Apple iPhone 8 (2017) event

so now the question, how to back it up? itunes?
Spigen has there iPhone x cases on sale at amazon. I just bought two differant ones for $25 total. Also Apple just updated my projected deliver dates from nov 27- dec 5 too nov 17-nov 24. Nice
How are you going to protect the front?
How are you going to protect the front?
You want to make sure the case you get has a raised edge to protect the edge to edge glass, they also sell tempered glass screen protectors, just like prior phones.
Thanks for the details..

I am thinking of getting one that has full coverage..

With that in mind, I wonder how the wireless charging can work?

Assuming the iphone X is in the case (Front and back) covered, will it charge when it is on top of the wireless charging port?
Yes... back your phone up on iTunes. It’s all pretty straight forward. Easy to do.
Thanks for the details..

I am thinking of getting one that has full coverage..

With that in mind, I wonder how the wireless charging can work?

Assuming the iphone X is in the case (Front and back) covered, will it charge when it is on top of the wireless charging port?
Some of the heavy duty rigid cases, and any cases with metal in them likely will not work. It has to do with the material in the case and thickness of the case.
Thanks Todd. Will take a look at the itunes.

Phillihp23, yeah, will do some more research.. I do like the option to wireless charge. :)
I’ve never been a fan of the huge clunky cases. I think it takes away from what makes the iPhone appealing. Not to mention my 7 Plus is already large enough. I’ve yet to break a phone but am extremely careful. I know I’m in the minority because it seems everyone I know has broken multiple screens. You guys should check out VRS Design cases.
I went to amazon and looked up "VRS Design cases" but doesn't look like they make anything for the X yet..
Thanks. Will check it out.
Don’t trust iTunes or iCloud for backups. I did and my wife lost all of her pictures. Now I do back ups using the icloud from the iPhone. This time my wife was able to keep all of her pictures, but lost some of her contacts lol.

I backed up mine on iTunes, iCloud and on my pc. iCloud worked. The other two had missing files. I guess there isn’t a 100% safe backup for me.
Welcome to the digital age where nothing is safe or foolproof!
Or you can just back it up from phone to phone. That’s what I did with my new iPhone 8 plus. When you go under set up and you put the new and old phone next to each other it will ask you to sync and download your info!
Phone, hard drive, usb, cloud,’s all digital.
Will the sync work if I have an older iphone? I have iphone 5 and will upgrade to X.

Digital is a whole another world..
Either that or a very durable case cover! :)
I will only get a case that protects it all the way around.. :)
I might just end up buying a otter box for it and then have peace of mind.

I've tried several other cases for my iPhone 8 Plus (7 Plus cases fit the new iPhone 8 Plus FYI), and I always go back to the Otterbox. I've got Otterboxes for my iPads as well.
I have been happy with lifeproof brand as well as Otterbox.
I’m in the minority with my preference for cases. I like the minimalist cases.