The Official Power Sound Audio Subwoofer Discussion Thread

I have made a quick video of the room so you can see what I am playing with
Hi everyone
Really excited the S7201 should be here within a week, so now I have to place it somewhere which is not so easy in my room, I can’t place it in the front where my main l & r speakers are as the cabinet is there see picture, I have the other 2 PSA S3601 & S3600i subs on the back wall either side of the sofa see pictures.
One S3600 is in the left corner of the MLP up against the brick wall where it then opens out to the dining room and the other S3601 is in the right corner of the MLP so not sure where I should place the S7201 and it’s replacing the S3600i and I am keeping the S3601.
Not sure if a corner placement is right for the S7201 ? What has others done ? Hope the pictures help show the room

Congrats on the S7201 purchase. It'll knock your socks off for sure.

My S7201 is corner loaded. I hope you have a lot of double-sided tape and felt pads for rattles. Some good homeowners insurance will help too.
Owned a 3600i and it was awesome. So awesome it was way overkill for my room. Can’t say enough good things about PSA subwoofers.
Congrats on the S7201 purchase. It'll knock your socks off for sure.

My S7201 is corner loaded. I hope you have a lot of double-sided tape and felt pads for rattles. Some good homeowners insurance will help too.
What have you set the gain at on the S7201 what position? And have you it to the full 180hz position as I had my S3600 and S3601 at the 80hz position I found the full 180hz position too boomy and easier to localised
What have you set the gain at on the S7201 what position? And have you it to the full 180hz position as I had my S3600 and S3601 at the 80hz position I found the full 180hz position too boomy and easier to localised

I always use bypass on the sub amp crossover and set the crossover on the AVR. That is recommended by Tom V. as well. I have the sub crossed at 100 Hz on my Onkyo 3009. This worked best with my speakers with no localization. Don't start off your calibration at noon or even 9 o'clock on the sub gain like I did. It was scary violent when the test tone played. Start all the way CCW and gradually up the gain until you get near your 75 - 82 dB goal

The amp on the S7201 is extremely sensitive. I am barely above full CCW and it was difficult to set the gain to 82 dB as each time I touched the gain knob it jumped 5dB. It is very touchy to set precisely. After finishing the Audyssey setup, the sub was at -10.5 dB. I then bumped the AVR sub gain to -2.5 dB (8 dB hot) and that's where it currently lives. I have a large room on the second floor at 15.5' by 28.5' by 8' with a large opening to the rest of the house.
Hi Climber
Nice to have another owner to compare with ok so set crossover on the sub full way to the 150hz position? And keep the gain CCW what does that mean ?
Hi Climber
Nice to have another owner to compare with ok so set crossover on the sub full way to the 150hz position? And keep the gain CCW what does that mean ?

Start your level calibration with the gain at minimum.
It’s a real pity there is only 1 other S7201 owner on this thread are there not many owners of this sub ?
Got the email the S7201 should be with me tomorrow big smile
wow my S7201 has arrived thanks Ricky from Kalibrate UK & thanks to PSA , it’s a huge beast , I will let it sit for a few hours and then set it up through the AV Receiver and start to get it foaled in


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Also quite weird when I calibrate the system it puts the subs at +12 and that’s with the S7201 on the second notch on the gain control so either I need to up the gain on the S7201 to lower this or am I missing something
Wow, those are huge! They will shake the house! :hsd:
All is now good after calibration the S7201 is at -13.5 at 2 notches on the subs gain
wow my S7201 has arrived thanks Ricky from Kalibrate UK & thanks to PSA , it’s a huge beast , I will let it sit for a few hours and then set it up through the AV Receiver and start to get it foaled in

Wow that thing is huge. I’ve never seen a person next to it for scale like that. I didn’t realize how big it is.
A quick video of the S7201 I have put it in the nearfield position directly behind the MLP and raised it 8” off the floor so I can still get at the controls for setup/tweaking and it really sounds amazing even better then it did in the corner loaded position I had it in yesterday.
After speaking to Tom at PSA he said it wouldn’t make much difference with the drivers facing the floor or facing upwards so I went with the drivers facing upwards as they are too nice not to be able to see them.

In the near field position the Pioneer SC-LX901 AV receiver has the sub at -8.5 with the same 2 notches on the subs gain as I didn’t touch that for the new calibration so a diffence of 5db compared to when it was in the corner loaded position.

Here is a link to the video if you guys want to have a look

Your room is GREAT!!! And that sub... WOW WOW WOW. Oh man... it's awesome.

Can't wait to see your showcase page. You've got some serious sub to showoff. (Great vid by the way!!!)
Sweet system, @MikeyMac, what a treat is must be to experience that every day!
One concern is the hum that comes from the S7201 I have swapped out power cords, connect the sub to different power outlets in the house the hum is still present, I have removed the RCA cable and just the power coming to the Sub and still the hum is there, turned everything off amps, AVR, sat box etc etc the hum is still there.
And it’s loud enough to hear at speaking volume, the only thing that has reduced it is turning the crossover down from 150hz to around 80hz on the subwoofer.
I am now at a loss what else to try
MikeyMac, did you try and reach out to Tom? Was the hum there from first plug in or develop after some use? Anything like a fridge, heater etc on that A.C. line? I am sure you will get it sorted.

Your system looks sweet!
One concern is the hum that comes from the S7201 I have swapped out power cords, connect the sub to different power outlets in the house the hum is still present, I have removed the RCA cable and just the power coming to the Sub and still the hum is there, turned everything off amps, AVR, sat box etc etc the hum is still there.
And it’s loud enough to hear at speaking volume, the only thing that has reduced it is turning the crossover down from 150hz to around 80hz on the subwoofer.
I am now at a loss what else to try

I think @flat4 nailed it... you must have something else on that line of power in your home. Have you tried using an extension cord to tap into another outlet?

Tom at PSA is rock solid, I'm sure he'll help you straighten it out!
MikeyMac, did you come up with anything? I was informed by an S7201 owner that he had the same issue that Tom at PSA has a potential solution. Reach out to him or your distributor.
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Joining the PSA S7201 club. Picking up 2 lightly used units next month. Pumped beyond belief!
Joining the PSA S7201 club. Picking up 2 lightly used units next month. Pumped beyond belief!

I would be too. You're getting a duo of incredibly powerful and clean performing subs. I hope you have health and homeowners insurance for the beating you're about to be subjected to. I never even come close to maxing my single 7201 out without worrying about the windows and drywall.
I figured i will have no what ifs by going right to the top. I was gonna purchase new from Tom but these came up fairly close to me so headed in a few weeks to get them.

I have to say that PSA Tom has taken the time and always gotten back to me in little time this last year as i asked questions. When i mentioned these 7201's to him he was way in support of me going for it even though i was not getting them directly from him. His cs and business model is 2nd to none and a rare thing these days.

I did my research and there are good subs out there but PSA has great subs and cs totally sealed the deal for me going with PSA.
Awesome another owner joining us.
I eventually fixed the hum it was a ground loop and connecting the 7201 to the same AV socket completely eliminated the hum.
A few weeks in it’s sounding better every week