Movie Roll Call: What have you seen lately?

Wife and I saw Moonlight. Thought it was really good. I highly recommend it.
Triangle was great and had really good LFE. The story plays with your mind but makes sense in the end.
Just finished seeing "Arrival" on Amazon prime.. I don't know what to say.. Lot of time travel in this one. I am still confused..
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword.
Bit of a mix on this one, opening scene I thought, really, thats pretty lame, middle of the film was pretty good, or at least entertaining. The end... I was back to that's pretty lame. I dunno, it was... okay I guess.
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Just finished seeing "Arrival" on Amazon prime.. I don't know what to say.. Lot of time travel in this one. I am still confused..
There’s a lot to take in with Arrival and much like Interstellar you’ll probably benefit with a second viewing. Great movie!
yeah, I think so as well. First time viewing, it is all over the place.
I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s all over the place. It’s pretty clear in the direction it takes you but you have to pay close attention.
yeah, you are right.. I need to pay more attention. lol. :)
yeah, you are right.. I need to pay more attention. lol. :)
I hope you didn't take that the wrong way. I'm just saying Arrival is one of those movies that you really have to pay attention to the details. If you're the type to occasionally check your phone for social media, sports scores, texts, etc...while watching a movie this is a movie that may confuse you.
No issues. I often times miss the small stuff, which I later get when I watch it over again. :)
We watched Transformers: D.O.T.M. in 4K UHD last night and as it’s always been worthy of demo material it was taken up a notch. Tonight we watched Zero Dark Thirty also in 4K UHD and I’ve gotta say the difference was remarkable. I was very impressed in the improvement over the Blu-ray. Highly recommend both!
Fate of the Furious - Thoroughly ridiculous, even as popcorn flicks go. Of course it's not all bad, though it did take me three days and three different viewings to get though it.
Jason Statham steals the show.
Charlize Theron is awesome, incredibly cold, calculating and manipulative.
Helen Mirren, what can you say? Small part but perfectly played.
Watched The Force Awakens again to get prepped for The Last Jedi. Yes it's a remake of A New Hope, but hey, it's a fun return to the franchise, and I think they did a great job with it.
Re-watched the DVD of Interstellar. I was amazed at how the sound has really blossomed with the Airmotiv T2's and I have the old NHT Super Ones as surrounds. I never expected this budget system to sound this good as a HT setup. And the stereo....reminds me out my old 6o's and early 70's gear. For sure, I can SEE the music now. Pleased is a understatement. A lot of tweaking and speaker changing was entirely worth it. The movie was pretty good too....hahahahaha
Watched Logan Lucky tonight. Talk about a sleeper! Must watch and you can thank me later. If you’re behind put it at the top of your list.
Watched Arrival last night and had no idea what it was about before I watched. I was pleasantly surprised by it. I thought the storyline was actually fairly good. :T
Three movies in three days:
Anatomy of Jane Doe, Dunkirk, and Men In Black.

Enjoyed all three!
We watched Transformers: D.O.T.M. in 4K UHD last night and as it’s always been worthy of demo material it was taken up a notch. Tonight we watched Zero Dark Thirty also in 4K UHD and I’ve gotta say the difference was remarkable. I was very impressed in the improvement over the Blu-ray. Highly recommend both!

Zero Dark was that much better? Can you elaborate? I’m really curious on that title!
Saw "Star Wars" in the theater. It was good but not great..
Saw "Logan" on the home theater. Good movie.
A Christmas Story with the kids over the weekend.
Zero Dark was that much better? Can you elaborate? I’m really curious on that title!
I thought the implementation of HDR really made several scenes stand out. You get a good taste in the very beginning during the interrogation. The darkness of the room with bursts of sunlight coming through holes in the ceiling. The shadow detail in the darker scenes which as you know there are many. I was really impressed in the improvement on the video side.
Went and saw The Last Jedi yesterday. I thought it was ok. Didn't care too much from the similar story lines of the past or how it seemed to drag for about a half hour longer than it should have. But I need to get out to the theater about twice a year to remind myself not to go to the theater anymore. They may have changed the seats to comfortable recliners and the audio is still awesome. But the video stinks! Turning down the wall lights a little more and it would have been so much better!
Spider-man: Homecoming.
Didn't care for the whole suit/Karen/Stark/Ironman thing in place of the Spidey-Sense as far as Spider-man goes. Did think the Karen interaction was kind-of amusing even though it felt out of place. Also nice that it wasn't really another origin story. I also missed Mary Jane though I understand the whole Liz thing. Film was reasonably entertaining but kinda didn't seem like Spider-man, maybe another alternate universe Spider-man, which, IMO, is kinda goofy too.
We watched Mother tonight and well…lets just say it wasn’t my cup of tea. Just a weird and out there movie IMO. We also watched Snatched and while parts were funny it was also less than satisfying. All the while my copy of Interstellar in 4K sat unopened on the table.