V5.20.14 early access build

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Builds updated today with these changes:
  • Added: The impulse overlay graph has a "Remove IR delay" button which estimates IR delay and shifts the IR to remove it for all selected measurements
  • Added: Export Filters IR as WAV has options to export a specified number of samples and place t=0 at a specified sample index
  • Added: Noise floor data is extracted from imported sweep measurements if there is sufficient data before the timing reference
  • Changed: Faster waterfall generation, especially for multiple cores, though speedup will be platform-dependent - much larger improvement on my Windows machine than my Mac
  • Changed: Faster RT60 model calculation for multiple cores
  • Added: cjsound_x86.dll for possible WASAPI exclusive on win32, but untested as I do not have access to a 32-bit platform
Can you create an option to disable this? Each time you re-run REW, the EQ window displays the waterfall and various graph windows at the bottom. I turn that off every time, but I want to deactivate it altogether and focus more on my graph.


  • a.png
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NPE with today's build, clicking on Spectrogram:

REW V5.20.14 running Azul Systems, Inc. JRE 1.8.0_362 64-bit on Windows 10 Locale: language en, keyboard US, windows-1252 at 96 DPI

Stack Trace:
sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
A.A.A.A.B.A(Unknown Source)
A.A.A.A.B.A(Unknown Source)
Caused by:
sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
A.A.A.A.B$_C.compute(Unknown Source)
A.A.A.A.B$_C.compute(Unknown Source)
A.A.A.A.B$_C.compute(Unknown Source)
A.A.A.A.B$_C.compute(Unknown Source)
A.A.A.A.B$_C.compute(Unknown Source)
Caused by:
java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native Method)
A.A.A.A.B$_C.compute(Unknown Source)
A.A.A.A.B$_C.compute(Unknown Source)
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I like the new layout on EQ Filters. I have a StormAudio processor. When I save to text, it transfers ALL 22 filters out, which cannot be uploaded uploaded into Storm (20 filters allowed) without going into the .txt file and deleting the filters that aren't used. Maybe there is a way to prevent unused filters from being downloaded into .txt filter and also limit those filters to 20 maximum.
Can you create an option to disable this? Each time you re-run REW, the EQ window displays the waterfall and various graph windows at the bottom. I turn that off every time, but I want to deactivate it altogether and focus more on my graph.
Divider position is remembered in the updated builds.
Fitting Y to data isn't supported for the distortion graphs (on the Limits dialog you will see the button is disabled) but I can add support for the next build.
Are you using the StormAudio equaliser setting?
Yes, I import txt file from REW into StormAudio EQ. It only allows 20 EQ filters. Thank you for your work, John. Very impressive.
Looks like when I changed the equalisers to the new structures I made a typo in the StormAudio file, it should allow 12 parametric filters and keep the remaining 8 positions for the crossover filters (which need 4 each for the maximum slope), but I typed in the wrong number. I'll fix it for the next build.
Looks like when I changed the equalisers to the new structures I made a typo in the StormAudio file, it should allow 12 parametric filters and keep the remaining 8 positions for the crossover filters (which need 4 each for the maximum slope), but I typed in the wrong number. I'll fix it for the next build.
Does it have to have 8 for crossover? That seems like a lot.
Each crossover can require 4 biquads at the highest slope. The number of parametric filters can't be varied dynamically, so after accommodating the crossovers there are 12 filter positions remaining.

John Mulcahy,​

In the window All SPL, Alignment tool there is a choice of alignment in phase or in impuls. When a impuls is selected, the impuls graphs appear at the bottom. It is impossible to understand anything from graphs with such a size. The size is not adjustable. Will there be any solution with adjusting the size of these impuls graphs?
Perhaps you could post an image and explain what impossible thing you are trying to understand.

Impulse alignment uses filtered IRs, you can either use "Filter IRs at cursor" and align manually or use "Align IRs at cursor" and REW will filter and align them. The time span should be suitable for typical alignment use cases, but I can make it adapt to cope with higher alignment frequencies.

thothsong, John Mulcahy

I'm like Thor, I pressed all the buttons, nothing came out. I understand how to use this tool. I wrote that John's impulse graph is enlarged and well read, while mine is reduced, and there is no way to increase it.
All seems normal. Where are you placing the cursor to align them? Filtering is at the cursor frequency, for the usual subwoofer range frequencies the time range is fine but it will be pretty broad if you are trying to align outside the subwoofer range. The adaption I mentioned will deal with that. Still works though:

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