V5.20.14 early access build

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Hi John,

After installing 5.20.14ea43, upon startup throws the following error:

2023-03-22 21_59_30-REW V5.20.14.png

REW V5.20.14 running Azul Systems, Inc. JRE 1.8.0_362 64-bit on Windows 10 Locale: language en, keyboard US, windows-1252 at 96 DPI

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: The input index must be in [0,2): -1
Stack Trace:
The input index must be in [0,2): -1
com.synthbot.jasiohost.AsioDriver.getChannelInput(Unknown Source)
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

I reverted back to V5.20.14ea39, all good now...
Builds updated today with these changes:
  • Changed: Set USB mic to unity gain if volume control allowed, previously was only set to unity gain if gain was below unity
  • Fixed: Distortion graph Fit Y to data did not take account of which traces were displayed
  • Fixed: When MME was selected as the FlexASIO driver type the input and output boxes had entries for both MME and DirectSound
  • Fixed: Array index out of bounds on startup when using ASIO drivers
Is this an okay place to ask about fixing the "Animate measurements list" option, and maybe have an option to not dynamically resize the tabs in the measurement list? Removing a measurement makes things slide around and fade out regardless of what the animation option is set to, and its quite slow and annoying, especially when the list dynamically resizes and the next X you want to click might not even be in the same place. Thanks.
I have fixed "Animate measurements list" not being respected when deleting for the next build. There will usually be a change in how much the panes overlap, until there are few enough measurements that the whole of the graph thumbnail is visible. A faster way to remove multiple measurements is to use the "Remove selected measurements" option in the right click menu of the All SPL graph and the overlay graphs.
John, is it possible to identify an incorrectly set clock in one of the old measurements? When the measurement was taken, the clock correction was not enabled.
The appearance of the impulse response might give an idea of a clock rate difference, or a slope in the HF group delay, but that is usually difficult to make out in an acoustic measurement.
Another weird interface thing that I've noticed is that changing parameters in Overlays > RT60, like from EDT to T30 or others, will automatically re-enable all measurements regardless of which ones are currently or previously selected.
John, I couldn't measure the impedance today. At the end of the measurement, a message and the end of the measurement. Builds 44.


  • Java_m.JPG
    19.7 KB · Views: 19
Please post the text of error messages, not images. There is a button on the dialog to copy the text to the clipboard.
Builds updated today with these changes:
  • Changed: Faster CWT calculation for systems with 2 or more cores and at least 256 MB memory remaining available for allocation
  • Fixed: Deleting measurements caused animated list changes even if "Animate measurements list" was not selected in the View preferences
  • Fixed: Changing the displayed parameter on the Overlay RT60 graph selected all traces
  • Fixed: The Merge trace arithmetic operation tried to produce a result with an IR when one of the measurements being merged only had magnitude data
  • Fixed: Impedance measurements with noise filter generated index out of bounds error
Is there any option that should have an impact on the saving of settings in the "Generate minimum phase" window? I could've sworn in 5.20.13 it always defaulted to the first two options, include and replicate, both checked whenever REW is restarted. After upgrading to .14, include would maintain its value between restarts, while replicate would always return to being unchecked. I wanted to see if I was just remembering incorrectly, so I reinstalled .13 to a separate directory, and it kept this same behavior. I went back to .14, and it continued to stay this way. I then did "Delete preferences and shut down", and now it's back to the way it used to be, with include and replicate becoming checked by default after a restart. I don't see any settings that seem like they would be related to this, but I also can't say for sure which behavior is intended for these settings.
Include cal file effects is a preference setting and remembered on the next startup.

The Replicate data and Apply frequency warping check boxes were initialised incorrectly when the dialog was first created, they would be set the same as the option to add HF tail. I've fixed that for the next build. The settings are saved in the measurement they are used on, selecting a measurement that has had min phase generation used on it (and been saved afterwards) will configure the dialog as it was for that measurement.
Great timing, John. I was just playing with it a little more and came to a conclusion that was pretty close to that, and your explanation confirms it. I was having a little trouble wrapping my head around it at first I guess. Thanks for the clarification as well as the fixes.
I checked the impedance measurement in builds 45. Everything works. Thank you.
There was another message from Java today. I don't remember at what point. Rew suggested to save measurements and restart it.


Is there (or could there be?) any way to generate minimum phase for more than one measurement at a time? Being able to do a bunch all at once sure would be a time/click saver sometimes. Perhaps even an option to do it automatically after completing a measurement?
Tail settings tend to be specific to each measurement. Can you explain what you are using the minimum phase response for?
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