Movie Roll Call: What have you seen lately?

TAG.... TAG....

??? Which flick?
Ready Player One... not quite sure if I liked it or not.
Hooked up with my better half after almost 2 months of HT-robbing 60-hour weeks to watch the Transformers franchise of films. Splendid special effects, though the action tended to morph together after a while. It's not the first time we watched this series back-to-back, and won't be the last. Five enjoyable, mind-numbing stars!
We watched the UHD version of The Matrix last weekend. It's been a long time since I've seen it and I was amazed at how slowly I thought it moved. When it came out originally 18.5 years ago it was cutting edge. Now, I had a hard time getting through the first 2/3-3/4 of the movie to get to the good stuff!
We watched Solo today. I loved the cast (the “Tom Wopat crossed with Johnny Knoxville” guy was a great Han). I loved the story. I loved the action.

I couldn’t get past the fifty shades of gray and two shades of brown color palette throughout. It was so dark and washed out that it was visually difficult to enjoy.
Saw the new Halloween at an ArcLight theater.

It was fun. I liked it. Some great nods to the original. Several moments of brutality. Worth seeing.
Didn't even know there was a new one. Looks like it will be better than all the ones inbetween.
Watched Solo this afternoon. I'm surprised by the not so good reviews with this one. I really enjoyed the story and thought it was a lot of fun! The audio was really good from rear surround to numerous very low and hard hitting bass moments. Although there are a lot of complaints out there about the video being dark, I found it to be dark at times yet looked really good on my projector screen. Wife approved as well so not sure why so much negative feedback. Just my 2-cents :justdontknow:
The poor reviews of Solo have made me feel... less than enthusiastic about watching it. You guys are starting to change my mind. I may just add it to my queue.
I'm in the same boat, Mark. I've totally had it off my list!
Saturday night we watched, as is customary here around Halloween, KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park.

Actually, we watched KISS in the Attack of the Phantom, which is the European theatrical release.

You read that right. THEATRICAL. That movie got a THEATRICAL release. And this is a much better version. Far from good, but it's actually in widescreen, and they replaced the Scooby Doo music (it was produced by Hanna Barberra after all) with music from the KISS solo albums. And it was actually released on DVD (part of one of the KISStory box sets), instead of on VHS recorded in EP mode.

It's terrible, which is what makes it so glorious. I remember being 6 when it was released. My brother and I skipped trick or treating to stay home and watch it. We were absolutely glued to the TV set. I think we tried to act like it was awesome, and it was, with the limited video exposure a 6yo and a 10yo had at the time, before YouTube and VCRs. But it was schlock, and we even knew it deep down inside.

This year was the 40 year anniversary of its original release. We were one night off, as the actual anniversary was Sunday, but only Saturday worked in our schedules.

Totally worth it.
A Quiet Place... one of the best Horror films in quite some time. Actually one of the better films I've seen in quite a while. Was not really a fan of The Office but from what I've seen of Krasinski's last few films, I think his future is very bright and his best is yet to come.
Solo... not as bad as many reviewers would have you believe. For me it was in the lower 1/3 of Star Wars films but I still enjoyed it.
Snuck out and saw Crazy Rich Asians yesterday... really enjoyed it. Fun flick and it's easy to see why it's been so popular!
Son of a gun, I don,t believe that you snuck out to see Crazy Rich Asians before I got to sneak out and see Crazy Rich Asians. Dirty Birdy :)
It's been awhile since I've checked in on this thread so here's what I've watched recently:

The Magnificent Seven - loved it
Solo - saw it in the theater first but still enjoyed it
A Quiet Place - not a big horror movie fan but I loved this one
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdoms - I'd give it 3 out of 5 stars
Saturday night we watched, as is customary here around Halloween, KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park.

Actually, we watched KISS in the Attack of the Phantom, which is the European theatrical release.

You read that right. THEATRICAL. That movie got a THEATRICAL release. And this is a much better version. Far from good, but it's actually in widescreen, and they replaced the Scooby Doo music (it was produced by Hanna Barberra after all) with music from the KISS solo albums. And it was actually released on DVD (part of one of the KISStory box sets), instead of on VHS recorded in EP mode.

It's terrible, which is what makes it so glorious. I remember being 6 when it was released. My brother and I skipped trick or treating to stay home and watch it. We were absolutely glued to the TV set. I think we tried to act like it was awesome, and it was, with the limited video exposure a 6yo and a 10yo had at the time, before YouTube and VCRs. But it was schlock, and we even knew it deep down inside.

This year was the 40 year anniversary of its original release. We were one night off, as the actual anniversary was Sunday, but only Saturday worked in our schedules.

Totally worth it.

Lol! Maybe they should turn it into some sort of Rocky Horror Picture Show type of thing?!?!?
I still need to give Solo a spin.... honestly, I think I have a little bit of Star Wars fatigue at the moment!
Watched "The Break-Up"

Good saturday afternoon "might take a nap" flick. Not much more or less.
I saw The Sound of Music on ABC last Sunday so it made me go get my DVD and watch that. I love that movie for some reason or another.
I have sound of music on blu ray. Great movie. :)