Movie Roll Call: What have you seen lately?

A Star is Born. Loved it!
I finally had the time to binge a couple of recent (sort of recent) Marvel films, Venom and Avengers: Infinity War. Venom was actual a fun film..I hesitated based on reviews but it was an enjoyable popcorn eating movie. Avengers was done very well...I can't wait to see the sequel in a couple months.
Watched "What Women Want"... on cable ;-)

Had forgotten... this wasn't a half-bad flick. Whatever happened to Helen Hunt? She dropped off the face of the earth!
Last night we watched "Rough Night." It was a rough night.

It was a 50 cent rental at the video store, and it has Kate McKinnon, so we immediately said "I'll watch it for her." Well, that was a mistake.

I can't recall a worse movie I've watched in the past several years. Wow.

The night before, however, we watched "The Hate U Give" which was outstanding.
My wife and I watched Mary Poppins Returns last night. A very enjoyable movie. It's actually kind of nice to see some decent musicals come out lately.
Watched Mortal Engines last night in my new theater seats. Visually, the movie is awesome. However the storyline was awful in my opinion. It seemed like it had stolen bits and pieces from other movies and tried to stitch it all back together with a new storyline. All I could think of at one point was Darth Vader telling Luke he was his father. If you watch the movie you'll know what I'm talking about.
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Instant Family and it was great!
We watched Crimes of Grindewald last night. I thought that the audio was very good and the visuals were awesome. The textures on Dumbledore and others wool coats kind of jumped out at me. Story line was a bit slow though.

Great underrated flick. Tugs at the heartstrings
Venom - loved it!
We watched Free Solo last night. You know how it ends, but it's still incredibly nerve-wracking. I only wish it was available in 4K.

Beautifully shot, great story, great tension. Highly recommended.
I'm looking forward to watching free solo... looks insane!
We watched Aquaman on Saturday night. I thought the movie was so-so and the sound track was excellent.
Watched The Mule last night and enjoyed it. Great cast and a good story.
I watched The Mule on Saturday night. I thought it was a decent story line but a bit far fetched at times.

Watched Lego Batman for a second time on Sunday. This time around it was 4K HDR and it didn't disappoint. The colors in this one are spectacular!
I heard Lego Batman was worth seeing. Thanks for the reminder. :)
Watched Free Solo (YIKES!!!!)

and Don't Stop Belivin (the Journey documentary about their Filipino lead singer) ----> AWESOME
Over the weekend I watched, Sicario: Day of the Soldado. I thought it was a solid sequel to the first film...sound was fantastic, too! Great dynamic range when there was action or quieter scenes.
This past weekend we watched Ralph Breaks the Internet and Bumblebee. We enjoyed them both.
I re-watched Babel on a plane ride. I'd actually forgotten I'd seen it! Great flick, really well done
I finally had free time to watch Aquaman. It was pretty good!! It's always a treat to see non-Marvel superhero films to get a taste of the other side especially when it's done well : )

The LFE from the film really tested my system's capabilities...anyone else have a similar experience?
My wife and I watched The Green Book last night. We both thought that it deserved all the Oscars that it had won and then some. Viggo was excellent as well as Mahershala Ali. I highly recommend this film to everyone here at Nirvana!
Jealous! I've been wanting to watch that one for some time and I never get around to it.
It’s pretty widely available for free (Amazon and Xfinity ondemand...) give it a watch!