Builds updated today with these changes:
- Added: All SPL has two new averaging options, RMS + phase and dB + phase, which augment an RMS or dB average with phase data from a vector average
- Added: All SPL has a "Remove IR delays" button to remove the estimated IR delay from all selected measurements which have an IR
- Added: The IR navigator view shows the IR window
- Changed: Improved phase smoothing
- Changed: Improved delay estimation
- Changed: On the RTA distortion panel show when the fundamental level has come from the manual fundamental option
- Changed: If a mic cal file is being used the filename will be shown in the title of the RTA window
- Changed: If a virtual balanced input is being used show the input being subtracted in the title of the RTA window
- Fixed: WASAPI exclusive mode would produce no sound with some graphics card/AVR combinations on 7.1 systems
Note that the impulse responses of RMS + phase and dB + base averages are non-physical and will have acausal content (the response starts before t=0) so need larger left windows than usual. Before using those or vector average the responses to be averaged should be aligned, Cross corr align works well for that to align all the responses to the first.