REW Beta Release REW API beta releases

when on the " SPL & Phase" window the notes are not updated in the measurement panel even when the panel is closed
I have fixed that for the next build.

when I try to scroll the bar to the right of the panel with two fingers on the trackpad, the panel closes
On my mac using scroll gestures on the mouse sometimes causes the popup to close, usually not. I'll see if I can work out why that is. Everything on the mac is 10 times the trouble of other platforms, it seems.
However, when I use the API to do it, depending on correction range and if smoothing is Var or None, I get results where sometimes the peak is pulled down, other times it's not...
Can you give some more detail and a copy of the mdat? It would be helpful to know what API parameter settings and calls you use when it does work vs what they are when it does not.
Builds updated today (beta 39) with these changes:
  • Fixed: Measurement notes on the measurements lists did not update when changed
  • Fixed: Changing colour scheme caused a null pointer exception
There is a multi-time window (MTW) option for impulse responses, whose width is specified at octave centre frequencies
This is kind of a "variable frequency dependent windowing" fully customizable for the particular room. Thank you John. :T
Please help.....I'm 35 year MAC user and feel like a total beginner.

I am really having trouble getting REW up and running. I have downloaded multiple Beta versions for MAC OS 14.5 ( MacBook Pro M1 36G Ram) to run with Marantz Cinema 40 and Audyssey...mainly REW_macos_5_40_beta_36-api(1).dmg. I get a complete install and when I chose to start REW after install or just try to start the app via Icon, it briefly appears on the Dock like it wants to start and then it disappears.

I finally ran Audyssey and have a room ADY file but still can't get REW running. What am I doing wrong? TIA

I know I've already asked for something like this, but it doesn't hurt to try another angle.
In the Arithmetic button, is it possible to make the measurements in the list faded when they are unchecked in the All SPL window?
Just as a visual reminder of which measurements we're working on at the moment.
REW solicitações.png
Builds updated today (beta 39) with these changes:
  • Fixed: Measurement notes on the measurements lists did not update when changed
  • Fixed: Changing colour scheme caused a null pointer exception
Hi John,
On my Macbook pro with 13.6.6 still the same issue, the notes don't update unless I check and uncheck Lock or Disable.
Thank you.
They update fine for me, mac and Windows. Notes won't be saved to the measurement until the notes area loses focus, either by moving to another control or closing the popup.
During paused (Chrome/Inspect/Break point) script, I found REW with this error. I was away and previous breaks at the exact same part of the code were not throwing any error so this might be related to a long pause?

REW V5.40 Beta 39 running Azul Systems, Inc. JRE 1.8.0_412 64-bit on Windows 10 Locale: language en, keyboard GB, windows-1252 on 3840x1600 at 96 DPI Running in C:\Program Files\REW

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1153
Stack Trace:
java.awt.EventQueue$ Method)$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(


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"They update fine for me, mac and Windows. Notes won't be saved to the measurement until the notes area loses focus, either by moving to another control or closing the popup."

so strange, even if I close the popup they do not update, only in the "All SPL" panel.
In the Arithmetic button, is it possible to make the measurements in the list faded when they are unchecked in the All SPL window?
Arithmetic can be used from any graph, and showing measurements as faded depending on their overlays selection would make people think they can't be selected, so I don't think that is a good idea.
I am really having trouble getting REW up and running. I have downloaded multiple Beta versions for MAC OS 14.5 ( MacBook Pro M1 36G Ram) to run with Marantz Cinema 40 and Audyssey...mainly REW_macos_5_40_beta_36-api(1).dmg. I get a complete install and when I chose to start REW after install or just try to start the app via Icon, it briefly appears on the Dock like it wants to start and then it disappears.

First, download and install the latest beta installer from the first post of this discussion. After starting REW—if it crashes on start again—click on the 'Go' menu in the Finder and select 'Library' (⇧⌘L). Open the 'Logs' folder. Look for the 'REW' folder. In there should be two files, "rew_output.txt" and "roomeq_wizard0.log.txt". Attach those files to your reply—or open them in a text editor and paste the contents into your reply if you can't attach the file.
Noticed a bug with merge b to a.

If you load two measurements of the same speaker, center speaker for instance. Set one to psychoacoustic smoothing and the other to 1-2 smoothing. Then set b at the psychoacoustic and a as the 1-2 smoothing at 500hz, all this does is copy the 1-2 smoothing from start to finish, instead of taking the psychoacoustic up until 500hz, then blending into the 1-2 smoothed measurement.

Is there an issue when merging two responses that have different smoothing? It seems to pick the one with the highest amount of smoothing, instead of actually merging them as they are. Basically its not merging at all.
Noticed a bug with merge b to a.

If you load two measurements of the same speaker, center speaker for instance. Set one to psychoacoustic smoothing and the other to 1-2 smoothing. Then set b at the psychoacoustic and a as the 1-2 smoothing at 500hz, all this does is copy the 1-2 smoothing from start to finish, instead of taking the psychoacoustic up until 500hz, then blending into the 1-2 smoothed measurement.
That is not a bug. Per the notes:

  • The result of arithmetic on measurements that have compatible impulse responses is smoothed using the measurement A smoothing, unsmoothed data is used during the calculations. Other measurements use whatever smoothing they already had applied during the calculations and the result is treated as unsmoothed (or 1/48 octave smoothed if data is 96 PPO).

If you want to ignore the measurement impulse responses you could make magnitude-only copies and do arithmetic on those copies.

I'm getting this (when hitting start) when trying to make a measurement with eq filters started from eq window ("Measure with these filters"):

REW V5.40 Beta 39 running Azul Systems, Inc. JRE 1.8.0_412 64-bit on OS X 11.7.10 Locale: language de, keyboard , UTF-8 on 1440x900 at 110 DPI Running in /Applications/REW

Stack Trace:
I'm getting this (when hitting start) when trying to make a measurement with eq filters started from eq window ("Measure with these filters"):
Thanks, I have fixed that for the next build. In the meantime make one normal measurement after starting REW before using Measure with these filters.
@John Mulcahy

Would it be possible to 1. Name/Edit a measurement name. 2. Use the tab key to "tab" to the notes 3. Use the tab key again to "move to the next measurement name. 4 use the tab key together with shift to move backwards?

Its the usage of tab and tab+shift that is my wish.
Would it be possible to 1. Name/Edit a measurement name. 2. Use the tab key to "tab" to the notes 3. Use the tab key again to "move to the next measurement name. 4 use the tab key together with shift to move backwards?

Its the usage of tab and tab+shift that is my wish.
More or less, though it is rather complicated to implement. Since the notes area allows tab characters you will need to use Ctrl+TAB to navigate. When the panel opens the measurement name will be selected, ready for editing. Use Ctrl+TAB to move from the name to the notes area. Ctrl+TAB again will update the panel for the next measurement in the list, wrapping around at the end. Use Ctrl+Shift+TAB to move backwards through the panel/list.

Imported wav or txt impulse responses were being assigned 119.7224dB default volume level in my REW Beta 39. The behaviour was the same for at least 20 REW restarts. This morning same files are being assigned 117dB like with previous REW versions. What could be the reason for that? I haven't done any changes in REW settings.
I also noticed some offsets between measurements close to 3dB while doing RTA. In one case even 6dB when aligning with measurements made one day before.