REW Beta Release REW API beta releases


Staff member
Mar 12, 2023
Hi @John Mulcahy I found that the Absolute Division |A|/|B| function is not working in the trace arithmetic. I have not verified other functions. But found this is not giving division results.
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I have made a change for the next build to address that behaviour, but I don't like the ambiguity of having two places to select what traces appear on overlay graphs (All SPL is an overlay graph). That was why in the previous releases unchecking a trace in the overlay legend removed it, but I had considered removing those checkboxes completely so the list on the left is the only means of selecting overlay traces. That's much cleaner and removes any ambiguity, I may yet do that.
Okay, thanks John, I'll take a look at how it looks when it's updated.

John Mulcahy

REW Author
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Apr 3, 2017
Builds updated today (beta 29) with these changes:
  • Added: The top of the impulse response graph magnitude plot can be set manually or automatically
  • Added: There is a checkbox in the SPL & Phase graph controls to select whether or not to show the component model overlay on impedance traces
  • Added: API has a blocking mode to simplify use with scripting languages, it is turned on by POSTing true to /application/blocking
  • Changed: The RT60 decay upper graph has the same SPL span and time span as the waterfall below, with a small additional margin
  • Changed: Graph image captures do not include check boxes and only include values if the option to include the cursor is selected
  • Fixed: Internal server error when posting per-input cal data to /audio/input-cal
  • Fixed: Posting to /measurements/{id}/filters did not update the filter graphs and settings panel
  • Fixed: All overlay traces became selected when a new measurement was made
  • Fixed: CEA thresholds overlay for saved CEA2010 measurements was drawn based on generator frequency instead of the saved data frequency
  • Fixed: Preserve relative timing for multi-input captures made without a timing ref maintains the chosen t=0 reference
  • Fixed: The native file dialog on macOS did not pre-populate save dialogs with the default filename
  • Fixed: The API endpoint path to delete a house curve has been corrected to /eq/house-curve


Dec 24, 2019
I have fixed that for the next build. Are you really using a C-weighted SPL meter as the input, by the way?
Hello, beta 29 seems to work, thank you!
I don't use C-weighted SPL, i just GET current settings the try to modify only 'fullScalSineVrms'.
Best regards!


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Some bugs I've seen using the (beta 29) yesterday.

When naming a measurement, it doesn't get renames until the next measurement is taken. If you mouse over the measurement, the tooltip shows it's been renamed, but it doesn't show that until a new measurement has been taken.

SPL Alignment doesn't remember what you've selected before. It always defaults to "Use average SPL of measurements" I want it to remember what I've last used, because I only use "Use SPL specified below". The live release remembers what you've selected before, but since switching to the new design it doesn't remember what you've selected in the same measuring session. I'd like it to remember what I've already selected.

Randomly, I lost my mouse cursor. It completely disappeared. This has never happened on any other REW installs. I initially thought that it could be something to do with the always on top feature, but even moving my mouse down to my taskbar, I couldn't see it. How, when you mouse over things in REW you can see that it's highlighted. So, I knew where my mouse cursor was by seeing what I was over in REW. Took another measurement, and the mouse cursor was visible again. It didn't happen again, but I've never seen that ever before.

I was taking measurements 3 at a time, and one time after the first measurement, it showed that there was an error. Not sure what caused it. The measurements didn't repeat, and just stopped. I started a new measurement that repeated 3 times and it measured perfectly fine. That also was a one-time thing, and never happened again.
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John Mulcahy

REW Author
Thread Starter
Apr 3, 2017
When naming a measurement, it doesn't get renames until the next measurement is taken
I have fixed that for the next build.

SPL Alignment doesn't remember what you've selected before.
I have fixed that for the next build.

Randomly, I lost my mouse cursor. It completely disappeared.
It is not possible for REW to make your cursor disappear.

I was taking measurements 3 at a time, and one time after the first measurement, it showed that there was an error.
If you use the Help menu option to "Generate diagnostic file" and attach the file I can see what the error was.


May 5, 2024
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Is it possible to get a download link for build 21 macOS.
Seems to be the only version working with audyssey one for several people and the oldest available i can find is b22


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I have fixed that for the next build.

I have fixed that for the next build.

It is not possible for REW to make your cursor disappear.

If you use the Help menu option to "Generate diagnostic file" and attach the file I can see what the error was.
Does the diagnostic file have to generated in the same session? Or can I open REW up and generate the file? Which file name would you want?
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May 6, 2024
I Just wanted to share a quick project using the REW-API

It is a loudspeaker measurement turntable controlled directly from REW (Room EQ Wizard).
As this thread concerns the API-release I mad a new thread in:

AUDIO VIDEO PROCESSING, SETUP & ENVIRONMENT > Official REW (Room EQ Wizard) Support Forum > Automated Measurement Turntable Controlled by REW


New Member
Jun 5, 2017
Is it possible to get a download link for build 21 macOS.
Seems to be the only version working with audyssey one for several people and the oldest available i can find is b22
Apparently, I don't have enough posts to post a link, but this image is the file you need on my G-drive.
Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 8.56.03 PM.png

This may make it easier (just add the rest):


New Member
Sep 4, 2017
Hi John, I've got couple of questions regarding the API.
I'm trying to import many multi-channel recordings of measurement sweeps, apply the IR windows and export. Since I want to keep separate projects for different measurement setups I can't really export IR's as WAV quickly.

Q: Are you planning on adding the endpoints for export operations?

I've read your initial reply in this thread, however, I wanted to check again if this is something you would consider.

Q: Is it an intended behaviour:

After invoking these endpoints:


The imports start and it takes a few seconds. However, I immediately get the OK response before measurements appear in REW. So calling


will result in an empty measurement list. I've enabled the blocking API but it doesn't change the fact.

John Mulcahy

REW Author
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Apr 3, 2017
/import/sweep-recordings/response responds with Accepted rather than OK. I'll add it to the blocking behaviour, it will then wait for completion before responding with OK.

Most language that support API access will also offer ways to generate WAV files from responses retrieved via the API.

John Mulcahy

REW Author
Thread Starter
Apr 3, 2017
Builds updated today (beta 30) with these changes:

  • Added: The generator can produce uncorrelated noise signals
  • Added: The generator can produce Gaussian noise signals
  • Added: The alignment tool has controls to set the allowed delay range
  • Added: Support for importing lspCAD convolution impulse .txt and emulator impulse .txt files
  • Added: RTA has an option in the graph controls to stop the generator when the RTA stops
  • Added: The right click popup for multiple measurement selections has an option to reset the trace colours for the selected measurements to the default colours
  • Added: The spectrogram contour intervals include 3 and 6 dB options
  • Added: The waterfall can be normalised to the peak at each frequency
  • Added: The API has an endpoint /application/inhibit-graph-updates to prevent REW from attempting to update any of its graphs, for use while modifying or deleting data
  • Changed: Alignment tool phase alignment emphasises phase match nearer to the alignment frequency
  • Changed: Alignment tool phase alignment uses a 1/2 octave span either side of the alignment frequency
  • Changed: Custom two-tone signals with a 4:1 amplitude ratio are treated as modulation distortion measurements for the purpose of deciding the frequencies for d3, d4 and d5
  • Changed: The repeat interval for the CEA-2010 burst matches the RTA FFT length (with a minimum of 1 second)
  • Changed: RTA max SPL limits for CEA-2010 burst can be either CEA 2010 (2006), CTA-2010-B or CTA-2034-B
  • Changed: Shelf filters can be used during target match with DCX2496
  • Changed: Added time of IR start and time of IR peak to the API measurement summary
  • Changed: Added ID numbers to API command names that take time to complete to allow process results to be linked to specific commands issued
  • Changed: The API /measurements/:id endpoints can accept either a measurement index (starting from 1) or a measurement UUID. The UUID for a measurement can be obtained from its MeasurementSummary.
  • Changed: The API /measurements/process-measurements endpoint can be given a list of either the numeric indices or a list of the UUID strings of the measurements to be processed
  • Changed: The API /alignment-tool A and B measurements can be specified by UUID as well as by index
  • Changed: The API /import endpoints support blocking mode
  • Fixed: Name shown on measurement panel did not update when changed
  • Fixed: Align SPL dialog did not retain the choice of using fixed dB or average level when next used
  • Fixed: Trace arithmetic results which do not have an impulse response could have partially unwrapped phase
  • Fixed: Graph capture legend labels could show incorrect smoothing
  • Fixed: Long mdat filenames could wrap sometimes on the measurement panel
  • Fixed: Temporary copies of measurements might have incomplete distortion data
  • Fixed: The bottom axis limit setting for the impedance & phase graph could not be raised from 0 using the spinner buttons when using log impedance axis
  • Fixed: The GUI could remain locked if a target match was attempted over a range that was too narrow
  • Fixed: ARTA .pir import was not working properly
  • Fixed: The LFE end frequency could be applied when measuring from file
  • Fixed: The Impulse graph ETC smoothing spinner did not update when switching between measurements
  • Fixed: The result of an alignment tool sum could have its peak at the end of the IR if the alignment delay placed it before the start times of the aligned responses
  • Fixed: Sending filter settings via the API could result in multiple updates of the predicted measurement


Oct 30, 2020
I just noticed this, running a IMD SMPTE Sweep, RTA on Final measurement is 100W but the saved data doesn't match. It reads 6 Watts.


Also I noticed that back in the old beta we were able to average distortion sweeps, this doesn't seem to be available anymore. Can you also add more voltage preset dropdown boxes for both the signal generator voltages and the RTA?



Sep 14, 2019
I just downlaoded the 5.40 Beta 30 version, and I can't seem to find any of the tools/Actions from before (so, like... the alignment tool, cross corr alignment, SPL align, vector average, etc...). Were they all removed or... ?

John Mulcahy

REW Author
Thread Starter
Apr 3, 2017
I just noticed this, running a IMD SMPTE Sweep, RTA on Final measurement is 100W but the saved data doesn't match. It reads 6 Watts
Do you have the X axis set to Generator or to Input?

Also I noticed that back in the old beta we were able to average distortion sweeps, this doesn't seem to be available anymore
Averaging (including distortion) works for measurements which have a frequency response.

Can you also add more voltage preset dropdown boxes for both the signal generator voltages and the RTA?
Yes, I'll change to 8 entries.


Oct 30, 2020
Do you have the X axis set to Generator or to Input?
Input, CCIF sweep reads correctly.

Averaging (including distortion) works for measurements which have a frequency response.
We had a feature which allowed distortion sweeps to be averaged, can that be added back? So for example say I take 5 Sweeps from 1W to 500W, 20-20k then I can average those 5 sweeps to smooth and eliminate any small deviations. Also it is useful when taking THD vs Power measurements through a bank of passive attenuators. Say 0, -6, -12 etc. Then after each range is swept, average the 3 graphs to combine to 1.
Yes, I'll change to 8 entries.
Thank you!!


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Got this error on beta 30:

REW V5.40 Beta 30 running Azul Systems, Inc. JRE 1.8.0_412 64-bit on Windows 10 Locale: language en, keyboard US, windows-1252 at 96 DPI Running in C:\Program Files\REW

Stack Trace:
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