REW Beta Release REW API beta releases

Builds updated today (beta 69) with these changes:
  • Added: The EQ window "Measure with these filters" task can be used with FSAF
  • Added: View preferences has a watermark opacity control
  • Changed: API calls to match target can return a NOK error result if there are no filters to configure; or the match range is too narrow; or the match range does not overlap the range of the equaliser or the range of the measurement
  • Fixed: Distortion graph "Limit distortion to 30 dB" option did not get applied to legend values if the graph axis was not relative
  • Fixed: Moving selected items in the room simulator using the arrow keys did not update the time delay values
Builds updated today (beta 69) with these changes:
  • Added: The EQ window "Measure with these filters" task can be used with FSAF
  • Added: View preferences has a watermark opacity control
  • Changed: API calls to match target can return a NOK error result if there are no filters to configure; or the match range is too narrow; or the match range does not overlap the range of the equaliser or the range of the measurement
  • Fixed: Distortion graph "Limit distortion to 30 dB" option did not get applied to legend values if the graph axis was not relative
  • Fixed: Moving selected items in the room simulator using the arrow keys did not update the time delay values
Hi John, having problems with both the current official release and the latest beta...Mac OS Ventura, M1 Mac...the input keeps disappearing...happens on a few different interfaces and both desktop and laptop...sometimes if I reboot app/computer it comes back for a while...stepped sine won't work on REW_macos_5_40_beta_69-api

"No soundcard input data
The soundcard did not provide any input data from...


Any ideas?

Is there access to any older beta versions that i could try (like post current)...couldn't find it on site
For a sampling rate of 48kHz, I am getting wav files with lower amplitude than for all other sampling rates at the same settings. The discrepancy by which the 48kHz files are too quiet is somehow dependent on the frequency of the test tone. For a 20kHz sine tone I get -0.3db instead of my desired setting.
I have tested with the newest beta 69.
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For a 20kHz sine tone I get -0.3db instead of my desired setting.
At frequencies that approach half the sample rate there are barely more that 2 samples per cycle, you may not be getting an accurate measure of the signal level.
Hi John,
With the latest beta 69 on Windows x64, I am encountering an array index our of bounds error when viewing the distortion tab for a multitone RTA distortion measurement.

I've attached the MDAT in question, the last 2 measurements in the file are providing the error.

[Edit: I played around a bit more, and the error appears to be related to the graph axis limits. If you don't immediately reproduce the error, try changing Y axis scale to dBr with the following limits:

If I change the left Hz value to something like 20Hz or 5kHz, the error goes away.]

REW V5.40 Beta 69 running Azul Systems, Inc. JRE 1.8.0_442 64-bit on Windows 10 Locale: language en, keyboard CA, windows-1252 on 1920x1080 at 96 DPI Running in C:\Users\rtowsl01\AppData\Local\Programs\REW

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2470
Stack Trace:
javax.swing.RepaintManager$ Method)$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(
java.awt.EventQueue$ Method)$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(


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As a follow up question for multitone distortion display. Is there anything that can be done to the distortion tab display for this type of measurement to make the intermodulation a bit more clear. Due to the short bandwidth of the frequency peaks, their visibility is not easily accessible on the distortion tab, they come and go as you scroll the display. I don't see this behaviour when viewing the measurement on the SPL or All SPL tabs.

here's a short video to highlight what I'm talking about.

When viewing individual harmonics in the overlay window, dBr Y-axis selected, if "plot harmonics at the harmonic frequency" is selected in the main distortion tab, "use harmonic frequency as ref" in the overlay window doesn't do anything, harmonics are always shown relative to the harmonic frequency's fundamental. I think including the "plot harmonics at the harmonic frequency" in the overlay window option would be a great addition.
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Builds updated today (beta 70) with these changes:
  • Added: Distortion overlay graph controls have a "Plot harmonics at the harmonic frequency" option
  • Fixed: Array index out of bounds could occur when drawing the distortion graph for a multitone capture
  • Fixed: Alignment tool "Remove time delay" option was not working correctly
Thanks a lot John! You have missed one important bullet point.

  • Fixed: Display of multitone distortion was inconsistent.
Hi John,
When time aligning audio channels against a subwoofer channel, either via IR or phase option, using the Alignment Tool, one often has to retype the delay time because it resets to zero when choosing another measurement.

Please consider adding an option to freeze/lock the chosen time delay when scrolling through measurements. I think it will save a bit of time. Thanks.
Builds updated today (beta 71) with these changes:
  • Added: API has an /import/impulse-response-data endpoint to import impulse responses specified as Base64-encoded strings generated from 32-bit float data arrays
  • Added: API has an /import/frequency-response-data endpoint to import frequency responses specified as Base64-encoded strings generated from 32-bit float data arrays
Hi John,
For FSAF, If I adjust a measurement level by -10dB for example and select "add to data", it appears that the level on the distortion chart is adjusted for +10dB, not -10dB.

This ask may be a long shot, but it would be great if adjusting the level of a measurement, also adjusts the level of the residual audio. I am finding that if I don't have my input gain set the same between measurements, it really affects the level of the residual audio, making a direct comparison more difficult. In retrospect, I should really adjust my process a bit so I am keeping a more consistent input gain, but at the same time I would like to maximize SNR, so adjusting it is sometime beneficial.
For FSAF, If I adjust a measurement level by -10dB for example and select "add to data", it appears that the level on the distortion chart is adjusted for +10dB, not -10dB.
Adding an SPL offset should have no effect on FSAF distortion data, it is excluded from that. I can make it offset all the FSAF distortion data in the next build.

it would be great if adjusting the level of a measurement, also adjusts the level of the residual audio.
I don't see how that could be made to work, since in cases I can think of where adjusting the level might be wanted to also adjust the residual would be wrong.
Adding an SPL offset should have no effect on FSAF distortion data, it is excluded from that. I can make it offset all the FSAF distortion data in the next build.
Currently, SPL scale does not change, but dBFS scale does, and in the wrong direction. I would expect that dBFS scale remains unchanged, and -10dB data offset applies a -10dB offset to SPL scale, both on SPL and distortion charts.

Attached MDAT file example. The two measurements are exactly the same, the second one has -10dB offset added to the data.
I don't see how that could be made to work, since in cases I can think of where adjusting the level might be wanted to also adjust the residual would be wrong.
Fair enough, I will live with the current behaviour as-is.


Minor UI stuff, when removing a measurement, any measurement groups that were open will be collapsed. I'd really like it if the groups that were expanded would remain expanded.
It would be great to have a feature that allows selected traces to be copied as responses all at once.

For example, currently, if there are five responses, each response must be clicked individually to select "Response Copy." However, with this feature, all five responses would be copied at once.
Builds updated today (beta 72) with these changes:
  • Changed: Adding an SPL offset to an FSAF measurement will offset the distortion SPL data
  • Changed: Removing a measurement preserves the expanded state of measurement groups
  • Fixed: Adding an SPL offset to an FSAF measurement shifted the distortion dBFS data
  • Fixed: Generating minimum phase for imported magn and phase data could shift the SPL data
@John Mulcahy Using build 69 and even previous builds, I always struggle to rearrange a measurement by dragging it up and down. Is there some trick that I am missing? FYI, I do not use any grouping features.

I have noticed that if I click on the measurement to grey it out then I can move the active measurements above it. This also sometimes fails but I am not able to rearrange measurements if they are active/plotted on the graph.
I agree, the drag and drop to re-order measurements is very awkward on the "ALL SPL" tab, I would prefer that it operates the same elsewhere.