V5.20.14 early access build

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Fair enough! I usually use an acoustic timing reference so I've never left it on to notice it before. I wonder if it would be a good idea to have a checkbox in the generator window for it or something since it kind of invalidates the channel selection box in there.
Makes sense.

Hi John,

I found some trouble with the latest build 5_20_14ea47.

When I import sweep recordings, the distortion graph is all greyed out.


It does not happen with 5_20_14ea39.
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Hey John,

I would like to throw in a feature request to your existing pile.

Would like to be able to display a 3 and 4-way XO/individual driver measurements in the Waterfall plot in a similar way as the existing 2-way functionality operates. It may put a burden on processor requirements for resizing/positioning though. Much appreciated if possible.

Thanks much.
I don't understand what you are after there, can you elaborate?
Sure, simultaneously being able to display 4 items (4 XO filters, 4/SubLowMidHigh driver measurements, etc.) in a Waterfall plot versus just 1 or 2. Same functionality, just increase the number of plots from 2 to 4.
Can't recall seeing more than one driver on a waterfall plot. Presumably it would be helpful for design in some way? What is the benefit?
Can't recall seeing more than one driver on a waterfall plot. Presumably it would be helpful for design in some way? What is the benefit?
I use it to visualize a 2-way, 3-way, 4-way XO speaker and them compare it against their actual measurements.

I make FIR XO's in RePhase and then analyze them in REW before applying them to the actual system. I can inspect all 4 in 2D plots, but not 3D Waterfall plots unless I pre-composite them with aritmetic functions first and lose all of the XO overlap details.


have you seen this somewhere? Several waterfall graphs in one picture? I think it will be porridge.


have you seen this somewhere? Several waterfall graphs in one picture? I think it will be porridge.
I do it all the time with 2 adjacent drivers or XO FIRs, thus the request to do it with a 3 or 4 way speaker design for a complete view of the entire speaker.

With shallow slopes, you can analyze the overlap of more than 2 drivers.

To address yours specific question if I have seen it somewhere.

Comparing 3D solids modeling to sound may not be an apples-2-apples comparison, but ... If you are designing a V-4, V-6 or V-8 in CAD software, it usually doesn't restrict you to 3D viewing of just 1 or 2 cylinders at a time, but allows you to view the entire engine if desired in 3D. Drivers are motors right ? =)

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This is interesting. I didn't know about this possibility. Thank you for the clarification.

Sorry I wasn't more clear. It took me a while to understand your usage of the term "porridge" because I was thinking horizontal distribution and not overlays for this use case. I was not suggesting 4 overlays occupying the same X/Y/Z space because as you put it, it would be "porridge". =)
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I was not suggesting 4 overlays occupying the same X/Y/Z space
Now I don't understand what you meant. Now you can watch the waterfall of the main measurement and overlay. Your wish is to watch + a few other overlays? No?
Now I don't understand what you meant. Now you can watch the waterfall of the main measurement and overlay. Your wish is to watch + a few other overlays? No?
I meant displaying 4 items at different X offsets (x1=sub freq range, x2=bass freq range, x3=mid freq range, x4=high freq range) so basically expanding the following to 3 or 4 horizontally

versus 4 of these occupying the same x1, y1, z1 location (porridge).


Hope that is more clear.
minor bug report: predicted GD graph in EQ window loses smoothing when a new filter is manually added!

Y-Axis display issue.

Sometimes the bottom (low frequency range) of the Spectrogram displays blank space instead of the plot.

This plot shows the bottom is blank below @ 48Hz.

UPDATE: The bottom of the plot is tied to the After Peak Span settings so this may be as designed.

Y Axis Display Issue.png
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Builds updated today with these changes:
  • Added: The RTA distortion settings have a control for the highest harmonic to include in the calculated THD figure
  • Added: Averaging measurements averages their distortion data if they cover the same frequency range at the same resolution
  • Added: There is now a help menu entry to generate a diagnostic file that zips REW's log files and a soundcard debug file
  • Changed: When the distortion graph Y axis is dBr show the equivalent major percentage figures on the right hand side
  • Changed: Added a checkbox in the generator playback panel to choose whether the signal should also be sent to the timing reference output (previously it went to the timing reference output whenever a timing reference measurement mode was selected). This setting does not affect sweep measurements, only the generator behaviour when not measuring.
  • Changed: RTA THD figure shows which harmonics are included
  • Fixed: X axis zoom buttons could stop working at very high time axis zooms
  • Fixed: RTA distortion panel text did not update when distortion settings changed if the RTA was not running
  • Fixed: Distortion graph THD subscript for harmonics showed the chosen calculation limit even if there were fewer harmonics available
  • Fixed: Predicted group delay smoothing did not match measurement when filters changed
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