Dutch & Dutch 8c EQ

Hello John,
I installed version test_3.
Unfortunately not really with success. You can see the result in the zip files.
Best regards, Henner


Hi John, one more piece of information.
The streaming to my 8c loudspeakers is digitally operated via AES / EBU (see screenshots). Could that be the problem?
Of course, I also use Ethernet for the "Lanspeaker" app.
Best regards, Henner.


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Only the network connection matters for REW, it isn't sending any audio data to the speakers - they play back a sweep file that is already in the speaker. REW is not able to connect to the speakers for some reason. Your speakers are behaving a little unusually in that they do not return an IPV4 address, only an IPV6 address. That in itself shouldn't be an issue, I have tested using IPV6 addresses with the pair I have and it works without problems, but it is unusual.

Are you assigning static IP addresses to the speakers? Is the behaviour any different if you allow the IP address to be assigned dynamically?
REW_macos_5_20_beta_59 didn't work but this version works fine. Now I can see the speakers. Thanks a lot.
Hello John, thanks for the hint regarding FritzBox.
I activated the port forwarding for the 8c in the network settings. No success: in REW the loudspeakers were displayed as "Null".
As an experiment, I have now ended REW and switched off the speakers on the housing and also pulled the power plug. Then everything was plugged in again, switched on and REW started.
This time I was successful with ONE measurement: Right and left speakers were found and the measurement could be started and ended. However, ONLY ONE time. The next attempts showed the "Null" error again!
Only when I performed the action again (switch off, plug out, switch on ...) could a SINGLE correct measurement be made. Then came the "Null" error again.
As always, you can find the details in the zip files.
Thank you and best regards, Henner


Hi John,
This afternoon, I tried for the first time to export REW filters to my 8c's and I have a strange behaviour (see attached screenshots): I have 2 filters in REW and when I export them to the right 8c, I can see 11 filters with 9 filters at 100Hz with a gain of 0dB... (my EQ range is 20dB to 500dB)
The 8c does not have a "None" option for filters, so those are replaced by a filter with zero gain.
The 8c does not have a "None" option for filters, so those are replaced by a filter with zero gain.
OK, I understand but the problem is that all these filters are enabled. So, the DSP has 9 active filters at 100Hz 0 gain.

Is it possible to set the status of these filters to "off" at the level of the 8c's?

Thank you!
Filters with zero gain have no effect at all in the speaker. You can deselect them in REW before sending them to the speaker if you like, but they will remain disabled when next loaded so for REW to be able to use them for EQ you would have to manually reenable them.
Filters with zero gain have no effect at all in the speaker. You can deselect them in REW before sending them to the speaker if you like, but they will remain disabled when next loaded so for REW to be able to use them for EQ you would have to manually reenable them.
OK, thank you.

I have also a question concerning the loading of filters from 8c to REW: There is a shift of 1 position in REW each time I do a load from the 8c (see the screen shots)


running OS X 10.14.6 here. No luck in REW seeing the speakers. Is it mandatory that the computer should be online to the Internet two. As I just have a specific network for the computer and speakers.
running OS X 10.14.6 here. No luck in REW seeing the speakers.
Have you tried the test build above? If you have, please post a zipped copy of the REW log files folder so I can check the debug output.

REW saves diagnostic logs in the user's home directory, the location is displayed in the Help -> About REW window. The logs contain information from the last 10 startups, including any error messages or warnings that may have been generated. On macOS the logs are in the user library folder, which no longer appears in Finder by default. To display it either browse to ~/Library/Logs or open your Home folder in Finder (Shift Command + H), select View > Show View Options then select the checkbox to show the library folder. The logs are in the REW folder.
Hi Yes used the last one you just posted (test5)
please find attached the Log + the router LAN info, also a couple of other (useful?) screenshots
thanks in advance!


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thanks! it works now, although I get this error on one speaker


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That message means either the filters in the speaker are not enabled or are set to manual control. If you open the filters panel in REW you can enable the filters you want REW to use and if necessary mark them as Automatic so REW can use them.
On the second message about the target level, the target is selected as full range with some low frequency room curve added, but the response rolls off below about 150 Hz, so most of the response lies well below the target in the range selected for the match. It looks as if a high pass filter has been applied to the speaker.
yes that's how it sounds, that there is a hpf in the way. but there isn't... I put 4db increase in the bass and sub and started to sound a bit more "normal"
Very unusual for an 8c. Is the other speaker the same? Make sure night mode isn't on - you can see all the speaker's settings from when the measurement was made in the REW Info panel for the measurement.
yes both the same, even if I measure very close to the speaker its still the same response


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Very odd. No other filtering in the replay chain? If not, and putting them closer to the wall doesn't lift the low end substantially you should contact Martijn to understand what could be going on.