Whiskey Lovers

Tonight I'm having a glass of Henry McKenna 10 year. Stuff is silken

And solid choice on the bulleit lcallo. I like their rye
Three fingers of Glen Livet for me!
Just the simple old 12. I had a 15 for awhile but I finished it up last week. I really want to get another bottle of that Nikka Pure Malt. That was some good stuff!
yeah, the Nikka 15 year is pretty whicked.
my bad, for some reason my brain thought you were still on the Glen livit 15... sheesh, I need coffee. The Nikka pure is a 10 year old blend (with some of the blend being as high as 12 year)
Too much whiskey!
I liked the Four Roses, but it had a bit of burn to it. Gonna give this old stalwart a try. Yeah, I am a newbie.

which 4 roses was it? Single Barrel or Small Batch? the Knob Creek is pretty good too. A bit harsher than I like, but still tasty
which 4 roses was it? Single Barrel or Small Batch? the Knob Creek is pretty good too. A bit harsher than I like, but still tasty

The small batch in Post #44.

Just took a sip of the Knob Creek (I like to let the drink sit a bit before I hit it), and I do like the Four Roses better.
gotcha. The Single Barrel has more of a pepper and rye tingle on the tongue, but is slightly smoother IMO. Knob Creek is sadly one of those that is GOOOOD, but over rated IMO (kind of like Woodford Reserve). If you like a slightly softer mouthful, try Henry McKenna 10 year bottled in bond.
Soooo... I drove allllll the way to Lexington, KY on Monday. Right into the belly of the bourbon beast, so to speak. And I went to several different locations in search of cheap Blantons (which is made in Lex). Couldn't find it. Everyone was out. I was told the same thing my local DC area shops have told me: Blantons is now restricting distribution to create demand... the Lexington shops said they'll get a few shipments every 3 months or so.

The kicker: they sell it for $50 there... I pay $75-85 here. :olddude:

I did take advantage, though... and I picked up some Willett (in that awesome looking Genie-like bottle)... some Trail's End... and some Larceny. All waaaaaaaay less expensive than what I can fetch locally.

By the way... check out my new rocks glasses...


That bad boy weighs a little more than 1.5 lbs! Love it... just feels right in the hand!
The small batch in Post #44.

Just took a sip of the Knob Creek (I like to let the drink sit a bit before I hit it), and I do like the Four Roses better.

Dennis: give Basil Haydens a try.
Willits is one of my favorites. That little "genie" bottle will vanish like lightning
I like the new glass!
my birthday was last week so the wife picked me up a whiskey sipping glass as well

Is that a bullet in the side of glass?
yup, a .308 bullet to be precise. Hand blown and molded around the bullet
Maybe she's trying to tell you something?!?! :dontknow:

First off, Happy Birthday sir!!!

Second: I think Steve might be onto something! ;-)

That’s one cool looking glass
haha, my wife and I are avid competition shooters so anything we get something for the other there's SOMETHING firearms related in there :D....either that or you man not ever hear from me again :D
Dennis: give Basil Haydens a try.

Will do. Every time I go shopping, I check this thread first. Batter up, Henry McKenna 10 year bottled in bond. On deck, Basil Haydens!
my birthday was last week so the wife picked me up a whiskey sipping glass as well

Ha, that glass reminds me of a prop you’d see on the set of John Wick.