Movie Roll Call: What have you seen lately?

Went to see "Baby Driver" last night and absolutely loved it! So enjoyable and finely crafted.
Highly recommend this and will be picking this up on UHD day one
I've got 2 tickets Sunday night for the Dolby Prime Cinema. I've yet to read a bad review and really looking forward to it.
Just finished "collide" a action, car chase movie with a little drama in the plot. Enjoyable film, recommend. Anthony Hopkins has a role in it also.
We watched The Lego Batman Movie last night with the kids. Gotta say it was a pretty fun little flick, with some good humor and a good message.
Baby Driver was a non-stop thrill ride. Excellent movie in every regard. I'll be adding it to the collection when it's released.
Wife and I saw The Blackcoat's Daughter only to be really disappointed. Slow and the story was all over the place we thought.
The Autopsy of Jane Doe was some real creepy fun. I highly recommend it.
Dredd in 4K Atmos the other night. A great popcorn flick taken to another level of enjoyment. The use of HDR was incredible!
How'd you like the bass in that one, Jeff? Pretty awesome, eh?
Watched "The Founder" on blu-ray over the weekend. A fascinating story and Michael Keaton is excellent in it
I Spit on your Grave 2. Wow some people are just too evil.
Watched "The Zookeepers wife". Very well done film based on a true story about the saving of 300 Jews from Hitler's rath. I watched it on DVD so can't necessarily speak for blu-ray quality. Enjoyed it.
Spiderman Homecoming last Saturday night. I thought it was a bit slow for the first half to two-thirds. Picked up quite a bit at the end but I still came away feeling like it could have been about 20 minutes shorter.

Watched The Revenant on Sunday night. I thoroughly enjoyed that one as well as Lego Batman last week!
Watched "The Zookeepers wife". Very well done film based on a true story about the saving of 300 Jews from Hitler's rath. I watched it on DVD so can't necessarily speak for blu-ray quality. Enjoyed it.
It's on my list. Trailer looked interesting. I'm sure it's sad.
Watched "The Assignment" starring M. Rodriguiz and Signory Weaver. Do not recommend. Lots of talking little going on in the film. Story concept stupid in my opinion.

Watched "The Lost City of Z" Enjoyed this film about the British explorer Percy looking for the the lost city in the amazon.
It's on my list. Trailer looked interesting. I'm sure it's sad.
Its amazing how many people risked there lives to save jews from hitler. Even as many that there were that lost there lives, its amazing also how many were saved and the stories of those actions, so many that we are still unaware of.
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Saw on Netflix a movie called Here Alone. It is a movie based on post apocalyptic content about a woman trying to survive it. A little slow for my taste but not a bad film.
John Wick 2... a bit disappointing.
Watched " Power Rangers". Not my type of flick. Definitely intended for the teen crowd. Couple scenes were cute, or humorous. Particularly some of the dialogue with the droid on the ship. You for sure must have clued in at this point that Redbox is running out of material for me to watch :greengrin:.
Not as good as the first one then? I had it on my list. Should I just cross it off?
No, if you saw the first one go ahead and watch the second one too. I really enjoyed both.
Saw the series "The Crown" on Netflix. Great series so far. Good for history buffs. Highly recommended. :)