Movie Roll Call: What have you seen lately?

Nah I wouldn’t call it a kids movie. I’d guess it’s PG-13.
Weird. Just the name, alone, seems like a beacon for kids!
I watched The Wave and Free Guy… The Wave is a Norwegian film. Predictable but entertaining with some good special FX. Free Guy was very entertaining - Dolby Atmos track is quite good! It’s going to be a very popular demo flick!
We watched News of the World, which we enjoyed - 6.5/10.

Also rewatched the Fantastic Beasts duo - still love these.
Caught Mortal Kombat the other night and enjoyed it fairly well. I don't do games, so have no idea how it might compare.

Also watched Tenet for the second time and it made a lot more sense the second time around. I said I wasn't going to waste my time with it, but figured why not give it one more go.
Didn't you have to watch Toy Story twice too Sonnie?? :rofl:
We watched Dune last night and found it very enjoyable. Lots of LFE in this one! 8/10
We watched Dune last night and found it very enjoyable. Lots of LFE in this one! 8/10
Really excited for this one, but my theater is still in a POD for the next week and a half, and won't be set up for some time after that. Debating watching on the 65" panel and revisiting on UHD disc in the theater later...But I've also heard that the HBOMax presentation is top notch for streaming.
Really excited for this one, but my theater is still in a POD for the next week and a half, and won't be set up for some time after that. Debating watching on the 65" panel and revisiting on UHD disc in the theater later...But I've also heard that the HBOMax presentation is top notch for streaming.
Can confirm that HBOMaxx is top notch and I’d wait for the big screen!

BTW, did you ever go to the West St Deli in Ames while you were there? I ate there during that last trip down there and loved the sandwich!
Can confirm that HBOMaxx is top notch and I’d wait for the big screen!

BTW, did you ever go to the West St Deli in Ames while you were there? I ate there during that last trip down there and loved the sandwich!

West St Deli is amazing. My office was on that corner of campus, so we frequently walked over there for lunch. Loved it.
Ageed. Only wish it didn’t stop in the middle of the story. Probably be a long wait for the rest.
It will be a long wait as they’re not even working on it yet and there’s still the theater/HBOMaxx issue that the industry is grappling with.

I, for one, love the same day release on HBOMaxx. Every commercial theater near me is an over priced garbage factory. Either the sound is off, the video is off, the place is filthy or some other issue keeps it from being an enjoyable experience. Not too mention the cost! I agree with Joel Silver when he states that home theaters have surpassed commercial theaters.
Just watched "The Harder they fall" on Netfiix. It is a western. I listened to it with my Yamaha set for surround even though I am using only my front 3 channels hooked. I do this to use the center chnnel, and the audio was great (I do not know how much of what I was hearing might be due to the increased bottom end I have since I rewired my speakers for 1 amp per driver though.). I actually heard bullets coming from behind me. The gunshots in front wdre very dynamic and had a lowtone to them like they were a big calibre. The strezmed 1080p picture on my 4k tv looked great too...especially,ly the night scenes in the western town.
We watched Dune on HBO Max last night and it did not disappoint. It was the best new release I’ve seen in a long time. Highly recommend!
We watched Black Widow. The critics have been harsh on this one and while there are some definite soft spots in the movie, it’s worth a watch. They probably could have left about 10-15 more minutes of it on the cutting room floor. 6.5/10
I watched Dune and was underwhelmed... was expecting more based on previews, but it just didn't do anything for me. Perhaps it was the incompleteness of it mentioned that left me wanting something more.

Didn't you have to watch Toy Story twice too Sonnie?? :rofl:
Nope... watched that one 3 times... it was Jungle Book I had to watch twice. Get your story straight buddy.

I agree with Joel Silver when he states that home theaters have surpassed commercial theaters.
That happened quite a few years ago as far as I'm concerned.
Watched Finch last night. To be honest it was not what I was expecting. I was expecting a bit more. 5/10
Psycho in 4K.

Awesome treatment to a classic film.
Red Notice on Netflix - enjoyed this one. 7/10

Shang-Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings - enjoyed this one a bit more than the above. 8/10
The Rock… again. Loved it… again. Not an exaggeration to say I’ve seen it 50 times. Great on so many levels
Michael Bay, Nicholas Cage going crazy, and Sean Connery talking about prom queens. What's not to like?
We watched Stillwater the other night. Pretty meh.

I picked up the UHD of Free Guy the other day. Excited to give that one a few more views, as we loved it in the theater.
We should probably have a thread on "TV Series: What are you watching?" We do know these aren't movies, right?