Movie Roll Call: What have you seen lately?

Watched 2 movies last night.

The first was Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk. I decided that we would watch the 60fps digitally filmed 4K HDR movie as intended so 4K HDR it was. I'm not so sure I'm ready for this yet! It is pretty much what folks would call soap opera effect with all of those motion settings shut off. Years of watching movies shot on film makes the change difficult. Some of it was really good, like the fighting in Iraq scenes. Some of it was not so good. The movie itself was OK. I'd give it a 6 on a scale of 10.

The second was The Dark Tower. This one was a bit more enjoyable than the first. And it was my first movie experience with Dolby Vision. To be honest, I think I would need to see it side by side with an HDR version of the same content to see a difference. They both are such a wonderful treat to the eyes that I cannot say it was XX much better than plain jane HDR. I did notice something annoying though. There was a scene where it was Idris Elba's face in the shot and the contrast between his dark skin and the glistening of the oils on his skin seemed to appear like video noise in that part of his face.

Tonight we have Cars 3 and Transformers: The Last Knight on tap. Report tomorrow.
Never got to Cars 3 but we did watch Transformers: The Last Knight. This is the second film that I have watched in Dolby Vision. The movie itself was your typical run of the mill Transformers movie - lots of action and with some bad robot that has to be stopped. Between HDR and Dolby Vision, I'm having an extremely tough time going down to my theater to watch movies nowadays!
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Watched Arrival. This was a movie that I didn't like until the end... maybe even after the end... when I pieced together the intricate nature of the story. Not sure if I'll ever watch it again..
Oh... also saw Deepwater Horizon... :hsd:
War for the Planet of the Apes. Pretty good popcorn flick but I thought the first half was much better than the second.
I had a copy of that for quite a while, haven't seen it yet...
I think it's worth a watch, one of the better films of the re-boot. Just kinda trailed off toward the end.
Lost City of Z. Had pretty good aspirations, just didn't quite seem to get there. Still was a pretty good film, just can't quite put my finger on why it was not a very good film, but was just a hair away.
Watched: Better Watch Out... kudos to @Michael Scott, fun flick! Definitely kept us entertained!
and just to contribute. OUTSIDE of my normal review films, I went down for Van Damme double feature last night as I fight off the flu... Hard Target and Sudden Death fit the bill nicely
We watched American Made last night and really enjoyed it. Pretty good video (4K) although it seemed some scenes were a bit over saturated especially in regards to indoor lighting. I suspect this may have been by design but just an observation. The DTS:X soundtrack was a powerhouse of audio nirvana! See what I did there? :bigsmile:
glad you liked it Todd, Please tell me you heeded the warning and DIDN'T watch the trailer before watching?

Didn't watch the trailer! ;-) The flick takes a serious 180 and alters course in a good way.
We watched American Made last night and really enjoyed it. Pretty good video (4K) although it seemed some scenes were a bit over saturated especially in regards to indoor lighting. I suspect this may have been by design but just an observation. The DTS:X soundtrack was a powerhouse of audio nirvana! See what I did there? :bigsmile:

I have that on order from Amazon. Looking forward to watching it!
glad you liked it Todd, Please tell me you heeded the warning and DIDN'T watch the trailer before watching?

Alright... watched the trailer and I totally see your point. I'm glad I was blind going in!
watching Star Wars: The Last Jedi for the second time trying to ruminate over what I watched................I won't spoil it, as I'm going to leave most of them for the full Blu-ray/4K review.....but it's going to be....interesting
We watched American Made last night and really enjoyed it. Pretty good video (4K) although it seemed some scenes were a bit over saturated especially in regards to indoor lighting. I suspect this may have been by design but just an observation. The DTS:X soundtrack was a powerhouse of audio nirvana! See what I did there? :bigsmile:
Enjoyed this flick also, interesting story.
Watched the new Jumanji and Dunkirk.
Three movies in three days:
Anatomy of Jane Doe, Dunkirk, and Men In Black.

Enjoyed all three!
What did you think of Autopsy of Jane Doe? Michael Scott had reviewed it and I ended up buying it. I really enjoyed it.
Watched Mother and The Mountain Between US. I thought The Mountain Between US was good. Mother on the other hand I found to be confusing. Throughout the movie wondering what was going on.
Watched Mother and The Mountain Between US. I thought The Mountain Between US was good. Mother on the other hand I found to be confusing. Throughout the movie wondering what was going on.
Read Michael Scott's review on mother. He sheds some light on what's going on.
I thought it was a very interesting film.
I have The Mountain Between Us on my list.
Watched Mother and The Mountain Between US. I thought The Mountain Between US was good. Mother on the other hand I found to be confusing. Throughout the movie wondering what was going on.
I felt the same way about Mother. Not my cup of tea.
Yeah, Darron Aronofsky's works are not for everyone. Some people ADORE his arthouse films like Tree of Life or mother! (and I can appreciate his skill), but usually I don't ENJOY them, if you know what I mean.