Movie Roll Call: What have you seen lately?

Ray Donovan; Season 4
The Innocents (1961), one of the better horror films.
The Innocents (1961), one of the better horror films.
Funny you mentioned it. I was changing channels and it's on now on TCM. Yes a great film indeed.
Kicking back with Stranger Things Season 2
I’m looking forward to season 2. I’ve been instructed by the wife to wait for her. :nono:
I agree and that is why I loved the first series and will watch the second season. :)
Annabelle Creation was really good.
I highly recommend two movies that are on Shudder. The Corpse of Anna Fritz and Bedevilled.
How far did you get and what did you think? I’m so ready to binge watch season 2! :bigsmile:
episode 1-3 I was just trying to mentally catch up to what is going on. Episode 4 on the show just keeps building with some classic humor at the end of the last episode. Stellar season....loved it.
Watched a couple movies this week. War for the Planet of the Apes and Girls Trip. We really enjoyed Planet of the Apes and thought they did a good job of wrapping the story up. Definitely a worthy addition to the library. As for Girls Trip it was ok. IMO not on the level of say Bridesmaids but a worthy rental.
Watched a documentary on Amazon prime last night called "Battle of Chosin Reservoir" about the U.S. led UN coalition force against North Korean/Chinese forces in Korea. Very informative. Worth watching.
Dunno if I loved it, did enjoy it. Need to watch it again cause, you know, Wonder Woman.
Recently watched the Documentary "The Day I Met El Chapo"

This is the account by the Mexican Actress involved.

She also stars in the Netflix series released earlier this year called "Ingobernable" which ironically is a story based on Mexican Government corruption and cartels.

Essentially she has become a political activist calling out the Mexican Government on corruption and in some ways purporting they are no better than the cartels.

I found the Documentary and the Series Ingobernable very interesting.
Recommended watch (It is in subtitles unless you speak Spanish).
Think I'm going to catch Casablanca on TCM this afternoon.
followed by Bullitt, not a bad double feature.
Settling in tonight for Vertigo on TCM.
Dunno if I loved it, did enjoy it. Need to watch it again cause, you know, Wonder Woman.

I'm completely embarrassed: I STILL haven't seen this one yet. Sitting in my library unwatched. :-/
While not a movie. Last night I watch the final episode of AHS:Cult. It was really good this time and much better then the others except I still liked AHS:Freak Show. I wonder what they will come up with next.
You know, I tried watching AHS really, but it scared and creeped me out. I had to change the channel. lol.
You know, I tried watching AHS really, but it scared and creeped me out. I had to change the channel. lol.
It is creepy and really violent. Sometimes I question the writers sanity lol.
Glad you were able to stick it thru.. I just couldn't..