Movie Roll Call: What have you seen lately?

Watched Three Billboards (great flick)... and today my youngest took me to Incredibles II at an Arclight Cinema. Great experience at the theater - fantastic movie!
Watched Annihilation in 4K UHD over the weekend and really enjoyed it. The use of color in the visual effects were stunning.
Watched Incredibles 2. Just as good as the first one I thought.
Murder on the Orient Express... meh, generally I really like Kenneth Branagh's films. Henry V was very good, Dead Again was a fun throw back film noir, Much Ado About Nothing was great (and probably my favorite), Valkyrie, Dunkirk, Thor, etc. but this one...was really, really tough to get though. Maybe it was the lack of Emma Thompson, I dunno, maybe it's just me?
Tomb Raider was better then what I expected.
Watched Hardcore Henry and let me tell you it was Hardcore lol. Action from start to finish. The shaky camera got on my nerves at times but the film intense action made up for it.
Pacific Rim Uprising - was not impressed with the movie that much but the audio was good.
Watched Jason Bourne in 4K... finally (what, 2 years late?). I know the flick had a rocky reception, but I liked it. Fits in well with the franchise! Lots of cell phones, tapping on computer keyboards, rigging elevators and fire alarm systems, and fighting!
We watched Star Wars: The Last Jedi in 4K. Thought it was ok but I’m growing tired of the franchise. It just feels like a money grab anymore to me.
We watched Star Wars: The Last Jedi in 4K. Thought it was ok but I’m growing tired of the franchise. It just feels like a money grab anymore to me.

I agree, Jeff. Something about it just doesn't feel right anymore
I've got a lot of catching up to do in this thread!

The Post - loved this movie.

Black Panther - same as above.

Doctor Strange - thought this was one was ok - definitely worth a rental.

Marvels Avengers: Infinity War - went to a local theater yesterday with my wife to watch this one. I reinforced again my opinion that 90+% of local theaters are awful. Sound was terrible, theater was dirty, screen was dirty, etc. Just an awful experience. The movie itself was so-so. I thought it moved rather slow at times and the ending was a bit of a surprise. They probably could have condensed some of it and made it a 2 hour movie.
Yesterday, we re-watched the original Sicario on Blu-ray, then went to see the sequel in the theater. I loved the original. I didn't hate the second, either, but it wasn't the same. Considering it took 3 years, I would've expected it to be less "thrown together" as the original. There were things about the new film that I really enjoyed, but as a whole, it didn't feel as well thought out, it was less intricate than the original.

Also saw the new Jurassic last week, which was pretty good.

Snatched: absolutely terrible.
The Big Sick: not what I was expecting, but was kinda decent.
Tomb Raider: I'd seen in the theater, but watched on UHD and still enjoyed it.
Lucy: picked up the UHD, so I had to watch it again. Love it.
Watched a Netflix original called "The Week Of"... it's an Adam Sandler and Chris Rock flick.

An amusing Saturday morning flick that should only be tapped when you're bored and out of other options ;-)
Off to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 on the Epson 5040ube.
I saw the 1984 The Company of Wolves. The movie in my opinion is a little hidden gem. I can't believe I missed watching it in the 80's. I remember how Bravo advertised it over and over back then. Bravo definitely had a different audience then.
About to see it.


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The Last Jedi... disappointing, fell asleep and took three tries to get though it. What happened to Star Wars?
Acts of Violence, it was okay.
American Made, liked it for the most part, reminded me of Blow which I thought was a little better.
Black Panther, was looking forward to this one. Had lots of great reviews but put me to sleep not once, not twice but three times. As of right now I still haven't finished it yet. Don't even think I'm half way through.
You'd think, after all this time, Hollywood would have taken note of:
The Soprano's
All in the Family
Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad
The West Wing
The Wire
Six Feet Under
The Twilight Zone
The Princess Bride
and a bunch of others.
Good writing (doesn't even have to be great) is so much more important than great special effects. Or, maybe it's just me...
What happened to Star Wars?

I'm in the camp that it is not anything with the individual films. I thought the Last Jedi was okay.

The bigger problem is that we're being oversaturated. There's two new Star Wars movies a year now. Plus a new Marvel Blockbuster every other month, Jurassic Parks are back, DC comics, etc etc etc.

It's too much. There's no build-up anymore. You can't just release a huge new movie every weekend and then wonder why people start losing interest. I'm shocked that I didn't go see Solo, but I really just didn't care. I'll eventually watch it at home, but 5 years ago I'd have been there opening night.
Watched The Equalizer. Good audio... thought the added HDR was perhaps a tad bit harsh on my projector.

Will never second guess a Home Depot employee again! ;-)
Went to see American Animals in the theater. Absolutely fascinating telling of a crazy art heist, great balance of drama and comedy.
Watched Rampage and Isle of Dogs last night. Rampage was just ok for me although the Atmos track was worth the price of admission. Isle of Dogs was outstanding and surprised me as I wasn’t expecting much.
Game Night

Watched A Quiet Place @Michael Scott

Audio had some awesome punch!!! Second time I’ve seen the film (once in theater). Not a bad story... interesting premise. Worth a spin!
Just add, I watched it with my oldest daughter (16) and she just sent me this:


Which gave me a good chuckle
Watched Extinction on Netflix. I was very disappointed because the trailer looked good.