Movie Roll Call: What have you seen lately?

She was good and like you I was stumped by the casting initially. Gina Carano would have been an obvious choice or maybe even Marion Cotillard?
When it was announced that Gal Gadot was going to play Wonder Woman I though it was a bad call. I was thinking Gina Carano or Morena Bacarrin or someone who isn't so thin. I was wrong, she was a scene stealer in Batman vs. Superman and I'm really looking forward to Wonder Woman.

She absolutely was a scene-stealer in BvS. She was one of the best parts of the movie!
Just saw Serena on Netflix with Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence. I thought it was going to be bad but I actually liked it. Had some good suspenseful moments.
Saw Wonder Woman and thought it was epic. Gal is a great actress and does fit the role well. I loved the first scene when she goes into the battlefield. It sent goosebumps. Great from beginning to end.
Oh and no need to wait till the middle or end of credits as there is nothing to see fyi.
Saw Wonder Woman and thought it was epic. Gal is a great actress and does fit the role well. I loved the first scene when she goes into the battlefield. It sent goosebumps. Great from beginning to end.
Oh and no need to wait till the middle or end of credits as there is nothing to see fyi.
Was hoping to see WW tonight but the wife had to go to work. Pretty bummed but that's how it goes sometimes. Home alone so I watched Sully in 4K UHD and great yet again. Watching one of my favorites now The Art of Flight. Still demo worthy…
A couple of screenshots. Pure eye candy.
Was hoping to see WW tonight but the wife had to go to work. Pretty bummed but that's how it goes sometimes. Home alone so I watched Sully in 4K UHD and great yet again. Watching one of my favorites now The Art of Flight. Still demo worthy…
Where did you get a copy of The Art of Flight? Was it import and playable with players in the US?
Where did you get a copy of The Art of Flight? Was it import and playable with players in the US?
I believe I got it from Amazon and it plays just fine.
Art of Flight's open scenes are some of the best demo material for Rec709 ever. Simply gorgeous!! And the audio is killer!

Didn't they release a new one... Part 2... in 4K?
Saw Wonder Woman and thought it was epic. Gal is a great actress and does fit the role well. I loved the first scene when she goes into the battlefield. It sent goosebumps. Great from beginning to end.
Oh and no need to wait till the middle or end of credits as there is nothing to see fyi.

This has my curiosity... I'm very ho-hum on superhero flicks. But, I enjoyed Logan and the Guardian of the Galaxy movies. This might be one I have to check out in the theaters.
The Shack: Found it to be a well written script on a complex topic (religion) which was conveyed very nicely. Typically not my type of movie.
Sleepless: Action, Drama with a solid ending. The plot was written well enough that you get caught up in the action and don't necessarily see the ending as it ends up being.
Why Him? Really wanted to like this one, previews made it look like it would be pretty funny but another meh for me.
Interstellar Blu-Ray I liked it except for some audio level screwups. Found it in the Wally World bargain bin.
John Wick 2: Honestly is there any movie with more action packed into a feature film. It was non-stop right until the end. Enjoyable, but unrealistic that any one man is that good....BoogieMan!
Was not much of interest at the redbox last night so i picked up the following:
The Wall: Interesting battle weapons and technique. Lack luster cast. Overall a nice weekend flick on the couch. Great picture, fun film.
Finally saw John Wick 2.

Amos track = KILLER
Movie = KILLER

loved it!
I know a bunch of folks said they fell asleep during the movie it was soooo boring. :sarcastic:
Right now I'm binging through the Peter Sellers "Pink Panther" movies... review will be up shortly, but to put it mildly, the Shout factory 6 movie collection is a VERY nice upgrade over the MGM dvds
Saw Hacksaw Ridge again. It's the kind of movie that you don't mind seeing over and over.
Went to see "Baby Driver" last night and absolutely loved it! So enjoyable and finely crafted.
Highly recommend this and will be picking this up on UHD day one
Life was really good I thought and the ending shocked my wife and I. The LFE was awesome.