Movie Roll Call: What have you seen lately?

Watched "The Super". Horror / paranormal flick. Parts of it reminded me of "The Hotel". Good for a spin, nothing spectacular. Not sure it was even released on blu-ray. Next up for this holiday are Venom and Christopher Robin.
Got a couple of movies in the last two days. Incredibles 2 was good as was The House With a Clock in Its Walls.
Saw the Equalizer 2 last night with friends and wow that movie has some nice LFE and really well engineered soundtrack. It was also in my mind better than the first one.
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs;
What a fantastic cast and the Coen brothers to boot.
Started off with The Ballad of Buster Scruggs which I thought was pretty entertaining in the quirky Coen Brothers way. Of course I thought this was going to set the tone for another great Coen Brothers film. Unfortunately it quickly devolved into a whole bunch of meh... Most of the stories were blah with, in my opinion, the exception of The Gal Who Got Rattled.
So, unless you're a huge fan of the Coen's, I'd take a pass on this one. Though I will say there was some beautiful cinematography.
Watched Avengers Infinity Wars on Netflix. Quality was not bad. I liked it better the second time.
Last night, we saw the "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" movie at the theater. It was great. The entire family enjoyed it. Highly recommended.
Wife and daughter have been wanting to see that. Thx for the heads up.
Travis, Be sure to stay for the end credits. As with Marvel, they always have some special stuff at the end. In fact, The entire audience stayed thru the post credits. :) Nobody left.
Saw the Equalizer 2 last night with friends and wow that movie has some nice LFE and really well engineered soundtrack. It was also in my mind better than the first one.
I agree, this movie has a great soundtrack. When we were watching it and the bakery blew-up, there was a breeze in our room that came from our front JTR 118HT and my wife said "what was that!", thinking that something had crashed in the house.

We watched Searching this weekend and thought it was a good drama. A 16 year old girl is missing and her father searches for her. But rather than a film crew following the father around in the search, the movie is shot from the father's perspective while he searches her online account and learns more about his daughter from her social media postings. At first my wife and I thought this might be a boring movie, but in the end we both enjoyed it.

Thanks for the reminder about Searching. I remember seeing the trailer and it didn't look that promising. Will have to revisit it.
Finally got around to Incredibles 2, was okay but I think I prefer the first one.
Haven’t yet seen but on the agenda for tonight. A Star Is Born 4K and Halloween 4K (thanks A/V Nirvana). We haven’t had movie night in a while so looking forward to it. I was trying to wait until 2/19 for a physical copy of a SIB but pulled the trigger on my AppleTV. Hard to wait sometimes considering I can stream in 4K and Dolby Atmos.
The Haunting of Hill House is quite a good show on Netflix.
A Star Is Born was excellent. Impressive performance by Bradley Cooper and was quite surprised by his singing. The new remake of Halloween was just ok for me. The beginning scene was my favorite and downright eerie!
First Man in 4K and it was outstanding. There’s not a single thing I didn’t like about the movie. I’ll be spinning this one many times.
Leave No Trace. I liked it, I suppose, or maybe not. I'm going to have to think about it. Kinda reminds me of The Road but not quite. I suppose it's a good thing if a film really makes you wonder if you liked it or not?
I was home sick yesterday and decided to put in Valerian again, and see how the UHD looked.

It just reinforced my original thought that, if there was even the slightest bit of chemistry between the two lead actors, this could've been Besson's next Fifth Element.

The visuals are breathtaking. The action is entertaining. The sound is great. The movie is fun. There is just nothing between the two leads. Nothing at all. I'm not sure if that is the dynamic he was going for, or what. Neither are bad actors, either. I've seen them in other things where they were fantastic. They were good in this, just not together.

Unfortunate. But I still highly recommend a viewing. If you like to show off your system, it's a good one to own for demos.
Watched “Hunter Killer” Really enjoyed this, possible keeper. It’s a submarine movie. Great cast of characters. Highly recommend checking it out.
Bohemian Rhapsody - loved it!
Watched "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "A Star is Born". Enjoyed both films. Bohemian had less storyline/plot too it.

I really enjoyed A Star is Born. Didn't know if I would as usually when political Hollywood says a movie is great I usually don't enjoy it so much. I can't say enough good things about this film. Great storyline, great acting, great singing.
We watched A Star is Born last night. I’ll echo the above - great storyline, acting, singing, etc. One of the better movies I’ve seen recently.