Movie Roll Call: What have you seen lately?

Glad you liked it. I am still on the fence on that movie. lol.
Brandon’s dad David Cronenberg is fixated on the disintegration of our bodies, Brandon is more concerned with the destruction of our souls…I’m hoping Criterion adds Brandon’s films to their collection.
I watched Source Code last night,

In the last two days I re-watched Sunshine and The Event Horizon.

I saw Event Horizon in theaters back in the 90s, haven’t watched it since. Upon a re-watch, my memory has been confirmed: cheesy with a lackluster 3rd act. Sound track on the 4K release is solid, tho. Nice low end!

Sunshine is, IMO, a strong film until the last 15 min. I’m willing to overlook its bizarre ending. 3.5/5 stars
Watched “The Menu” last night. It was definitely different but enjoyable. Gorgeous picture!
This is on my watch list!
Over the past couple of weeks, we enjoyed Knock at the Cabin and Magic Mike's Last Dance. Both via the Dolby Cinema, and both where the director is the actual star. If anything, a new M Night Shyamalan film always brings many conversations after viewing. Soderbergh has always been a must-see staple for us from the very beginning. Also No Bears and Turn Every Page – The Adventures of Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb were excellent.
Watched PLANE in 4K on Kscape

Decent flick, nothing earth shattering
A classic. I was an Austin Film Society volunteer for the premiere of that film here in Austin. Linklater (the AFS founder) was actually one of my bosses at the time and it was a crazy amount of work as it was his first big studio film. It was the largest get-together we had organized at the time. We had a good number of big donors for tix, but at the end of the day, none of us really knew what we were doing at the time. :laugh: Done volunteering for them but I'm still a member. :):popcorn:
Watching Dazed and confused... quite a few people that made it big are in the movie. Loved listening to all the songs from when I was a senior too.
I watched The Menu on HBO Max. Without giving too much away this film is not just for foodies, but also those that enjoy a good suspense thriller.

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A classic. I was an Austin Film Society volunteer for the premiere of that film here in Austin. Linklater (the AFS founder) was actually one of my bosses at the time and it was a crazy amount of work as it was his first big studio film. It was the largest get-together we had organized at the time. We had a good number of big donors for tix, but at the end of the day, none of us really knew what we were doing at the time. :laugh: Done volunteering for them but I'm still a member. :):popcorn:
One thing that surprised me was the stunt coordinator was listed in the credits as Stunt Coordinator and was also listed as part of the cast.
One thing that surprised me was the stunt coordinator was listed in the credits as Stunt Coordinator and was also listed as part of the cast.
yes, there was a lot of that back in the day. :laugh: I was an AFS IT support/installer/buyer, pick up this director or actor at the airport, find a 35m print of this or a theater for that, we need this food for this and that.. endless. The early 1990s...
All That Breathes

Interesting documentary on the saviors of Black Kites in India.
I finally got around to watching my UHD copy of Reservoir Dogs. The movie is still awesome, and the transfer is top notch. All per Mr. White.
Last night I checked out Babylon. It's a long movie, but it kept my attention going the whole time as the story was really interesting and it had a great cast of characters. Fun times!

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All Quiet on The Western Front - I enjoyed this one very much. Excellent video and sound!

Hard to believe that the actor playing the main character has never done anything before this movie.
I was in the mood for fast cars, hot babes, and cheesey lines. What better franchise to pick from then
