Dutch & Dutch 8c EQ

I'm also having trouble with REW finding my 8C's.

OSX 10.15.6
REW 5.20 RC4
Firewall is disabled.

8C's are connected to an ethernet switch which is plugged into my Mac ethernet port. I have also tried plugging in a single speaker via ethernet without the switch.

Log file shows:
"Scan for 8c on 07-Jan-2021 18:22:15
No 8c found"

I did have to add my 8C's under "known devices" with .local after the serial number to get Lanspeaker to work correctly. Is there a similar workaround/adjustment required for REW?
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There shouldn't be, REW is a signed and notarized application so should be enabled automatically for access. If you have turned on "Stealth mode" in the Advanced Settings that might have an effect, otherwise make sure the 8c firmware is up to date and if it already is may be best to check with D&D.
There shouldn't be, REW is a signed and notarized application so should be enabled automatically for access. If you have turned on "Stealth mode" in the Advanced Settings that might have an effect, otherwise make sure the 8c firmware is up to date and if it already is may be best to check with D&D.
Thanks. I will ask D&D then.
I am also having issues getting REW to detect my 8Cs. I tried to disable a firewall and that didn't help either.
Yes I am running the latest build. It didn't work on my laptop but I was able to get connect to the speakers on my desktop. What's weird is that on my desktop machine, the application has display issues. Note sure the right way to explain it but the screen flashes and parts of the drop downs show up in the wrong place. I have gpu acceleration, I wonder if that has to do with it.
Most likely, if it is a Windows desktop you can run the installer again and deselect the graphics acceleration option.
Just updated to 5.2 RC6 (Mac OS) and unfortunately it still can't see my 8C's properly. The only way I can get it to recognise the 8C's is if I unplug the ethernet cable and then replug it before hitting 'scan network for speakers' in the EQ window. By doing this I can get REW to recognise the 8C's but it's not entirely reliable. For example, if I click scan a second time the speakers will not be recognised until I unplug and replug the ethernet. I'm on Mac OSX 10.15.6.
REW keeps some log files in ~/Library/Logs/REW, if you attach the rew_output.txt file from that folder there should be some diagnostic info that might help work out what is happening.
Difficult to draw any conclusions, unfortunately. It looks like REW often doesn't get a response when it looks for the speakers, and even on the occasions when it has had a response a subsequent attempt to connect to them times out. Probably best following up with D&D and letting them have a copy of the rew_output.txt file.
Great 8c review here
Difficult to draw any conclusions, unfortunately. It looks like REW often doesn't get a response when it looks for the speakers, and even on the occasions when it has had a response a subsequent attempt to connect to them times out. Probably best following up with D&D and letting them have a copy of the rew_output.txt file.

REW will only find the 8C's if I unplug and replug the ethernet cable before hitting 'scan network for speakers'. If I don't do this the log says 'no 8c found' each time. The scan will only work the first time I re-plug - I must do it again each time to get REW to see the speakers. I have talked to D&D already and they seemed to think it was something to do with REW. Will follow up with them again.
Could there be some energy saver setting that is powering down the Ethernet connection when it isn't being used? That might prevent REW seeing anything since it will only scan active network interfaces.
Hello everyone, I recently got my 8c and was about to set them up with REW. Im on the newest BETA. Everything works just fine until I set the EQ to 8C.
From there on, I get this error after every click:

REW V5.20 running JRE 1.8.0_252-release 64-bit on OS X 10.15.7, de, , UTF-8 at 108 DPI

Stack Trace:
net.straylightlabs.hola.sd.Query.collectResponses(Unknown Source)
net.straylightlabs.hola.sd.Query.access$000(Unknown Source)
net.straylightlabs.hola.sd.Query$1.run(Unknown Source)

Also, the 8Cs won't show up in the dropdown menu. im on the newest firmware with the D&D.
Any chance there is a quick solution to this?

Thank you in advance!
The original error is no route to host when trying to send a packet to find the 8c's, that might be due to a firewall being active preventing REW accessing the network interface.
The original error is no route to host when trying to send a packet to find the 8c's, that might be due to a firewall being active preventing REW accessing the network interface.

The Firewall is turned off, made sure and checked it again, turned it on and then accesed REW the connecting.
Will try the RC5 Version now.

Yet another problem with REW showing the 8Cs.
I have the latest v12 beta of REW, latest firmware r1.4.65 on the 8Cs, and i'm on MacOS 10.14.6
The speakers are directly connected with the ethernet and using a local switch.
Firewall is off.

Attached is the log.

I can access the speakers via http://[hostname]


Not really sure what to say about that, other than it is a little unusual to be connected to 3 different Ethernet networks at the same time (, and REW is asking for responses and there are no replies. The latest REW macOS build is here, though nothing has changed for the 8c for some while.