Movie Roll Call: What have you seen lately?

Watched Joker tonight and absolutely loved it. Must watch.
Stupid story. Boomy and unimaginative Bass.

Just finished up the Joker UHD.

Oh my.

I was anxious to see it. It was dark, disturbing, almost difficult to watch at times, and it far exceeded all my expectations. I loved it. Joaquin Phoenix was incredible.
Wow, lots of rave reviews.. Will definitely have to check it out. :)
I saw Amazon Prime movie "Aeronauts". Worth checking out if you have amazon prime.
I have the same impression. I watched this before Christmas and enjoyed it. Definitely a step up from most of the Amazon stuff I’ve seen. If you’re in the mood for a story that’s much about revealing the main characters over its course, with some good visuals and soundtrack that aren’t overdone, it’s definitely worth checking out.
Yeah, very well written and acted, I thought also. Amazon studio's are improving for the better. :)
I have the same impression. I watched this before Christmas and enjoyed it. Definitely a step up from most of the Amazon stuff I’ve seen. If you’re in the mood for a story that’s much about revealing the main characters over its course, with some good visuals and soundtrack that aren’t overdone, it’s definitely worth checking out.
Amazon seems to be known for good visual production. His Dark Materials, Goliath and the Grand Tour are all splendid visually imo.

Isn't Aeronauts a series? I guess I didn't realize it was a movie.
Aeronauts at least the one on Amazon prime is a movie. :)
Ok so we watched Aeronauts last night. I thought it was decent. Some parts of it were visually stunning while others were a bit bleh. On a scale of 1-10 I'd give it a 6.5 or a 7.
Just finished watching Inception. Seen it a few times in the past, I think this is the first time I really understood it, and I really enjoyed it.
Sicario: Day of Soldado

great flick ... 4k/Atmos is definitely on point.
1917. At the theater. Not quite as graphic as I expected (being a war movie) but enough I suppose. War is hell, no change there and this one gave me that same sense. I'll put it just behind Saving Private Ryan, just slightly. Overall it moved well and for me just one scene was incongruous given the mission of the movie. 4 out of 5.
Watched Gemini Man tonight.

The video was amazing! Audio track was really good as well. Lots of surround and overhead throughout the film.
1917. At the theater. Not quite as graphic as I expected (being a war movie) but enough I suppose. War is hell, no change there and this one gave me that same sense. I'll put it just behind Saving Private Ryan, just slightly. Overall it moved well and for me just one scene was incongruous given the mission of the movie. 4 out of 5.

Thanks for your take. I think I’m going to like this one.
Watched Gemini Man tonight.

The video was amazing! Audio track was really good as well. Lots of surround and overhead throughout the film.
I need to get this one done since it was filmed at that high frame rate. I've heard the movie itself is kind of a dud though.
The Netflix Aaron Hernandez documentary is worth the 3 hours + run time. Crazy story, excellent presentation.
Watched 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.' Fantastic performances by the whole cast!!'
"End of Watch"

*meh* Wish I hadn't. ;-)
The Dark Element - The Songs the Night Sings. My 2019 Album of the Year. Anette Olzon's vocal carries this work to great heights along with guitarist Jani Liimatainen.

Watched Doctor Sleep last night and found it quite entertaining. The Atmos soundtrack was downright amazing!
Ad Astra - LFE was great. The movie? Not so much.
Watched the 4K version of Midway. Decent flick with amazing Atmos sound.
Frozen 2 - I did not care for this one. Maybe it's because I don't have young kids anymore, I don't know. :dontknow:
Just finished Ford vs Ferrari. I really enjoyed it.