Some bugs I've seen using the (beta 29) yesterday.
When naming a measurement, it doesn't get renames until the next measurement is taken. If you mouse over the measurement, the tooltip shows it's been renamed, but it doesn't show that until a new measurement has been taken.
SPL Alignment doesn't remember what you've selected before. It always defaults to "Use average SPL of measurements" I want it to remember what I've last used, because I only use "Use SPL specified below". The live release remembers what you've selected before, but since switching to the new design it doesn't remember what you've selected in the same measuring session. I'd like it to remember what I've already selected.
Randomly, I lost my mouse cursor. It completely disappeared. This has never happened on any other REW installs. I initially thought that it could be something to do with the always on top feature, but even moving my mouse down to my taskbar, I couldn't see it. How, when you mouse over things in REW you can see that it's highlighted. So, I knew where my mouse cursor was by seeing what I was over in REW. Took another measurement, and the mouse cursor was visible again. It didn't happen again, but I've never seen that ever before.
I was taking measurements 3 at a time, and one time after the first measurement, it showed that there was an error. Not sure what caused it. The measurements didn't repeat, and just stopped. I started a new measurement that repeated 3 times and it measured perfectly fine. That also was a one-time thing, and never happened again.