Dutch & Dutch 8c EQ

Hello John,

I also have problems between REW and D&D 8c.
REW does not automatically find the required settings and player files.
Manual searching doesn't really help either.
At the end the following message always appears: "java.lang.NullPointerException".

In the attachment you see various screenshots and informations about my experiments, which were made with two different MacBooks. The internal Mac OS firewall was always turned off.

However, with the same negative result.

Maybe my information will help you to solve the problem.

Best regards,


  • 01 REW Start.png
    01 REW Start.png
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  • • MacBookPro Firewall.png
    • MacBookPro Firewall.png
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  • 02 REW Start.png
    02 REW Start.png
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  • 05 REW Prefs EQ.png
    05 REW Prefs EQ.png
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  • 06 REW Prefs EQ.png
    06 REW Prefs EQ.png
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  • 07 REW EQ.png
    07 REW EQ.png
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  • 08 REW EQ.png
    08 REW EQ.png
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  • 11 REW EQ Filter Tasks.png
    11 REW EQ Filter Tasks.png
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  • 12 REW EQ Filter Tasks.png
    12 REW EQ Filter Tasks.png
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  • 13 REW EQ Filter Tasks.png
    13 REW EQ Filter Tasks.png
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  • 16 REW Measurement 8c Java.png
    16 REW Measurement 8c Java.png
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  • 17 REW Measurement 8c Java.png
    17 REW Measurement 8c Java.png
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  • MacBookPro REW V5 20200730 java.lang.NullPointerException.pdf
    MacBookPro REW V5 20200730 java.lang.NullPointerException.pdf
    20.8 KB · Views: 16
  • MacBookPro Specs.png
    MacBookPro Specs.png
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Today I also tried fresh hosts file, it did not helped.
Running old windows pc on the same network works fine. I did some test and noticed that REW EQ filters only adjust " I followed the D&D tutorial" the peaks and doing nothing for the deeps. Is that normal ? If this is a room correction should add filters also to deeps.
Ps : Also changed few settings to adjust to deeps but did not work, FYI
I also have problems between REW and D&D 8c.
REW does not automatically find the required settings and player files.
Thanks Henner. That is a different problem, the speakers are found but they do not have a local network address, just a mac address. I think that is something to report to D&D, I will let them know.
Running old windows pc on the same network works fine. I did some test and noticed that REW EQ filters only adjust " I followed the D&D tutorial" the peaks and doing nothing for the deeps. Is that normal ? If this is a room correction should add filters also to deeps.
Ps : Also changed few settings to adjust to deeps but did not work, FYI
Filling dips is risky, as they can be very localised so fixing a dip at the measurement position can create a peak from the correction a short distance away. To allow REW to apply boost filters to try and address dips you need to set the "Individual max boost" and "Overall max boost" in REW's Filter Tasks pane with the gains REW is allowed to use. The 8c filters have a 6 dB gain limit so any dip more than that (or more than the values entered for the boost settings) will be ignored. You can also manually apply filters of your own.
Thanks Henner. That is a different problem, the speakers are found but they do not have a local network address, just a mac address. I think that is something to report to D&D, I will let them know.

Hello John,
thank you for your quick reply.
However, my D&D 8c have a fixed IP address in the network. Only currently no permission for an independent port release. Here again the screenshots. Many thanks and best regards, Henner.


  • IP -Adress DD_8c-1038.png
    IP -Adress DD_8c-1038.png
    30.6 KB · Views: 33
  • IP-Adress  DD_8c-1037.png
    IP-Adress DD_8c-1037.png
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  • Network Mesh.png
    Network Mesh.png
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Good to know, but the speakers are not returning any local network address in their m-DNS responses, just their MAC address:

REW V5.20 Beta 56 startup on Jul 29, 2020 6:01:54 PM
Scan for 8c on Jul 29, 2020 6:07:23 PM
Found 8c-1037 with these addresses:
Address: /fe80:0:0:0:679:b7ff:feac:d8c0
8c-1037 is running 1.4.57
Could not get a network address for 8c-1037 address list size: 1
Found 8c-1038 with these addresses:
Address: /fe80:0:0:0:679:b7ff:fea0:a050
8c-1038 is running 1.4.57
Could not get a network address for 8c-1038 address list size: 1

A containing 8c-1037 8c-1038
Good to know, but the speakers are not returning any local network address in their m-DNS responses, just their MAC address:

REW V5.20 Beta 56 startup on Jul 29, 2020 6:01:54 PM
Scan for 8c on Jul 29, 2020 6:07:23 PM
Found 8c-1037 with these addresses:
Address: /fe80:0:0:0:679:b7ff:feac:d8c0
8c-1037 is running 1.4.57
Could not get a network address for 8c-1037 address list size: 1
Found 8c-1038 with these addresses:
Address: /fe80:0:0:0:679:b7ff:fea0:a050
8c-1038 is running 1.4.57
Could not get a network address for 8c-1038 address list size: 1

A containing 8c-1037 8c-1038

Hello John, thank you for your support.
I have already informed Martijn Mensink from Dutch & Dutch of your information.
Best regards, Henner.
Hello John, thank you for your support.
I have already informed Martijn Mensink from Dutch & Dutch of your information.
I have sent a link via the conversation system to a test version to try that uses the IPV6 address to connect, that might fix the problem you are seeing.
An update... Twice, and it is very very rare, I also had the display of a pop-up asking to allow incoming network connections for REW (see the screenshot).

Of course, each time, I have selected "Allow". In one case, I could see the 8c's in REW but, in the other case, even after allowing incoming connections, no 8c's in REW!

For some reason, I really feel that REW has some troubles to find the 8c's and, when it succeeds, the system asks to allow incoming connections but it seems that the connection to the 8c's is very fragile.

Also, what is a bit strange is that in my firewall config incoming connections to REW are allowed!

Once again, I can ping the speakers and the discovery via lanspeaker.com works very well.

Best regards.

Another update: I also tried from a fresh Mac OS Catalina 10.15.6 installation and the problem is the same.
I am away this week, I will look into this further when I get back. Strange though, no idea why it is fine on my mac mini but doesn't see anything on your Mac.
Yes, strange. Please do not forgett that[U] Burkut[/U] has the same issue with his MAC and that when I run REW in a Windows 10 virtual machine installed on my MAC, it works well.

The issue was also sent to Dutch&Ducth (Martijn).

Thank you for your help John.
I have put a macOS test version at http://roomeqwizard.com/REW_macos_8c_test.dmg

It has updated versions of the Web Socket and mDNS discovery libraries, some additional debug and some minor tweaks. Mac users trying it please post a zipped copy of the REW log files folder after you run it so I can check the debug output.

REW saves diagnostic logs in the user's home directory, the location is displayed in the Help -> About REW window. The logs contain information from the last 10 startups, including any error messages or warnings that may have been generated. On macOS the logs are in the user library folder, which no longer appears in Finder by default. To display it either browse to ~/Library/Logs or open your Home folder in Finder (Shift Command + H), select View > Show View Options then select the checkbox to show the library folder. The logs are in the REW folder.
Hi John,
Thank you for your help!
Attached the .zip fiel with the logs (I have deleted the old logs before launching the beta 60).
Still no connection to the 8c's. MacOS firewall is disabled.
Best regards


The interface host address is coming back as the loopback address instead of the Mac's IP address, which is odd and perhaps explains why there are no responses. I'll see if I can make a change to handle that.
Hello John,
thanks for trying again.
But also this time I get the same negative information.
You will find the desired zip files in the attachment.
Best regards, Henner.


Hello John,
thanks for trying again.
But also this time I get the same negative information.
You will find the desired zip files in the attachment.
Best regards, Henner.
Henner, could you please also attach the rew_output.txt file. It is probably easiest to just zip the whole REW log files folder.
Good news! When the firewall is disabled, all is OK now, thank you John!

There is still an issue when my firewall is enabled: I launch REW, the firewall asks me to give the access to REW, which I allow. Then, I open the Measure window and click on the 8C button: no 8C's... I close the window and open the EQ window and click on 'Scan network for speakers': OK, 8C's are discovered (attached logs shows the sequence of these operations). Then, if I reopen the Measure window, I can see the 8c's in the drop-down. The problem is reproducible.


Good news! When the firewall is disabled, all is OK now, thank you John!

There is still an issue when my firewall is enabled
If you add REW as an allowed App in the firewall settings do you still get the prompt every time you start? The initial scan will time out while the prompt is shown, so REW will not see any responses until after the firewall prompt is acknowledged. I'll see if I can do something about that.
REW is in the allowed app list of my firewall but each time I launch REW, I get the prompt.