loopback to generate a cal file in those cases.
Yes, it worked with the XMC-1, but unfortunately this is no longer the case with the XMC-2 and RMC-1.
I have already opened a support ticket with Emotiva about this. This is the answer: "At this time, the max the Q can be adjusted to would be 10."
OK, I'll change the limit for the RMC-1 entry to 10 for the next beta.
John, good afternoon. There is an old question. If I opened the preferences window, clicked check levels and did not click next or finish, but clicked close window through the cross at the top right, this window (window process) remains open, but not visible. The user does not know about this. It is impossible to close it. It is also impossible to call up the level check window again; the button is not active. Only through closing REW.
If I opened the preferences window, clicked check levels and did not click next or finish, but clicked close window through the cross at the top right, this window (window process) remains open, but not visible.
Thanks, I have fixed it for the next build.
No idea what that means, so I'd say no.
Sorry, I shouldn't have assumed. FabFilter ProQ3 is a very common VST plugin used in audio engineering for mixing/mastering. It uses a filter-calculation that differs from the Generic type within REW, so I was asking if the EQ tab could eventually have a setting for that type of bandwidth/slope calculation of EQ bands so mixing/mastering engineers could use a plugin they're more familiar with for corrections. Thanks.
Sorry, I shouldn't have assumed. FabFilter ProQ3 is a very common VST plugin used in audio engineering for mixing/mastering. It uses a filter-calculation that differs from the Generic type within REW, so I was asking if the EQ tab could eventually have a setting for that type of bandwidth/slope calculation of EQ bands so mixing/mastering engineers could use a plugin they're more familiar with for corrections. Thanks.
Doesn't its Q definition match one of the options in the Generic configurable equaliser?
V5.30 has now been released and can be downloaded from

The changes from beta 5 to the release version are:
  • Changed: Max Q for Emotiva RMC-1 now 10
  • Fixed: Using loopback as cal and timing ref could have inconsistent level corrections for sweeps with limited frequency range
  • Fixed: Closing the Check levels or Calibrate soundcard window on the Soundcard preferences did not cancel the activity
Is the main release caught up to the beta now? Is there another beta thread?
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