Movie Roll Call: What have you seen lately?

Watched Kingsman #1 in 4K. Fun flick - looks amazing, good sound. Also watched Kick@@@ in 4K. Looked good, not amazing, and sounded good (not phenomenal)
I loved the first Kingsman! Haven’t seen the second one yet.

We went to the local theate yesterday and saw Ready Player One. While I am no fan of going to the movie theater (I always lose on that vote though), the movie was enjoyable.
We watched "Wonder" last night and it was a very very good family movie. Highly recommended braised on true events of several children who battle a very rare birth defect. Wonderfully told and acted
We watched "Wonder" last night and it was a very very good family movie. Highly recommended braised on true events of several children who battle a very rare birth defect. Wonderfully told and acted

My wife and kids loved the book.
The movie is just as good, The boy who plays Augie was amazing.
Well I’m sure we’ll end up watching it when we have all the kids at home sometime again soon. :T
Alrighty... finally watched the new Star Wars (4K BD). Yeah. I'm that far behind.

Hadn't read any reviews and somehow avoided spoilers ;-).

Audio was fantastic. Video was very middling - the movie has an overall grey appearance to darks. And the black floor seemed to vary from scene to scene. I thought, visually, the movie was rather disappointing.

The story, IMO, is a mixed bag. I know its a kids movie, so I try not to be overly critical, but the flick is filled with action sequences and situations we've seen before. Don't know - it just was kind of flat. I didn't fall asleep... but I liked Rogue 1 and The Force Awakens a lot more.
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Ooo... also watched the original SAW flick.

Love me some SAW!
Ooo... also watched the original SAW flick.

The entire SAW collection was on sale at BB for $12.99! Had to pull the trigger on that deal.
Watched A Quiet Place at the theater...

Theater experience was an F for terrible video quality. The movie was very middling for me (not quite sure I agree with the positive reviews... was hoping for a lot more from the experience!).
Watched A Quiet Place at the theater...

Theater experience was an F for terrible video quality. The movie was very middling for me (not quite sure I agree with the positive reviews... was hoping for a lot more from the experience!).
Watched A Quiet Place at the theater...

Theater experience was an F for terrible video quality. The movie was very middling for me (not quite sure I agree with the positive reviews... was hoping for a lot more from the experience!).
Better Watch Out. Very well acted by a pretty much unknown cast (other than Mom & Dad). A slightly different take on a horror film and honestly I did not see the main twist coming like I usually do.
Better Watch Out. Very well acted by a pretty much unknown cast (other than Mom & Dad). A slightly different take on a horror film and honestly I did not see the main twist coming like I usually do.
Yes a great film indeed. I am glad I bought it.
Thor: Ragnarok - enjoyed this one.
The Right Stuff - anniversary Blu-ray edition. Bass is a tad lean... but...

*Simply Awesome* Probably the 150th time I've seen this movie?
Watched The Greatest Showman last night, excellent movie! Normally I'm not too keen on musicals but this one was done very well imo.
The Right Stuff - anniversary Blu-ray edition. Bass is a tad lean... but...

*Simply Awesome* Probably the 150th time I've seen this movie?
Nostalgic! I remember as a kid watching it on cable over and over. Great film.
Watched The Greatest Showman last night, excellent movie! Normally I'm not too keen on musicals but this one was done very well imo.
Glad to hear it was enjoyable. Not a musical fan either. Gonna watch it later this summer. Have family coming to visit and likely won’t be offensive to anyone, unlike my other action and violence film.
The Strangers

Had me on the edge of my seat! All-in-all a brutally fun flick.