REW Beta Release REW API beta releases

I could add it, but the reason it only appears on Predicted SPL is that's the only place the action will have a visible effect on the traces.
Hmm... I see what you mean.
In that case, how about allowing the "Copy from" option to be accessed the same way when right-clicking on the graph inside the EQ tab of each measurement, instead of just in Predicted SPL?
For example, right now, if I create a specific EQ for Measurement 1, I have to save it as an EQ preset, then go to Measurement 2, load the preset, and apply it manually.

Meaning you want two decimal places? I can't see the point of that.

In the IR window, values like 0.25 are displayed with two decimal places, but I found it a bit odd that MTW doesn’t show them.
(Currently, even in MTW, if you enter 0.25 and press Enter, it changes to 0.2, but it actually applies as 0.25.)