V5.20.14 early access build

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Would it be possible to store distortion analysis from FFT in the .mdat file the way which would allow to show it again in the FFT window after loading an existing .mdat file? Currently it's saved as a comment and not reflected in the "Show distortion" overlay.
The panel in the RTA window shows values from the current RTA input data analysis, there is no equivalent data for saved measurements and if there were I don't know how I would go about deciding whether the panel should show the actual data or something pulled from a saved measurement.

I could create a sort of minimal distortion data set when saving RTA data that has THD info. That way the data could be viewed on the distortion graphs, although it would just appear for a narrow span around the fundamental frequency (1/3 octave, for example). Example of how that would look below:


Works fine for me, can you be a bit more specific so I can try and reproduce what you are seeing?
Ahh I see what it is. If you start a session of REW with the gain step at 0.1 or higher, then switch to 0.01 without restarting REW it behaves as I described. It will never add the hundredth digit and be stuck on a tenth when you try to use the arrows. If you start REW with the step set to 0.01 then the hundredth digit shows up and arrows work correctly. Frequency still snaps to 0.05 increments even after restarting though, regardless of if you try to type it or use the arrows.
OK, knowing that helps make sense of the comments. I have fixed it for the next build.
Point 1 sounds like a problem with high latency and the replay device stopping when the source signal ends even though it hasn't finished being transferred. I can look at sending zeroes for a period after the sweep ends, might help.

On point 2, REW has no connection to Apple music so I don't know what is prompting that to open.
For point 2, I’ve subsequently done a lot of online research and found several examples of this behaviour with other applications and Ventura/Apple Silicon over airplay.

There seems to be a bug in that setup that triggers Apple Music to start and play when streaming over that hardware. Bottom line, this is not an REW issue, but rather an Apple issue.
Something like this.
We can get numbers like 1.11 or 1.19, 1.15 even if we click directly on gain or type in numbers. Only 1.1 or 1.2 exists
I think what Lowclock is saying is the same as me.


  • Gain.mp4
    1.4 MB
Something like this.
We can get numbers like 1.11 or 1.19, 1.15 even if we click directly on gain or type in numbers. Only 1.1 or 1.2 exists
I think what Lowclock is saying is the same as me.
It's meant to match the capability of the device, and miniDSP's own software for that is limited to increments of 0.1. No sense in making filters in a higher resolution than you can set in the device. However, 96khz plug-in mode is also limited to 0.1 resolution for peaking filter gain, and I'm pretty sure it is mathematically capable of better than that when entering raw bi-quad coefficients. Not sure why it's limited or if that's intentional.
The panel in the RTA window shows values from the current RTA input data analysis, there is no equivalent data for saved measurements and if there were I don't know how I would go about deciding whether the panel should show the actual data or something pulled from a saved measurement.
I think it could decide based on the Spectrum presence.


I could create a sort of minimal distortion data set when saving RTA data that has THD info. That way the data could be viewed on the distortion graphs, although it would just appear for a narrow span around the fundamental frequency (1/3 octave, for example).

Yes, that would be really nice. But what about dualtones/multitones? There is a distortion graph for multitone actually but it doesn't reflect a single calculated TD+N value.
John, please explain why estimate IR delay sets t=0 at 153 µs before the impulse peak in this measurement.


Yes, that would be really nice. But what about dualtones/multitones? There is a distortion graph for multitone actually but it doesn't reflect a single calculated TD+N value
I can display the panel on the SPL & Phase graph for whatever kind of distortion was captured.

John, please explain why estimate IR delay sets t=0 at 153 µs before the impulse peak in this measurement.
Because the loopback peak location set the timing reference since that was measured with loopback as timing reference.
Yes, but only for measurements saved after this feature is in a build, existing measurements do not have the necessary info.
Builds updated today with these changes:
  • Added: The RTA trace can be filled
  • Added: The RTA distortion panel shows SNR and ENOB
  • Added: The RTA distortion settings now includes options to choose whether and how many harmonic levels are shown in the distortion data panel and whether the higher harmonic distortion level is shown
  • Added: Measurements saved from the RTA with data in the distortion panel can show the distortion panel on the SPL & Phase graph
  • Added: There is now an option to show the data points for stepped level measurements on the distortion graph
  • Added: There is now an option to go back one step and use a smaller step size if the distortion limit is exceeded during a stepped level test, allowing the limit to be determined more precisely
  • Added: Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down select the previous or next measurement, in addition to Alt+Up and Alt+Down
  • Changed: After the sweep ends play one second of silence (or dither if fill silence with dither is selected) to keep the replay channel active
  • Changed: The Info panel is now resizeable
  • Changed: The stepped sine dialog layout has changed and some distortion settings are replicated there for convenience
  • Fixed: Minimum phase settings to replicate data and apply frequency warping were initialised incorrectly on startup
  • Fixed: A null pointer exception could occur when using the alignment tool in impulse mode
  • Fixed: Min phase version and Mic in box correction measurements did not have their date set
  • Fixed: At very high middle-button zoom levels the Y axis minor grid plotting could get stuck in a loop
  • Fixed: Changing the configurable equaliser settings did not update the EQ filters panel value formats
  • Fixed: The graph zoom buttons were not rendered properly on retina displays
  • Fixed: Estimate IR delay could give an incorrect result in some cases
Fixed: Estimate IR delay could give an incorrect result in some cases
This has been fixed. Thank you. The letter T at the bottom is shifted by the time that the peak is shifted. It should be? And what does she mean?
T=0 is now set slightly to the right of the peak. In my case, to the right by 0.25 µs.
With a very large increase in the graph, I could not zoom out with the plus and minus buttons on the graph.
The letter T at the bottom is shifted by the time that the peak is shifted. It should be? And what does she mean?
The T shows the position of the timing reference relative to the measurement.

With a very large increase in the graph, I could not zoom out with the plus and minus buttons on the graph.
In which axis? Could you post a screenshot?
T=0 is now set slightly to the right of the peak. In my case, to the right by 0.25 µs.
It's not every time. But in this measurement there is. It doesn't bother me.

Screenshot on the issue of decrease. On X axis.


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I'm getting a null pointer exception when opening a saved multitone measurement.

REW V5.20.14 running Azul Systems, Inc. JRE 1.8.0_362 64-bit on Windows 10 Locale: language en, keyboard PL, windows-1250 at 96 DPI

Stack Trace:
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)


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Sorry about that, there are two issues which have been fixed in ea47. Files with RTA distortion data saved from ea46 are broken, unfortunately.
  • Fixed: NPE on starting up by double-clicking a measurement saved from the RTA with distortion data
  • Fixed: File format error on opening measurements with distortion data saved from the RTA with ea46
Is the loopback timing reference measurement setting also supposed to make the signal generator play through the loopback channel as well as whatever one you have selected? Was very confusing when I had one channel selected and was getting a tone through both. I don't understand what the point would be of playing a timing reference when you're not timing anything.
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