V5.20.14 early access build

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Hi John,

Thanks for the wonderful updates on this release. It seems however that I cannot run the older version (V5.20.13) and the newer releases (V5.20.14eaXX) on the same Windows machine. I get the error below below when trying to launch either version. Either version works as normal if I uninstall the other. The issue seems to have started a few versions back of the latest releases because both versions could work before. The versions get installed on different folders but the issue persists.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant roomeqwizard.Window.Types.TUKEY50
    at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(Unknown Source)
    at roomeqwizard.Window$Types.valueOf(y:1550)
    at roomeqwizard.RoomEQ_Wizard.Y(y:7154)
    at roomeqwizard.RoomEQ_Wizard.main(y:1556)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at com.exe4j.runtime.LauncherEngine.launch(LauncherEngine.java:84)
    at com.exe4j.runtime.WinLauncher.main(WinLauncher.java:94)
    at com.install4j.runtime.launcher.WinLauncher.main(WinLauncher.java:25)
The Tukey 0.5 window doesn't exist in 5.20.13, so it's understandable that it can't launch if the IR windows in the Analysis preferences are set to use that. It shouldn't cause any issue for 5.20.14 builds after ea12 though. What is the error message with the 5.20.14 build?
is it possible to implement Bark/ERB-Scale weighting as further FDW options?
There is an ERB smoothing option, but the FDW uses a constant cycles/octave fraction value. I don't understand the benefit of varying the FDW octave fraction, what is it?
The Tukey 0.5 window doesn't exist in 5.20.13, so it's understandable that it can't launch if the IR windows in the Analysis preferences are set to use that. It shouldn't cause any issue for 5.20.14 builds after ea12 though. What is the error message with the 5.20.14 build?
Thanks John, that was the problem. Changed the window setting back to Tukey 0.25 and now they both both work.:T


All versions installed in different folders use the same branch of the Windows registry. Therefore, there may be confusion in the parameters of REW versions launched from different folders. It's better to do so.
Export the registry branch to a file before installing another version. Then delete this registry branch. Then install another version in another folder. Use. If you need to run a previously installed version, then export the registry branch with the current version to a file, delete its registry branch, and return the other (saved) one to the registry.

John Mulcahy

I created sweep tones in the generator for playback on an external device in version 5.20.13. Do I need to remake them for use in the current version?


thanks for the answer. In the 'Шьзгды' window, when using 'Offset t=0', clicking on the zoom (plus or minus at the bottom right of the impulse graph) only zooms in on the impulse graph, and the phase graph does not change. Was it like that before?
When one decides to set t=0 on his own, he may need to see how the phase response behaves at the end of the frequency range. And this requires an increase. For example, for this, I first did it in the SPL window, where you can increase the phase response, and then went to the Impuls window and almost blindly set t=0.
Hi John,
Perhaps just one last item for the final build of 5.20.14. For Linux, there is no icon present for the application, so it uses the default java icon on my system (KDE environment). I don't recall the specific version, but in the past there was an REW icon present. A little digging, I found that the .desktop entry for REW doesn't include an "icon=" line.
#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Exec="/home/reet/REW/roomeqwizard" %U
When one decides to set t=0 on his own, he may need to see how the phase response behaves at the end of the frequency range. And this requires an increase. For example, for this, I first did it in the SPL window, where you can increase the phase response, and then went to the Impuls window and almost blindly set t=0.
I'm not sure whether you want a higher end frequency if the measurement has phase data after 30 kHz or want to view a narrower frequency span at the top of the measurement's range? Easy to make sure the phase data covers everything available in the measurement, but the second graph doesn't have controls to change its span.
To be honest, you can leave it as is. I used to think that adjusting the t=0 position for one graph would be needed often. But the latest versions of the program set t=0 correctly, so nothing needs to be done. It is often necessary to change the position of t=0 by a fixed amount for several graphs, which is done in the Overlays window.

There's something else I'm thinking about. This is the ability in the Overlays window to move the selected impulse or Step Response graph relative to other graphs along the timeline. At the same time, I would like to see how Step Response moves at the same time if I move Impuls. That is, two windows, as now I see the movement of the phase graph when I move Impuls in the Impuls window (not overlays). But until the end I still can not imagine how it should be organized.
The other graphs will update whenever Apply is clicked. It isn't really practical to make live updates of multiple graphs during that adjustment due to the time it takes, graph changes and the UI itself would become slow and lag user actions.
It isn't really practical to make live updates of multiple graphs
It's not about multiple graphs. If there are 30 measurements, 3-4 of them will be selected for observation, of these 3-4, only one will need to be moved. The rest remain in their places. But in other windows, the graphs of the same measurement (one) should move. There are two or three windows. Impulse, Step Response and Phase. Will that slow down a lot too?
The builds have been updated today. I have tried to tackle to management of preferences with changes to allow file-based preferences:

  • Added: Preferences menu entry to save preferences to a file
  • Added: A Startup argument -prefs to specify a preferences file for REW to use
  • Added: Support for a roomeqwizard.vmoptions entry -Drew.preferences.file to specify a preferences file for REW to use (startup argument takes precedence)

The default behaviour is to use the platform-dependent Java preferences store. There are two ways to configure REW to use a file for storing preferences, running REW with a -prefs argument or making an entry in the roomeqwizard.vmoptions file. The -prefs argument takes priority if both are present. On Windows with the default REW installation a preferences file could be specified by launching REW using for example

C:\Program Files\REW\roomeqwizard.exe -prefs "C:\Users\johnm\REW\rewprefs.txt"

or editing the Target field of the properties of an REW Windows shortcut to add the prefs argument, so the target would look like

"C:\Program Files\REW\roomeqwizard.exe" -prefs "C:\Users\johnm\REW\rewprefs.txt"

On macOS it could be done from a terminal using

open -a REW.app --args -prefs "/Users/johnm/REW/rewprefs.txt"

To use the roomeqwizard.vmoptions file add an entry to specify the path to the file, for example:


If a preferences file is being used the file name will be shown in the About REW dialog. If the specified file cannot be accessed, created or written to REW will instead use a file called rewprefs.txt in the REW log files folder and show a warning to that effect. Note that specifying a preferences file in the REW Windows installation folder will fail and use the default as the folder is protected.

A preferences file can be created from an existing installation using the Preferences → Save preferences to file menu entry.

This build also has some features for RT60 data:
  • Added: "Show ISO3382 average" option on the Overlay RT60 graph to show the average of the chosen ISO3382 parameter for the selected traces
  • Added: "Export all data" button on the Overlay RT60 data graph to export all RT60 data for the selected measurements
  • Added: Grouping selector when exporting RT60 data from multiple measurements to allow grouping by measurement or by parameter
It's not about multiple graphs. If there are 30 measurements, 3-4 of them will be selected for observation, of these 3-4, only one will need to be moved. The rest remain in their places. But in other windows, the graphs of the same measurement (one) should move. There are two or three windows. Impulse, Step Response and Phase. Will that slow down a lot too?
Yes, the t=0 adjustment only moves the axis display, it doesn't try and do anything to the impulse graph itself as that takes too long.
The other graphs will update whenever Apply is clicked
It works. I move impuls graph in the main window. The Overlays window is also open on the Impulse tab. Is it possible to allow multiple Overlays windows to run at the same time? To see also the Step Response tab.
I receive this Java error when trying to import multiple measurements at once (a lot of them) with drag and drop and click "Remove All" before the import process completes. I know it's a bit extreme but...

REW V5.20.14 running Azul Systems, Inc. JRE 1.8.0_352 64-bit on Windows 10 Locale: language en, keyboard GB, windows-1252 at 96 DPI

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 39, Size: 0
Stack Trace:
Index: 39, Size: 0
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
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and the error below ocured during this operation:


Impulse responses are hacked Audyssey measurements so probably unclean data....

REW V5.20.14 running Azul Systems, Inc. JRE 1.8.0_352 64-bit on Windows 10 Locale: language en, keyboard GB, windows-1252 at 96 DPI

java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
Stack Trace:
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
Caused by:
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I receive this Java error when trying to import multiple measurements at once (a lot of them) with drag and drop and click "Remove All" before the import process completes. I know it's a bit extreme but...
I'll disable deletions while loading.
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