REW Beta Release REW API beta releases

Builds updated today (beta 72) with these changes:
  • Changed: Adding an SPL offset to an FSAF measurement will offset the distortion SPL data
  • Changed: Removing a measurement preserves the expanded state of measurement groups
  • Fixed: Adding an SPL offset to an FSAF measurement shifted the distortion dBFS data
  • Fixed: Generating minimum phase for imported magn and phase data could shift the SPL data
John, for FSAF data, I am seeing the dBFS level remain unchaned for SPL offsets which is great, however adjusting an SPL offset is not adjusting the SPL data in the distortion tab.
I agree, the drag and drop to re-order measurements is very awkward on the "ALL SPL" tab, I would prefer that it operates the same elsewhere.
All SPL (and other overlay tabs) allow multiple selections, so drag and drop is not as straightforward. It becomes easy if you first select the measurement(s) that you want to move, release the mouse, then click on one of the selected measurements for the drag. Alternatively make the selections, use Ctrl+X to cut them, click where you want them and use Ctrl+V to paste.
John, for FSAF data, I am seeing the dBFS level remain unchaned for SPL offsets which is great, however adjusting an SPL offset is not adjusting the SPL data in the distortion tab.
Are you using the "Add to data" button?
I wasn't looking at the right measurement in the distortion tab, my bad. It's good, thank you John.
John, hello. If I press the sound card(Audient) levels check button in the Preferences/Soundcard tab, when there is a loop from the output to the input, ASIO drivers is selected and the level I set to -9.6 dB, the indicator shows -9.54 dB at the output. When I switch the selection to Java drivers, the indicator shows -9.6 dB.
Now I want to do a sound card calibration. On ASIO drivers. When the level indicators appear after a few clicks of the Next button, I see -9.6 dB at the output. I'm guessing that Java drivers turned on to calibrate the sound card. Because only for them the indicators showed -9.6 dB. But I need a calibration with ASIO drivers, for which the indicators showed -9.54 dB.


  • ASIO levels.PNG
    ASIO levels.PNG
    140.6 KB · Views: 8
  • Java levels.PNG
    Java levels.PNG
    140.5 KB · Views: 8
  • Sc cal levels.PNG
    Sc cal levels.PNG
    132.4 KB · Views: 8
Yet. The calibration of the sound card was done in some way with acoustic synchronization. This is the setting of my last acoustic measurements.
Previously, the length was 256 during the calibration of the sound card. Now 1M. According to my observations, the least noise is at 512 and 2 passes.


  • Sc cal with an acoustic timing reference.PNG
    Sc cal with an acoustic timing reference.PNG
    419.7 KB · Views: 9
The chosen driver is used for all audio input and output, it is not changed for soundcard calibration. Soundcard calibration uses a sweep that is long enough to provide accurate calibration data at the chosen minimum graph frequency. Soundcard calibration does not use a timing reference.
Small ask, can the normalized waterfall plot change the y-axis scale to dBr, so 0dB is always at the normalized peak level?
All SPL (and other overlay tabs) allow multiple selections, so drag and drop is not as straightforward. It becomes easy if you first select the measurement(s) that you want to move, release the mouse, then click on one of the selected measurements for the drag. Alternatively make the selections, use Ctrl+X to cut them, click where you want them and use Ctrl+V to paste.
Hi @John Mulcahy can you please add more details to "if you first select the measurement(s)" statement? In the ALL SPL tab, is there any visual indication if a measurement(s) is selected? All I see is either WHITE or GREY background. Is it possible to visually show if measurement(s) are selected better and ready for dragging?
Selected measurements have a white background and their names appear in the graph legend and their data appears on the graph.

The complication with the overlay graphs, like All SPL, is that a click and drag that starts on an unselected entry is interpreted by the component as a range selection gesture. Click and drag on one of the selected entries to drag all the selected entries.
The chosen driver is used for all audio input and output, it is not changed for soundcard calibration.
Fine. Why has the output level changed when I turned on the sound card calibration?
Soundcard calibration uses a sweep that is long enough to provide accurate calibration data at the chosen minimum graph frequency.
Thank you.
Soundcard calibration does not use a timing reference
I assumed so too. But the measurement information contains an indication of synchronization.
Selected measurements have a white background and their names appear in the graph legend and their data appears on the graph.

The complication with the overlay graphs, like All SPL, is that a click and drag that starts on an unselected entry is interpreted by the component as a range selection gesture. Click and drag on one of the selected entries to drag all the selected entries.
Thank you John for clarifying what constitutes as selected measurement(s). I understand why I am not able to rearrange among the WHITE background measurements. I have to first make the measurements I do not want to move into a GREY background.

Once you have good bit of measurements, if the sequence gets messed up, it gets really hard to reorder 1 or 2 measurements. Maybe you can think of some way to make it simply like a preference to disable multi-select measurement for movement/drag-n-drop. Moving individual measurement is required more frequently over moving a group of them; I think.
I have made a change for the next build so that an individual selected measurement on an overlay graph (including All SPL) can be moved to a new position by left click and hold on it until a move cursor appears.
Small ask, can the normalized waterfall plot change the y-axis scale to dBr, so 0dB is always at the normalized peak level?
That's more complicated than it might seem, since there are a lot of absolute SPL dependencies in the waterfall plotting, so that's a no.
Ok, no problem. Main issue that it would address is that the normalized SPL may be quite different between two measurements, so I have to adjust SPL levels to match peak SPL in order to get a matching waterfall plot for each. It's not a big deal, but is a few extra steps.
ASIO drivers is selected and the level I set to -9.6 dB, the indicator shows -9.54 dB at the output. When I switch the selection to Java drivers, the indicator shows -9.6 dB.
I measured the voltage at the output of the sound card with a multimeter in both cases. It is the same, in both cases it corresponds to -9.6 dB.
Builds updated today (beta 73) with these changes:
  • Added: When making FSAF measurements the Measure dialog level control shows the signal peak level
  • Added: Action to make response copies of all selected measurements
  • Added: An individual selected measurement on an overlay graph (including All SPL) can be moved to a new position by left click and hold on it until a move cursor appears
  • Added: measure/filtered-spl-filter-source-uuid endpoint to specify a filtered SPL source measurement by its UUID
  • Changed: The STI noise levels default to the absolute speech perception thresholds per IEC 60268-16 A.4.3
  • Changed: The roomsim API subsDelayms option will return the Subs delay spinner value even when "Subs have same delay" is false (previously it returned zero)
  • Changed: The roomsim API crossoverFrequencyHz option will return the Crossover filter spinner value even when the crossover filter is not selected
  • Fixed: Soundcard cal measurement could incorrectly show a timing reference in the measurement info
  • Fixed: The d&b tuning filters equaliser entry used classic Q definition, should be symmetric Q definition


Thank you for implementing my feedback right away.
Previously, if there were 9 responses, we had to click Response Copy 9 times. But now, with just a single click, we can instantly duplicate 18, 36, or even over 100 responses.
@John Mulcahy Thanks.
I have another feature request, though I’m not sure if this is possible.


For example, let’s assume that such an EQ has already been created in Measurement 1.


And then, by clicking something like this, you can copy the EQ from the currently active measurement.
(Of course, you can go into the EQ tab, save the preset, and apply it to another measurement—but this would be a simpler way.)
And then, when you click on Measurement 2 and select Paste EQ, it will be instantly applied in the EQ tab.
<Another Feature Requset>


The current MTW is not in decimal units but rather in whole numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
However, when I manually type "1.3," it is displayed as "1," but I noticed that the graph reflects "1.3."

Could I request it to allow only one decimal place, similar to this?
The current MTW is not in decimal units but rather in whole numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
However, when I manually type "1.3," it is displayed as "1," but I noticed that the graph reflects "1.3."
It already shows 1 decimal place for me, and always has. Whole numbers of ms won't show a decimal when the window is first shown.
It already shows 1 decimal place for me, and always has. Whole numbers of ms won't show a decimal when the window is first shown.
Oh my mistake. Sorry. i mean 0.25 , 1.55 like this.

To copy filters right click on the Overlays - Predicted SPL graph.
Yes, is there a way to use this directly in the ALL SPL section instead of as an overlay? That’s what I’m requesting.
Oh my mistake. Sorry. i mean 0.25 , 1.55 like this
Meaning you want two decimal places? I can't see the point of that.

Yes, is there a way to use this directly in the ALL SPL section instead of as an overlay? That’s what I’m requesting.
I could add it, but the reason it only appears on Predicted SPL is that's the only place the action will have a visible effect on the traces.