The Official Power Sound Audio Subwoofer Discussion Thread

Another quick video now with another McIntosh MC452 added and now really enjoying the sound

Glad you got the hum issue sorted! Enjoy the beast!
Hi all, I'm going to combine some recent facebook updates here if the mods don't mind.

I've found that people don't want to sign in to facebook for anything, even one of my updates..:)

So this will give me an easy place to post all updates as well. Then if someone asks I can just link them here.


1) The 18ipal woofer shipment is due in approximately 3-4 weeks(first week of Sept(ish)) We'll have all TV36ipal back orders assembled as much as possible so once the woofers do arrive we can fulfill all orders efficiently.

2) I will get a shipment of the 21ipal woofers in about 4-5 weeks. But I'm still finalizing some important details on the cabinet so I don't expect to begin shipments of this model(TV42ipal) for another 5-6 weeks.

3) This fall we will begin offering all current subwoofers with B&C neo woofers. All 15 inch based subwoofer will be offered with this woofer.

All 18 inch based subwoofers will be offered with these two options.

These woofers represent a dramatic upgrade in linearity, motor strength, thermal capabilities, durability, and inductance.

More information(performance graphs, pricing, pictures, etc) coming soon. Pre-orders(with discounts) begin in September.

I will also offer all three B&C woofers above as upgrades for products in the field. Details and pricing for these upgrades will be provided in 45 days or so as I still have some logistics to work out.
Speaker update.

1) All current speakers (mt110, mt110surround, 210, and 210 towers) will all begin shipping today(august 12th 2019) with a new improved tweeter. We're switching to the De250 from B&C.

The new tweeter is smoother, cleaner, and simply sounds better. I won't claim it's a dramatic difference as our current tweeters were very good. But the improvement is undeniable in both measurements and listening sessions. The new tweeter is more expensive however and our bundle discount pricing will reflect that moving forward.

2) At some point in the future we will offer the new tweeters as an upgrade for current products in the field. But sorting out the logistics involved will take a bit of time. I hope to have updated information for this by end of September.


TV42ipal update.

I have changed the down firing 8 inch port to a front slot port similar to the V3611 in style but much larger. There were a variety of reasons that led to this decision. I'd say the biggest influence was my worry about audio enthusiasts pushing such a large and heavy cabinet into position in their home. If the "stand offs" caught on an edge or on a spot on the carpet there could be problems. The bolt holding the stand off to the cabinet could snap. Or, perhaps even worse, the threaded inserts could be compromise and that could potentially damage the cabinet material surrounding the insert. If this happens the cabinet may be damaged to the point of needing professional repairs.

I'm getting quotes for both high quality MDF and Baltic Birch for this one. So I may save some weight and go BB. I will also pack in 4 heavy duty furniture sliders with each. So I'm trying to make the positioning aspect as easy as possible..:)


Team Power.
Another quick video now with another McIntosh MC452 added and now really enjoying the sound

That is quite the room... the sub is almost as big as your couch!
Hi all,

Several updates due this week. 15 inch sub upgrades, 18 inch sub upgrades, the new product lineup(tentatively called "The Value Line"), The TV42 sub(dual 21 inch Ipal) update, and a few R/D updates as well.

Here's number one.

The 15 inch subwoofers using the new B&C Neo woofer will have the *12* suffix. Website pricing will increase $150 for each single woofer product and $300 for dual woofer products. Pre orders(with discounts) will begin in 2-4 weeks.

* S1512df ~ $1099

* S1512 ~ $1199

* S3012 ~ $1999

* V1512df ~ $1149

* V1512 ~ 1299

No other changes to these models. The cabinets are still made in Ohio and finished on site in our spray booth. The amplifiers are still our own proprietary DSP circuitry, ICE powered, we hand assemble right here in Ohio. The new woofers are from Italy and arguably the highest quality woofers available anywhere at these finished product price points.

Here is the 15 for those who have missed it previously. These are a significant upgrade over the current 15 inch woofers in every important metric. Motor force, linearity versus excursion, inductance, power handling/thermal stability,build quality and an incredible 96dB of sensitivity. The end result is a subwoofer that sounds more powerful and more accurate.

Tom V.
Team Power.
Updates for all 18 inch based subs.(the s7201 will be reviewed at a later date).

All 18 inch subwoofers will have TWO B&C woofer options. They will have a *12* suffix or "ipal" . Website pricing will increase $150 for each single woofer product with the *12* suffix. And $400 for each Ipal.

The *12* suffix will use this woofer.

The *ipal* suffix will use this woofer.

Pre orders(with discounts) will begin soon..

* S1812 ~ $1549
S18ipal ~ $1799

* S3612 ~ $2399
S36ipal ~ $2899

* V1812 ~ $1599
V18ipal ~ $1849

* V3612 ~ $2549
V36ipal ~ $3049

* TV3612(formally the TV36neo) $2599
* TV36ipal $3199

No other changes to these models. The cabinets are still manufactured in Ohio and finished on site in our spray booth. The amplifiers are still our own proprietary DSP circuitry, ICE powered, each one hand assembled and right here in Ohio. The new woofers are from Italy and arguably the highest quality woofers available anywhere at these finished product price points.

Tom V.
Team Power.
The woofer for *ipal* suffix weights almost 40 pounds! :dizzy:

holy cow, talk about a monster!
The PSA7201 is discontinued why ? Wasn’t this their flagship model and I was hoping to add another one
Whoa. You were going to add a second one???? :hsd:

I would assume demand drives which products survive and which don't. Maybe you hit up Tom V and have them fabricate a one off?
Whoa. You were going to add a second one???? :hsd:

I would assume demand drives which products survive and which don't. Maybe you hit up Tom V and have them fabricate a one off?
Yes if cost is not to expensive and he can do me a deal that’s the plan
Here is the S7201 with the S3602
BEAUTIFUL. Have you created a page for that killer system in our AV SHowcase ( I think you may have... but if you haven't, please do! I'd love to feature it on our social media channels.

Where would place another S7201?
I thought it all looked very familiar.

So, where would squeeze in another one of those monsters?
I thought it all looked very familiar.

So, where would squeeze in another one of those monsters?
The plan was to take the one from the rear of the sofa and now stand it up on the left rear of the sofa and for good measure another on the rear right