V5.20.14 early access build

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John, could there be something in the last few updates that affects impedance measurement or building model components of capacitor, inductance?
I took measurements of inductors and capacitors a couple of weeks ago. Then REW showed zero ESR for some capacitors. I was very surprised. And on the latest update, these same measurements no longer show zero ESR. There are very small, but not zero. The measurement was taken on 05/16/2023.
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Where can I download the version that was the newest 16.05? I found a tweeter measurement where t=0 REW was set a little after the peak.


The peak of that measurement (i.e. the point of maximum amplitude) is at 29 us. You'd probably get a more accurate t=0 estimate by using a higher sample rate.
This is the measurement of the tweeter. Does it have negative polarity? It has positive polarity. Looking at the phase plot, after using 'estimate IR delay', REW correctly set t=0. The first top peak is the 'correct' peak. If you set t=0 to the second, negative peak, the amplitude of which is greater, then the phase graph is scattered at the end by +180 and -180, which is wrong. Based on this, t=0 is set a little after the peak.
But I'm fine with that, I didn't write it to be fixed as a bug. Only as information that it happens.
Where can I download the version that was the newest 16.05?
Older versions are in the installers folder of roomeqwizard.com, but currently the earliest there is ea60 from 20th May.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say about peaks and moving t=0 around, my comment had nothing to do with that. To be clear on terminology, the peak of the IR is the largest absolute value, wherever it occurs. t=0 on the response you posted was probably about 2 us later than it should be, but that is only a tenth of a sample interval. It would probably be better located by using a higher sample rate. It does not occur after the peak of the IR.
I checked the capacitor impedance measurement file on version 60 and saw measurements where ESR=0. And then I launched version 64, it has the same thing. The first time I didn't get to the measurements where it shows, so I thought there were differences. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


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I thought there would be a feature to turn off this highlighting...
It worked fine when I opened a saved messurement to check it, but when I made a new measurement or created multiple averages, the highlighting was fixed, which was inconvenient.
Hello REW community,

I have the problem with the newer versions (x64 5_20_14ea56+64) that I cannot open older measurements.
If I install a version (x64 5_20_14ea29) that I used before, I can open the older measurements but not those created with the newer version.

Pops up:
File is not in a Room Eq compatible .mdat Format

I have not been able to read about this error here.

I have the problem with the newer versions (x64 5_20_14ea56+64) that I cannot open older measurements.
If I install a version (x64 5_20_14ea29) that I used before, I can open the older measurements but not those created with the newer version.
That will be due to this, from 6th February:
  • Fixed: The configurable equaliser class definition had an error that meant it became incompatible with earlier builds in ea29, preventing mdat files saved by ea28 and earlier that used a configurable equaliser from loading. The definition has been corrected to be compatible with the ea28 and earlier builds but that makes it incompatible with the ea29 and ea30 builds. A workaround for those is to load the file in ea30, change to another equaliser then save it again.
Open the measurements in ea29 and change the equaliser to generic then save them again, they should then open in current versions and you can switch them back to a configurable equaliser.
I thought there would be a feature to turn off this highlighting.
I have added a preference for that in the next build. I don't understand how you could have a fixed highlight on the decay graph though, what steps did you go through to get that?
I have added a preference for that in the next build. I don't understand how you could have a fixed highlight on the decay graph though, what steps did you go through to get that?
Never mind, I have found the cause of that and fixed it.
Builds updated today with these changes:
  • Added: In the SPL & Phase graph controls there is an option to draw a line at phase zero, since that may not correspond to a grid line
  • Added: Files can be dragged onto the Overlay window with the same behaviour as dragging them onto the main window
  • Added: There is a view preference to control whether to show the names of highlighted traces
  • Added: There is a view preference to control whether to highlight the selected trace on overlay graphs
  • Added: The RT60 decay colour scheme settings have an option to control whether the top of the SPL axis is adjusted to suit the result
  • Changed: The data offset of a dB or RMS average is the average of the data offsets of the measurements averaged. That has no effect on SPL values, but gives more comparable dBFS values.
  • Changed: The auto/manual RT60 decay calculation settings choice is remembered for the next startup
  • Changed: Disabled filters are sorted to the end
  • Changed: The lower frequency limit of Wavelet spectrograms depends on the IR windows width rather than the spectrogram time span
  • Fixed: Highlighting was not cleared when changing between graphs
That will be due to this, from 6th February:
  • Fixed: The configurable equaliser class definition had an error that meant it became incompatible with earlier builds in ea29, preventing mdat files saved by ea28 and earlier that used a configurable equaliser from loading. The definition has been corrected to be compatible with the ea28 and earlier builds but that makes it incompatible with the ea29 and ea30 builds. A workaround for those is to load the file in ea30, change to another equaliser then save it again.
Open the measurements in ea29 and change the equaliser to generic then save them again, they should then open in current versions and you can switch them back to a configurable equaliser.
Thank you.

Had looked through the thread before registering and probably overlooked it.
But I don't speak English that well either, so I'll use a translator ;);)

Do I have to do this for each individual measurement in an mdat?

Another observation just came up:
If I change the smoothing in the overlay tab Phase, the phase changes enormously, not only in the ripple as one would assume.
Do I have to do this for each individual measurement in an mdat?
Afraid so, equaliser setting is separate for each measurement, but you don't have to save them individually.

If I change the smoothing in the overlay tab Phase, the phase changes enormously, not only in the ripple as one would assume.
The trend should remain the same but the excess phase rotations due to response nulls will gradually be removed as smoothing increases. If there is a particular measurement you are concerned about best attaching the mdat.
Added: In the SPL & Phase graph controls there is an option to draw a line at phase zero, since that may not correspond to a grid line
I dreamed about this all my life.:jump::jump::jump:

As I understand it, this line will always be this color. I think she stands out too much. It would be better to make her paler. It can be the same color, but more pale. And. Is it possible to add the same for impuls graphs, and the same in the Overlays window? For phase and impuls.
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