V5.20.14 early access build

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I've posted before, but could you please create an option to increase the memory quota in REW during the setup or installation process of REW?
I want to allocate at least 16gb for REW.

2. I usually matched the volume to 77dbc.
My settings haven't changed, and I don't know which version I used SPL meter before. I'm currently in the latest beta and it's showing around 6db higher than I've known before.
My microphone is not damaged, and I don't use the audio interface. umik mic.
The speaker volume remains the same. You can downgrade it for accurate comparison, but it's hard to see from which version there's a change.
Could you please check about this? (For your information, I am using a professional SPL calibration file.)
I've posted before, but could you please create an option to increase the memory quota in REW during the setup or installation process of REW?
I want to allocate at least 16gb for REW.
The problem there is that if the user picks a memory value that is too large REW will fail to launch with no indication why, it just gets killed when the launcher asks the OS for more memory than the OS is able to allocate. The further above 2 GB the greater the risk of that, hence the choice of a 2 GB limit. Larger values can be set by changing the -Xmx line of the roomeqwizard.vmoptions file in the REW installation folder.

UMIK-1 level reads correctly on my class 1 mic calibrator. What is your mic's serial number and what is the input volume setting?
Question about the room simulator. Can REW recommend speaker and listener locations where the difference between peaks and pits in the room is minimal? Based on the size of the room, and the presence of absorbers.
No, it is only a response simulator. Beyond that becomes a lot more complicated. There would need to be some objective means of evaluating a measure of the quality of a particular response, a way to extend that to assign a value to the range of responses that are found within some meaningful listening volume and a means of specifying restrictions on placements.
Ok. Is it possible to make speakers movement limiters so that they cannot be moved close to the wall, for example? I set a movement limit of 60 cm to the side wall of a wall, for example. Then, when looking for the best place, the speaker cannot move closer than 60 cm to the specified wall.
John: "There isn't a way for REW to know whether the 1/48 smoothing was applied manually or imposed by the 96 PPO log spaced conversion that happens as part of applying the FDW. 1/48 octave smoothing is as close to unsmoothed as 96 PPO data can get, if FDW is removed REW may revert to a linear spaced measurement and then there is a decision about whether to keep the 1/48 octave smoothing or remove smoothing. In recent builds it reverts to unsmoothed, previously it kept 1/48. I can do either and don't mind which, happy to hear what folk think makes most sense."

I am used to that toggling action going to no smoothing, and kinda like to be able to get there quickly in that manner. I don't do it often, though, so if most want it he other way, no problem.

[Didn't it go to unsmoothed in the "old days?" No answer necessary, it's late, brain fog...]
John, what is the possibility of adding a 2-channel goniometer, or phase/correlation scope display of some type, possibly as an alt view of the oscilloscope? I can get there with Reaper DAW and a metering VST, but it would be far easier if REW had the capability, plus it would be a more credible measurement, giiven REW's reputation in the industry.
I can add it to the list, though I thought of it as more of a mixing/production tool than a measuring tool, is that not the case?
Normally, yes. I am looking into the effects of low level noise on image clarity and soundstage quality. The RTA is the best way to measure noise floor, but it would be helpful to see L/R phase coherence as well, especially to determine its affect on soundstage width.

If you think the application is too limited to make sense in REW, I understand. No doubt the wish list of important changes & additions is a mile long, and there are other ways I can accomplish it, although the capacity in REW would be very convenient. No harm in asking, right? :innocent:
Builds updated today with these changes:
  • Added: The graph axes can be zoomed and their limits adjusted using the mouse wheel (or the scroll gesture on trackpads) by moving the mouse over the axis you want to adjust. Hold the Alt key for fine adjustment.
  • Changed: Right hand Y axis labelling is no longer tied to the left hand Y axis grid lines
  • Changed: Restored a Calibration files button on the Measure dialog
  • Fixed: Null pointer exceptions could occur when measuring Dutch & Dutch 8c
  • Fixed: Index out of bounds error

The main change this time is to try and make graph range adjustment a bit less painful by allowing mouse wheel control of the axis limits and axis zooming. Put the mouse over the end of the axis to adjust the limits. Fine adjustment is provided by holding the Alt key while scrolling.
Thanks. What led up to that? Removing measurements?
I have an .mdat from an imported .wav file that I was attempting to apply a 1/1 octave filter at 8 KHz to while viewing in % mode:


I selected the filter from the dropdown and it went back to the 'No Filter' choice instead of 8 KHz and the legend at the bottom right indicates 'Calculating' but nothing happens to the graph. If I toggle the 'Zero phase filtering' option off then on again, I can select the filter from the dropdown and it goes back to the same state. I tried it a few times and it threw the exception. I've attached the .mdat if you wish to analyze.


I have an .mdat from an imported .wav file that I was attempting to apply a 1/1 octave filter at 8 KHz to while viewing in % mode
Import it as an impulse response, not as audio data. Filtering is only available for impulse responses.
Import it as an impulse response, not as audio data. Filtering is only available for impulse responses.

Thanks for that. I just checked another .mdat—from about seven years ago—where I imported a similar file and I did indeed import that as an impulse. Maybe a little dialog box/message that pops up saying you can't do that with this data to keep others from making the same error?

John Mulcahy,​

Is it possible to make, that when pressing Ctrl Alt F in the SPL window, the phase graph is not placed along the Y axis to the full height, but takes about a quarter or less of the space below. The SPL graph is usually at the top. Let the phase graph be at the bottom.
Is it possible to make, that when pressing Ctrl Alt F in the SPL window, the phase graph is not placed along the Y axis to the full height, but takes about a quarter or less of the space below
I'll do that for the next build.
Thanks, happens if the Measure dialog playback is set to "From file", I've fixed it for the next build.
There is one more situation. When a measurement fails for some reason, REW writes about it and saves the failed measurement. I always delete it afterwards. Or for some reason I press the 'cancel' button during the measurement. REW saves the failed measurement and closes the 'measurement' window. It would have been better if the 'measurement' window had been left open. And the failed measurement was not saved automatically.
That will be because that was the length of the impulse response. For longer responses at higher sample rates use longer sweeps.
Hi John,

I have tried 2M, 11.9 second sweeps (up from 512k, 3 seconds), but the "Export this sample count:" still offers up to 131,072 and "Place t=0 at sample index:" maxes out at 16,384. Not able to set the center to 131,072 and the output number of samples to 262,144.

Also, is there a 32-bit float limitation ? REW can read 64-bit float wav files, but doesn't appear to offer 64-float float as an output format.

I discovered SoX's internal format is 32-bit Ints, so it loses numerical accuracy when dealing/converting 64-bit files. Being such, I use other tools to convert 64-bit float files.
PLEASE NOTE: Windows builds from ea57 (3rd May) onwards are signed with a new certificate. Microsoft SmartScreen will warn that the files are "not commonly downloaded" and ask you to confirm you trust the file before allowing it to run. That will continue until SmartScreen has seen sufficient downloads.

Builds updated today with these changes:
  • Added: Show a warning message for imported audio data on the Filtered IR graph as filtering is not available
  • Added: RTA controls now have an option for whether the fundamental frequency is obtained from the generator instead of the input signal when playing a sine tone
  • Changed: Fit to data and Fit Y to data on the SPL & Phase graph put phase at the bottom of the graph (for wrapped phase)
  • Changed: Only show low measurement level warning message once per session
  • Fixed: Index out of bounds exception when viewing distortion graph for measurement saved from the RTA with fundamental too high for any harmonics
  • Fixed: Sample rate selection from the Measure dialog sometimes needed to be done twice
  • Fixed: Null pointer exception would occur when changing output device if the Measure dialog playback mode was from file
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