Movie Roll Call: What have you seen lately?

I watched Invisible Man. It was a solid rental. Good pace film. Enjoyable. The audio was great also.

I also watched Freaks. I enjoyed it. Worth a rental.
I finished the new Space Force series on Netflix. It is quite good! I was expecting a similar goofy character played by Steve Carell from The Office but
he is much more down to earth in this one : )
Last night I watched Hunter Killer. It’s no Red October but it wasn’t a complete waste of time.
Tonight we watched Just Mercy. Aside for a few spots with really poorly written dialog, it was a good movie. Well-acted.
Just finished watching “Vivarium”. Definitely leaves you saying ...Uh Ok. It definitely has a deeper message behind it if you sit and think about it. What I got from it was we, people, are chasing something in life but really life is just that, life. Stop chasing and live. My take on it.
Top Gun 4K Atmos...What a classic! I was pumped up within 10 seconds of the intro music.
What’s your assessment on the A/V improvements?
What’s your assessment on the A/V improvements?

There was some grain to the picture which can be expected due to the the time period it was shot but overall I felt the picture quality was good. The Atmos upgrade lead to some Nice detail with the jets flying around.

Out of the three recent releases probably the best results ( the others being War of the Worlds with subdued bass effects and atmos, Days of Thunder with only 5.1 audio.)
Baby Driver - can't believe that it took this long for me to see it. Loved it.
Baby Driver - can't believe that it took this long for me to see it. Loved it.

Oh, Baby Driver is top notch. Really interesting article here about how the editor was on set assembling takes and had to sign off before they could move on to the next shot. Everything being cut to the music the way it was required precision timing, and they didn't want to have to backtrack to fix things.

'Knives Out' is streaming on Amazon Prime. That was a fun watch!
Oh, Baby Driver is top notch. Really interesting article here about how the editor was on set assembling takes and had to sign off before they could move on to the next shot. Everything being cut to the music the way it was required precision timing, and they didn't want to have to backtrack to fix things.

Great film editors never cease to amaze me. They must have nerves of steel to deal with the all the elements and keeping calm under pressure.
Great film editors never cease to amaze me. They must have nerves of steel to deal with the all the elements and keeping calm under pressure.

As an editor myself (not feature films, but lots of other things), I can say that once you're focused, it's hard to notice the things happening around you.

Also, he was not performing the final edit on set, he was simply roughing takes in on a timeline to make sure the timing would work.

But yes, a lot of talent there.
We watched Queen and Slim last night. Really good. The acting was great. Story was great. Didn't know how it would end until it ended.

The black levels were my biggest complaint. Very washed out, not a lot of contrast. I understand it was intentional, but I'm not a fan of that "look".
Watched Ip Man 2 tonight, watched the original last week.

How did I never watch these before?!? Love them both!
Watched Ip Man 2 tonight, watched the original last week.

How did I never watch these before?!? Love them both!

I agree. The Ip Man films are all pretty fun to watch. Jet Li's 'Fearless' is another great martial arts biopic.
Couple nights ago I watched Bloodshot. Entertaining popcorn flick.

Last night we watched the Invisible Man. Good movie, not that scary though, and I’m surprised it is as highly rated as it is.
Over the weekend I watched, "Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga." Great comedy fun as always with Will Ferrell : )

Watched Knight and Day on BD (enjoy that flick)... and JAWS 4K.

JAWS, considering its age, was spectacular!
We watched Artemis Fowl last night. It was enjoyable. I'd assume they're coming out with more of these.
Last night I watched "The Lighthouse." It was a very tense psycho-drama.

Not a movie but the wife and I have been binging The Leftovers on HBO. Finished season 1 and it’s very good. Highly recommended.