Movie Roll Call: What have you seen lately?

I revisited Ghostbusters Afterlife before I see the new Ghostbusters Frozen Empire at the Dolby Cinema this weekend

I must be easily impressed because I thought Oppenheimer was fantastic. Same with Dune but again maybe I’m just an easy to impress simpleton?
I think it’s good to make these movies…maybe the younger generations will start to think about what those before them went through…and the real problems that existed…. No, having the new IPhone isn’t world ending. ‍
Come on now…that’s a solid Stathem flick. You just must not have been in the mood for knuckle dragging.

I loved the action... but the supporting characters (acting-wise) was a little subpar for my taste. :hide:
Starting watching The Lord of the Rings in 4K. I have read the books, watched it on dvd and Blu-ray. Just had not gotten around to taking the 4k for a spin.
What are your thoughts so far?
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I think it’s well done in 4k. I’m enjoying revisiting it as I hadn’t seen it in awhile.
The original trilogy is a wonderful collection of films. I watched them 3 times at home, which seems like a lot because of their length!
I watched the first John Wick movie from this collection I purchased off of Amazon

Gravity …on Apple TV…it’s in atmos.
Available to watch until the end of April.
Hadn’t seen it in the coveted atmos sound signature. :T
I checked that out as well. I'd like to hear the opinion of someone who has heard it both on disc and on Apple TV to see if there is a noticeable difference.
I was just introduced to Kingfish a couple weeks back. Really good stuff!
I finished the John Wick set with chapter 4. Wow. What a ride that was.
Watched Dune 2 on kscape yesterday. Bass Hunters coming out tomorrow!

Here's my take: It's an awesome movie. It's an AV spectacle. But—and I'm probably in the minority here—I don't think I'll be re-watching these films any time soon.

It's weird to say that about a film(s) series of this caliber, but I think the pacing and length of both films are too thick for me to watch from the beginning until I've completely forgotten about the story lines.
I also watched Dune 2 yesterday. I enjoyed both installments. I think they're visually very well-crafted, but I'm going on the record that I don't think they're audio demo material or masterpieces. There's some loud parts. There's some bass. But nothing is overly well-done. It's just kinda there. Not a great audio experience.

I actually enjoyed these movies more than I expected, since I remember watching the old version on HBO as a kid and being bored with it. I have that in my PLEX, but haven't gotten around to revisiting it. I got lost with the pacing the first time I watched the first part, but then a few weeks ago I rewatched it, but before I did I watched a video that popped up on my social media that was basically "Dune explained in 1 minute". Just having that little outline made it much easier to stay engaged, at which point I really enjoyed it and was very much looking forward to seeing part 2, which was also great.

We also watched American Fiction last night, which I thought was great.

Going to see The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare later this afternoon...I do enjoy me some Guy Ritchie movies.
Watched Dune 2 on kscape yesterday. Bass Hunters coming out tomorrow!

Here's my take: It's an awesome movie. It's an AV spectacle. But—and I'm probably in the minority here—I don't think I'll be re-watching these films any time soon.

It's weird to say that about a film(s) series of this caliber, but I think the pacing and length of both films are too thick for me to watch from the beginning until I've completely forgotten about the story lines.
I haven't seen Part 2 yet, but I had to watch Part 1 multiple times before I understood what was going on. I never read the books or saw the 80's version, so I went into it completely blind.

Really looking forward to the Bass Hunters episode. I thought the first one was a fantastic AV experience (sorry Travis, haha)!
This was pretty fun. Also overlooked and worth a watch from that era is Mortal Engines. Not an amazing story, but fantastic visuals and sound.
Thanks Travis. I'll put that on my watch list