Movie Roll Call: What have you seen lately?

Top Gun Maverick - while I loved the audio and the air scenes, this movie really stunk. The storyline was downright hokey - ejecting out of an aircraft going mach 10 and surviving? And that was just the start of it. I'm embarrassed that I bought a hard copy of this movie. I'd give it a 2.5 out of 5 stars. Rent it, don't buy it!
Top Gun Maverick - while I loved the audio and the air scenes, this movie really stunk. The storyline was downright hokey - ejecting out of an aircraft going mach 10 and surviving? And that was just the start of it. I'm embarrassed that I bought a hard copy of this movie. I'd give it a 2.5 out of 5 stars. Rent it, don't buy it!

Top Gun Maverick - while I loved the audio and the air scenes, this movie really stunk. The storyline was downright hokey - ejecting out of an aircraft going mach 10 and surviving? And that was just the start of it. I'm embarrassed that I bought a hard copy of this movie. I'd give it a 2.5 out of 5 stars. Rent it, don't buy it!
I agree with you...I was shocked when I saw a reviewer rate it 100% across the board. I was not shocked when subscribers started to complain about his review as......
I agree with you...I was shocked when I saw a reviewer rate it 100% across the board. I was not shocked when subscribers started to complain about his review as......
It was definitely a head scratcher that’s for sure. I was actually excited about watching it after seeing how it’s been rated. My wife, who generally is more acceptable of movies than myself, even didn’t care for it. There’s just too many things that are completely ridiculous. I don’t know, maybe it’s my background in aviation. :justdontknow:The original was awesome, this one was lame.
Top Gun Maverick - while I loved the audio and the air scenes, this movie really stunk. The storyline was downright hokey - ejecting out of an aircraft going mach 10 and surviving? And that was just the start of it. I'm embarrassed that I bought a hard copy of this movie. I'd give it a 2.5 out of 5 stars. Rent it, don't buy it!
Huh? :oops:
Watched Pearl and Everything Everywhere all at Once. Both unique in their own regard. Pearl is a horror flick set on a farm in 1918. EEAAO is is a complex hodgepodge of Im not even sure what! But it was a great watch
I finally got around to Top Gun: Maverick! I thought it was an exciting fun film...I know squat about aviation so I took everything for granted :justdontknow:
I finally got around to Top Gun: Maverick! I thought it was an exciting fun film...I know squat about aviation so I took everything for granted :justdontknow:

Give this Podcast a listen… it’s former Navy Seal Cmdr Jocko Willink interviewing Dave Berk, a decorated Top Gun pilot that served as an advisor for the film. Super interesting if you want a professional’s take:

Boy I could go on and on about what’s wrong with that movie but I won’t. After some reflection though I’d probably change the 2.5 to maybe a 3 or 3.5. The aerial scenes were awesome as was tying in Goose’s kid. The problem was how they got there.

The original Top Gun was completely realistic - could’ve easily happened. This script was a dumpster fire from the start. Lost me ejecting at Mach 10. :rolleyesno:
Wow! First Debbie Downer on TGM that I’ve encountered!
Wow! First Debbie Downer on TGM that I’ve encountered!
I think you live a very sheltered life amongst the elite home theater Illuminati Todd! :neener:

Took me about 5 seconds to find this via the google machine:

Though you may hear otherwise, “Top Gun: Maverick” is not a great movie. It is a thin, over-strenuous and sometimes very enjoyable movie. But it is also, and perhaps more significantly, an earnest statement of the thesis that movies can and should be great. I’m old enough to remember when that went without saying. For Pete’s sake, I’m almost as old as Maverick.
Ok. There's two of you...:paddle:
This script was a dumpster fire from the start. Lost me ejecting at Mach 10. :rolleyesno:

Of course, the movie isn't meant to be exactly realistic... it's a movie, after all. But, supersonic ejections have been executed at extremely high altitudes. It's a lot different than low altitude because of differences in air pressure. If you use your... uh-um... "Google Machine," you can read about an SR-71 pilot that survived being extracted from his jet at mach 3!
I'm back and forth on it. I thought the storyline was predictable and they tried to 'recreate' scenes and shots from the original too frequently. It felt to me like it was a setup to franchise the new class of characters for future films.

That said, I've watched it 5 or 6 times, and it's a thoroughly enjoyable popcorn flick. The soundtrack kicks butt, the visuals are great - at least those within the 2.4:1 scope aspect ratio - and I do like a lot of things about it.

I'm curious how I'll feel about it looking back 5 years from now. Probably a lot like the original. It's always been a movie that I remember enjoying, but very infrequently went back and watched again. I think the first time I rewatched it after the VHS days was when the 4K disc came out, and then again the night before we finally watched Maverick.
I have yet to meet anyone who didn’t thoroughly enjoy it. I suppose if you dissect any movie close enough you can find flaws. Different strokes…
Watched Prey last night on Hulu. Even though it was a simple plot the movie was much better than I was expecting from another Predator film. Recommended!

While on the plane for thanksgiving trip, saw "Bullet Train". Greatly enjoyed it. Highly recommended.
While on the plane for thanksgiving trip, saw "Bullet Train". Greatly enjoyed it. Highly recommended.
I've seen that one a bunch! Watched it on Kaleidescape right when it came out. Then convinced the SO to watch with me about a week later. Then I swapped in the new speakers the next day and I watched it again that afternoon while the previous sound profile was fresh in my mind. Really fun movie - thoroughly enjoyed it. Looks and sounds great, loved the cast, and the story was great.